
In the blink of an eye, Ferric found himself gasping for air. He stood up and felt across his chest, looking for remnants of bullet wounds but found none. 

Ferric sighed. He wanted to believe he had just gone through a horrible nightmare. But that was far from the truth. His soul had simply been transferred to another body. All he could hope for was he would survive longer than before

For the moment , he got off his bed and went to the nearby closet. He took some clothes to put on top of his white T-shirt, shorts and sneakers. On his right was a mirror that stood as tall as him. In the reflection Ferric caught a glimpse of his current body. His skin bore a light complexion along with unkempt hair and athletic build.

The distant sound of glass shattered reached his room but he ignored it. He glanced to the window on his right and watched the red sun's descent to the horizon. 

His heart raced when he heard the slam of his door echo throughout the room. Behind him were three men dressed in green uniforms holding what seemed to be assault rifles and a middle aged woman whose eyes were overflowing with tears.

"I'm sorry son." she said "I couldn't hold them off."

Son. Wait? This is the host's mother.

 One of them bore a large golden insignia on his left shoulder. Ferric knew who he was. He was the sergeant of the squad.

"Who are you guys?" Ferric asked

"We're the press gang." said the sergeant

"I'm being conscripted?"

"Of course you are, the government ordered it a week ago."

"But who's the enemy?"

"Have you been living under a rock lately? Our enemy is Ferric."

The mention of his name struck him like a bomb. He remembered the conversation he had with Eva. The refugees, the border skirmish, the coscription. It all made sense now. His alternate self had declared war on Pangea and now he was going to be forced to fight for the enemy. Ferric scanned the room for an escape. He was not going to die fighting for them.

Outside the building and on the sidewalk was a green container filled with heaps of garbage bags. If he could jump out through the window, the bags might help to break his fall.

"Son no!" said the middle aged woman 

But it was too late. Ferric was already sprinting towards the window. He stretched out his hands and pushed it open until a searing pain coursed through his body and now he was falling from the building. His new body lay motionless on the street and his clothes were soaked in a lake of blood.

Ferric opened his eyes for the third time and was unable to see beyond his bed. He reached out for the lamp beside him and turned it on.

"Well Ferric I have to admit that was the shortest life you've ever lived so far."

Behind Ferric stood a ghostly figure, clothed in grey with wings sprouting from his back and a scythe present in his left hand.

"Raithiel!". Ferric yelled

He was the angel who sealed him in this dimension. All the pain and death he experienced was his doing.

 He gritted his teeth and ran straight towards Raithiel, his hands stretched out, ready to strangle him.

The angel smirked at him and knocked the wooden end of his scythe against the floor.

Ferric sprang to his feet and leaped through the air. Suddenly, a cloud of grey smoke materialised in front of him. He slammed face first onto the blankets followed by creaking sounds as the bed bent under his weight. An acrid scent filled his nostrils, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

The fumes that obscured his vision began to dissipate.

Raithiel chuckled "Oh Ferric. Even after all this time, you still remain the same." 

" Why are you here?" Ferric growled

"There is a squad downstairs that is about to burst into your room. Are you not concerned?" Raithiel answered

"You should know me by now, Raithiel. I'm just gonna get out of the building and evade the authorities."

"And get shot at repeatedly? Are you not weary of this cycle?"

" I can deal with it."

"And let your alternate self endure the same torture. Do you not wish to spare him from trial?"

"I thought I can't alter the past."

"You would be surprised."

Raithiel started to distort and flicker.

"What's happening with you?"

" The city… is under siege. I have to make haste. Remember, fleeing will not help you here." 

As soon as Raithiel vanished the door in front of Ferric swung wide open Ferric raised his left hand to shield his eyes from the blinding light that penetrated his room.

He was only able to make out two silhouettes that stood beside the entrance.

Ferric jolted back as a sharp pain hit his leg. He dropped down to the ground, groaning as his muscles continued to contract. 

Oh no. Not again.