Training as a Slime(77)

"Where did you get your backpack? It seems sturdy," Mavia marvelled noticing that the bag was in perfect condition. Cori hesitated to answer, his mind a blank. Noting Cori's expression, she decided to not probe further, "Not to worry, I was merely curious. Shouldn't you deactivate your skill lest it causes you more trouble?"

"Deactivate? How?" Cori asked.

System: "Which skill do you wish to deactivate?"

"Swift steps," Cori answered the system.

"There you go, you did it. Easy peasy," the duchess said picking herself and Cori up. "I didn't expect you to complete the training in an evening. Truly remarkable," the snow maiden smiled and tossed a coin to him. "There, that's the coin of 777. Congratulations, you have completed my training," Mavia commented with pride.

"Thank you, that's because I had a good Master," he replied and continued, "But what is this coin for?" 

Mavia: "It's proof of graduation from a Master. After you collect all of them, you can officially graduate from Hall 777. Consider it a badge of honour."

"I see...," Cori answered and stored it in his inventory.

The snow duchess smiled and planted a kiss on Cori's forehead. "For good luck," she said with a sweet dimpled smile, summoning a portal to send Cori back to his dormitory.

System: "Frost resist added to the skill tree. Agility increased by 20, Defence increased by 10, and Luck increased by 10. You have levelled up! Your level has increased to Level 2. Completed - Master Training 1/X"

" 'X?' What number is X?" Cori wondered aloud. The snow maiden gently placed him back on the ground and opened a portal for him to return to his dormitory. "Thank you, Duchess," Cori expressed his gratitude and bounced through the portal as the Duchess bade him farewell.

During the time Cori was in training, the headmaster snuck out of Eo in his chariot to a satellite orbiting the planet. "Ho Ho Ho! It's been a while! Good to see you all again!" the Santa cheered while tummy bumping each other good-naturedly. "Have your children gotten naughty or nice this year? Do you need to prepare more coals for them? Ho Ho Ho!" another Santa asked cheerfully. "I don't know about you, but mine have been pretty naughty," said a Santa with horns sipping his sweet meade. 

A Santa with stern-looking glasses entered the podium, tapping the mic. A screech rang through the docking station full of reindeer. "Er hem," said the Santa with the glasses as the sea of Santas stood silently in anticipation of his speech. "Why are you all so serious, our wives are not here! So drink! Party all we want! Give me some noise!" roared the Santa on the stage breaking his character into a jovial one. The crowds cheered and went wild with beautiful elves serving them beer and delicious festival spread. 

A disco ball descended the moment the Santas lined up in synchronous dance movements, with the deers tapping their hooves.

At the peak of the party, the DJ Santa cut the music and turned on the lights. The crowds immediately jeered until a Santa in a business suit with several secretarial elves appeared on the stage.

"Now that you all had your fill of fun, it's about time to sober the lot of you up with the financial reports I received!" The Business Santa huffed, slamming his fist on the desk. With a snap of his fingers, his row of attendants dished out the reports to all the Santas. "Santa of Nibiru, why is your report empty? Did the blackhole swallow your work into oblivion?" the Business Santa shouted. "And you! What happened to Earth? Why are all the presents declining every year? Did you run out of chimneys? Your expenditure does not make sense either. No coals were given and parents took over the role of Santa, what is this? Do you think that is acceptable? Furthermore, the other planet you manage had zero presents delivered. You better show me the wishlist later!"

After what felt like an eternity, the Business Santa finally dismissed everyone to return to work and left with his entourage.

"Hohoho! Santa (Earth and Eo), let's grab some food at Nushi," mentioned Santa from Planet Ante, casually placing his arm on the shoulder of the disappointed Santa.

"From Santa to Santa, that Claus was just being anal eh. We all know how well you did your work," said another jolly old but muscular Santa jabbing the disappointed Santa's belly with his elbow. "I guess some cake wouldn't hurt," replied Santa who managed both Earth and Eo, rubbing his empty tummy.

"Eh!" the other 2 Santas cheered picking up their pace to Nushi.

At Nushi's.

"Three Flaming North Pole Root Beer Float!" ordered Planet Ante's Santa. "Ho Ho! A Missus Claus Hearty Breakfast for me!" said the Santa flexing his biceps to the elvish waitress with beautiful long fair legs, "and 2 Happy Ho Special for the 2 of them."

Old muscular Santa: "Now we're here you can cheer up a bit, at least you're not like Nibiru's Santa. I heard he will be homeless soon."

Earth & Eo's Santa: "Homeless? Why?"

Old muscular Santa: "Eh, you know one of those gods that virtually destroy everything in their path?"

Planet Ante's Santa: "Like a planet eater? No, he got one of those?"

Old muscular Santa: "Exactly! The planet's resources are getting depleted."

Earth & Eo's Santa: "He didn't engage the hero summoning service?"

Old muscular Santa: "You know it's forbidden for us Santas to use that service. Only VVVIP clients with deep pockets can use them. Forget about engaging their service if you're a minor god."

Earth & Eo's Santa: "So what is his strategy now?"

Planet Ante's Santa: "With any luck, I reckon he would take over those with 2 planets. Just like yours, Santa."

Waitress: "3 Flaming North Pole Root Beer Float!"

The trio paused their conversation and watched their float lit up in flames like 3 excited toddlers. 

"And a Missus Claus Hearty Breakfast and 2 Happy Ho Special," said the waitress carefully placing the food in front of them. "Jingle Bell Rocks" started playing in the background and the elf started dancing seductively and ending the dance with a bow.

Planet Ante's Santa: "That's the new Happy Ho Special. Haha. Just don't tell your missus, lest you get into trouble Ho Ho Ho."