Chapter 13: Mastering

"Well, it looks like you've been able to use blade magic now, master," Lumina explained. Akira was taking breaths every few seconds due to his exhaustion of using so much energy.

"How many types of magic spells are there?!" Akira asked.

"Well, there's about five, at least to my knowledge. We have Arcane magic, which is what everyone uses. Augmentation magic is magic that can increase your strength using, well, magic! Then we have Sword magic, which is using magic in your sword and unleashing it while you swing your weapon violently. But the other two, I can't tell you since I don't know about them. That about sums it up," Lumina explained.

"I see, so I can use sword magic now?" Akira said.

"Well, you unleashed a sword skill, technically, not an actual magic skill," Lumina nervously laughed while scratching the back of her head.

"S-seriously?! A sword skill!?" Akira shouted.

"There's a lot in this world you don't know about, huh, not even sword skills?" Lumina asked.

"Hey, I wasn't born magical or smart, you know!" Akira said.

"Well, in truth, when I told you to infuse mana into your rapier, I made you think you infused mana into your rapier. I actually made you infuse your very own energy into it, which is why you're so tired because you used energy instead of actual mana," Lumina laughed.

"You little…." But Akira didn't finish the last line.

"I think we've done enough for a bit. Let's sleep for a bit," Lumina said as she went into spirit form and entered Akira's body.

"That's so weird how she can do that," Akira said in his mind. But all of a sudden, Lumina spoke.

"I am not weird! It's just how Seraphics like to be safe, by staying inside their masters," Lumina explained.

"You're such a baby, I swear," Akira jokingly said.

"Hmph, just go to sleep already," Lumina said as she stopped responding immediately, and she went to sleep.

Meanwhile, back at the surface…

There was panic all around the school. The students from Professor Hakuno's class had returned and reported the situation to the principal and other professors.

"Please, you have to save Akira!" Risa cried to Principal Yuri.

"I know how dire the situation is, and we are having our S-rank mages enter the F-rank dungeon to find him, but it's possible that he's already dead if what the class said was true. He was surrounded by hundreds of goblins, and no mere human could survive that," Principal Yuri explained.

"Also, I hate to say this, but I never knew Professor Hakuno was even a fake S-rank mage. I'm sorry that you had to go through almost a near-death experience," Principal Yuri said.

"Sorry don't cut it! Two students are dead because of you! You should be ashamed of yourself!" Risa yelled.

"YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT!" Professor Hakuno shouted at Risa with all his anger.

Principal Yuri slammed his left fist on his desk. "Leave now. I need some time alone, Risa," Professor Yuri said as he turned around, looking at his whiteboard.

Risa took her leave, opened the door, and closed it gently. She was a bit fearful from his outburst.

"Please be safe, Akira... somehow, we'll find you!" Risa thought in her head as she clenched her hands together and prayed.

Back down 1000 FT in the cave.

Akira woke up and looked around for Lumina.

"You awake, Lumina?" Akira asked as he stood up and put his rapier back on the left side of his waist.

"Mm, just a little bit more," Lumina said as she went back to sleep.

Akira sighed and let her be for a bit more.

"Alright, but don't blame me if you feel an injury," Akira said as he started to depart from the spot they rested at.

"W-where are you going to, master?" Lumina said, still tired inside his body.

"I'm going to try and practice more sword magic casting, but this time on enemies," Akira explained, continuing to walk down the path.

"You haven't been able to use magic casting yet! Also, you've been using energy, then mana! If you mess up, then you'll get hurt pretty bad!" Lumina explained.

"You know, instead of staying inside of me, you could just come out and help too," Akira said.

Lumina popped out and went to her physical form. "Fine, only because I can't have you dying since I'll die too," Lumina said as she crossed her arms, not wanting to help out a bit.

"Jeez, you were so cooperative last time, now you just wanna not help me?" Akira said.

"No, it's only because you disturbed my sleep," Lumina explained, walking beside Akira.

"Ahh, so you just hate me. That's fair," Akira said, chuckling a bit.

"I already hate you but in the nicest way possible, master," Lumina said.

"I'll accept it wholeheartedly then," Akira said with a bright smile.

"Anyway, aren't you cold in that plain white dress, Lumina? I expected a Seraphic to wear something more... fashionable than that," Akira asked.

"It's your job to be taking care of me. I have to eat, sleep, and be near you at all times. Seraphics cannot be separated from their masters for a long distance," Lumina explained.

"Oh jeez, it feels like I basically just got a pet but more violent than anything," Akira jokingly said.

"H-hey! I may not look like it, but I am a very nice person, thank you very much!" she pouted.

"Let's just get going, alright," Akira said as they both walked off further into the cave.

To Be Continued.