Training as a Slime (102)

Navigating the map, Cori found himself climbing through the woodlands. It was obvious to him that anyone would have gotten lost amongst the giant trees since every turn looked identical to the previous. Faithfully following the arrow on the map, Cori finally found some semblance of civilisation. The trees gave way to the light, revealing a path to the temple's side entrance. A monk could be heard chanting a building away, knocking on the wooden fish to maintain the rhythmic ceremony.

He entered the temple ground and found himself looking at an amethyst cave on his left; it was as if a mountain was cleaved in half. In the cave, was a giant censer and a table lying neatly behind it. He noticed a staircase tucked between the rocks behind the alter that seemed to lead to the summit. 

Knowing the guest had arrived, the wise man excused himself from the meditation room and strolled to find the slime moving down the fork in the road. He stood from afar and observed in silence as Cori unwittingly gravitated toward the graveyard.

Cori curiously scanned the flat landscape, discovering a skull here and a skeleton there lying on the ground casually.

"Those are just for display," the voice resonated through Cori's gelatinous body.

"Wise man?" Cori thought, hoping he was right this time. The previous ordeal was disturbing, to say the least. 

"This… is the real deal," the wise man said when a rotting hand dug through the soil to reach for Cori. But this was not as scary as the training at the museum. Moreover, his holy shield naturally repelled all spells related to the undead.

"You should leave and let the dead rest in peace," the voice echoed. Cori, aware he had trampled on their resting place, apologised under his breath and left the grave using swift steps. The wise man waved to Cori, his youthful face cunningly hid his age. Cori teleported to him upon deduction that the person waving at him must have some connection to the wise man.

"Cori, I see my sister left a gift on you," the wise man said as he patted Cori's back as he landed on the ground. A fume of black smoke hissed its last breath.

"What was that?" Cori asked his face contorted with horror.

"It's a simple mark to track you. Something like a spy. It seemed she had taken a fancy toward you," the wispy white-haired man said, his face barely 20 years of age.

"How old are you?" Cori asked, his observation skill failing him.

"Much much older than all the people here, definitely much older than the elders," he replied.

"How do you look so young?" Cori questioned innocently.

The wise man laughed heartily, "Age is not a major factor in this world. Such prejudice simply do not exist. What matter are the skill, level, and evolution tree."

"Evolution tree?"

"Yes Cori," the wise man said.

"You have a skill to see people's information?" Cori asked.

"Did no one tell you my name is Wyman, and not wise man? I supposed I do have a knack for guessing names and reading minds," he winked.

"Okay...," Cori stumped, trying to hide his thoughts but an unexpected cold sent shivers down his body.

A sudden wrathful scream howled through the air, sending chills throughout the village.

"Don't worry about that. That's how she is after losing a prey," Wyman said cheekily, his nonchalant demeanour worried Cori.

"P…Prey?" Cori stuttered.

"She hunts as a sport. Made her less senile she claimed. There was once she ate her mentee by accident. But all turned out well in the end."

"Ate? Is the trainee alright?" Cori asked.

"Well, she could not revive the trainee, so she had to compensate his family," Wyman shrugged, "She said she felt rejuvenated and younger after eating him, but we all could see that her screw had become a bit loose after."

Cori's jaw dropped, "Don't you guys jail her or something like that?"

"So, are you here to learn, or are you here to preach?" Wyman snapped. It was his sister after all, and he had a hard time during the period because of her. He had put in a lot of resources to ensure she stayed out of jail. 

"Learn..." Cori answered, realising he had hit Wyman's sore spot.

"Yes, you will learn..." Amber strobing lights flashed out of Wyman's eyes, "...yes, I see. Your god had spoken. You're here to fight against the growing evil. The title 'hero' was granted to you. It will grant you and your companions the power to resist the sinister, conniving influence that will seep into this world."

"Evil? What is that?" Cori asked.

The unearthly voice continued, "The tongues that lie to innocents and enslave them for wicked deeds. The disregard for the sanctity of life, which sought to corrupt the righteous, the fair, and the faithful. The evil that desired to sow wickedness in every soul and create a living hell. Blood shall flood the world as it bleeds, seeping the power of gods and sealing them eternally."

"Like Aliens?" Cori asked.

"No..." Wyman answered and abruptly went into an epileptic shock, the lights no longer present in his eyes.

Cori watched in horror, unsure what he could do.

A few seconds later, Wyman picked himself up and patted down his clothes, "Don't worry about me, it happens all the time when gods and goddesses want to use me as a mouthpiece. Seems like your sponsor has left his voice here to help you on the journey. I'm glad I'm not you, your journey sounds troublesome."

Cori sighed and his teary puppy dog eyes looked at Wyman.

Wyman sighed and comforted him, "Don't worry, I will impart those which might be useful for you. Now, let us have a look at your evolution tree." Wyman tapped the air a couple of times. 

System, "Evolution to next stage - Corgi Beastkin. Further options available after evolution."

"Wow, a named Beastkin! You're like ultra rare!" Wyman said in surprise, "I shall reveal the future roles you can take."