Chapter 26: Fitting In

After three class periods had passed, lunch began, and Akira and Risa found themselves dining together, joined by none other than Lumina and Kiyoshi.

"This food is great!" Lumina exclaimed, munching on her meal.

"Try to eat without your mouth full, Lumina," Akira advised.

"L-listen, I'm trying my best to fit in as a human, okay..." Lumina said, a hint of sadness in her voice.

Risa glanced over her shoulder and noticed Kiyoshi sitting alone at a table behind her.

"Aren't you hungry, Kiyoshi?" Risa asked, a bit concerned.

"No, and I have no interest in eating beside humans and that Seraphic," Kiyoshi insulted.

"Hey! We're both Seraphics. I don't understand why you're so rude sometimes. I was hoping we could be friends," Lumina said, sipping on her drink.

Risa frowned at Kiyoshi's response, feeling a bit uneasy about the tension in the group. Lumina, despite her attempts to fit in, seemed to face some resistance from Kiyoshi.

"Come on, Kiyoshi. Lumina's trying her best, just like the rest of us," Akira said, attempting to diffuse the situation.

Kiyoshi glanced at Akira but remained silent. Lumina, determined not to let the mood sour, smiled and turned her attention back to her food.

After a moment of awkward silence, Akira tried to change the topic. "So, any plans for after school?"

Risa perked up, "Actually, I heard there's going to be a club fair. Maybe we can check it out together?"

Lumina's eyes sparkled with interest, "Oh, that sounds fun! What kind of clubs do they have?"

Risa explained, "Well, there's a variety—sports clubs, arts and crafts, science, and even a paranormal investigation club."

"A paranormal investigation club? That sounds intriguing," Akira remarked.

Kiyoshi, who had been relatively quiet, finally spoke up, "I have no interest in such trivial matters. Clubs are for those who have too much free time."

Lumina sighed, "Kiyoshi, you really need to lighten up. Exploring new things could be exciting!"

As lunch continued, the group chatted about their interests, trying to bridge the gap between Lumina and Kiyoshi. After finishing their meals, they decided to head to the club fair together.

The school courtyard buzzed with activity as various clubs set up their booths. Akira, Risa, Lumina, and Kiyoshi strolled through the displays, discussing which clubs caught their attention.

Lumina's eyes widened when she saw a sign for the paranormal investigation club. "Oh, can we check this one out?"

Risa chuckled, "Sure, why not? It might be entertaining."

As they approached the booth, a charismatic student greeted them. "Hey there! Interested in the mysteries of the unknown?"

Lumina nodded eagerly, "Absolutely! What do you guys do in this club?"

The club member explained, "We investigate paranormal occurrences around the school and beyond. It's a thrilling experience, and we're always looking for new members."

Kiyoshi, maintaining his skeptical demeanor, raised an eyebrow, "Are there any actual paranormal activities, or is it just a bunch of superstitions?"

The club member grinned, "Join us, and you'll find out for yourself. We've had some pretty unusual encounters."

As the group pondered joining the paranormal investigation club, the bell rang, signaling the end of the club fair. They exchanged glances, realizing that they had opened up new possibilities for friendship and adventure.

Little did they know that their choices would lead them down a path of mysteries, bonding, and unexpected challenges as they navigated the complexities of both the supernatural and their own relationships.