FERRIC:The Family Reunion

"What will we do now , George?" asked Ferric

"We'll search the camp for survivors."

"And what if we find none? What will you do then?"

"Then I'll have to get in the contact with the nearest general. Hopefully they might be able to spare us a searching party."

3 days later

 Ferric went to the nearby infirmary to check on the soldiers. He was still waiting for Faraday but he had not arrived yet. Shivers ran down his spine after he pulled back the curtain. 

In front of him were several soldiers laid in stretches with bandages soaked in blood and many of them moaning in pain. Several medics flocked the wounded , applying medicine , shots and removing shrapnel embedded deep into their wounds.

Th He saw one man lying on the floor with his intestines poking out from his stomach as the medics wrapped bandages across his bleeding belly. The sight of it made him nauseous, forcing him to leave the infirmary.

 That was the worst sight I've seen in a while. All this death, because of me trying to get revenge on the people that burnt my village to the ground. But is it really worth it? Am I even better than they are? If this is what I caused then I need to end this war as quick as possible.

Ferric shifted his gaze back to the forest where he noticed Timothy along with their drill sergeants standing in front of him.

"So this is where you've been?" said George 

"I was looking out for the wounded." said Ferric "Have you found any soldiers for our retrieval mission?"

"We have, they're right behind us."

The rev of a nearby car sent echoes through the forest, sending flocks of birds flying from the trees. The stench of the fumes filled his nostrils , leaving a bitter taste in Ferric's mouth.

 Once the dust had settled a military jeep painted green stood before them with Faraday in the driver's seat.

"Like the jeep?" asked Faraday "You better cause this baby is the only one that can still function."

"That's great, but where will you be?" asked Timothy

"I'll be assisting the medics. But don't worry about me. I gave you one goal. Find Chloe, defeat the Scorpios and bring her back. Do not let me down."

Faraday reached out for the door and swung it open. He raised his hand and tossed the keys to Timothy.

Ferric hopped onto the passenger's seat and checked the new teammates. He noticed the golden badges pinned onto their uniforms. Each one bearing their 1st names : Micah , James and Leo.

He glanced back to the screen on the jeep that showcased a red arrow and a cluster of trees shaped like a C. Ferric pressed his finger against the screen and checked for all the possible ways through the forest before setting the best possible route which led to the Rapturian colony. He stretched out his hands and took out a backpack left under their chairs. 

Timothy pulled the zip , revealing several weapons, grenades and other types of equipment needed for their mission. Once they were done ,Timothy hit the accelerator.

Ferric clutched his chair as the jeep drove off into the forest. Timothy spun his wheel and turned towards the rocky road, the wind whipping against his dark hair. He could feel the vibrations from the jeep, making him sick to the stomach. After a few minutes the jeep's shaking stopped. Ferric motioned to the plateau on their right. 

That should make a good vantage point for the time being. I did it I finally earned their trust. Now I just have to wait for the right time.

Several hours had passed since they had left the base with dusk being just around the corner. Ferric swung open his door and disembarked from the vehicle. 

They had parked their jeep on the plateau that overlooked the rest of the woodlands.

Ferric knelt down near the edge and took out his binoculars.

He peered through and noticed a pillar of smoke rising towards the cloudless sky. With a swift motion, Ferric spun the handle and zoomed in.

It wasn't clear, but he could make out a few people standing by the fire.

Ferric grinned. This was where the Scorpios would be resting for the night.

"Have you found the mercenaries yet?" James asked

He pointed towards the rising trail of smoke.

"Great. We'll raid them tonight. Do you want to go hunting with us Lloyd."

"No, thanks. I'd rather keep watch."

Ferric zoomed in further and noticed the leader Enyo stirring the stew in her makeshift pot. As he watched, he caught a glimpse of the braided bracelet on her right arm with each having a different colour from the last. Ferric grinned. It was the bracelet he had made for her back when he was a child.


 He remembered sprinting through the forest when he was 9 years old after his town had been burnt down to a crisp. Ferric dropped to the ground. He was exhausted after being on the run for several days. But before long a whiff of stew caught his attention. 

He crawled towards the source, his stomach growling like a beast. Once he had made it through the trees he noticed a blond-haired woman sitting on a log. Ferric reached out and held her shirt.

He staggered back as she pulled out the knife from her pocket. She sighed.

" Oh you're just a boy. What are you doing out here all alone? Shouldn't you be with your parents."

"I , I don't have any. Not anymore."

"Oh sorry. I've had loved ones who also shared the same fate as yours. Don't worry, I'll take care of you from now on. Just be careful about some of my teammates. They're not really fond of children, but I'll make it work. I promise."


Ever since then the Scorpios took Ferric under their wing and taught him everything he needed to survive. He felt the urge to return to them but was uncertain if they would embrace him again with open arms.

Ferric changed his focus to his companions. Micah and James had returned from their hunt with two deer that they held on their shoulders,

The two laid them down on the ground and reached out for their knives. After a few minutes the fur had been removed. Timothy snatched the cut up meat and placed it in the stew.

Its scent sent smiles across everyone's face.

After some minutes the deer was finally ready. Ferric smiled as he ate the meat and sipped the remaining stew. The tender texture reminded him of Enyo's cooking during his childhood.

He moved his eyes to check on his teammates.

Alright. They're all distracted. This is my chance.

Ferric put his plate aside and snatched the nearby assault rifle.

He squeezed the trigger, sending an array of bullets towards their direction. Timothy had returned and dropped his plate as the bodies of his teammates lay motionless on the ground.

His heart raced as he realised the culprit. It was his companion Lloyd.

"Why are you doing this Lloyd?" asked Timothy

"Sorry to tell you Tim, but I'm defecting."

"But why now of all times? Wait, are you saying that you manipulated us this whole time?"

Ferric nodded. He raised his assault rifle and aimed it at his chest. Timothy searched around his belt looking for something to deter him.

"I'm sorry Timothy. But I can't have you interfering."

Timothy raised his right hand and tossed a green device into the air. Ferric flinched. A hand grenade had been thrown in his direction.

He darted to the nearest rock and hid behind it. Hands pressed against his ears for the loud explosion that was about to come. But all he heard was the revving of the jeep nearby. 

White smoke enveloped around him, blurring his vision.

Ferric cursed. "It was just a smoke bomb."

Tears welled up in his eyes as the fumes travelled down his throat, making him cough. 

 He jumped over the rock and sprinted to escape the cloud. His throat aching more and more with each passing footstep. 

A ray of moonlight cut through the smoke and shone into his eyes. Regardless, he continued to run to the end of the plumes.


The acrid scent was finally gone and replaced with the smell of sweet green gas and fresh air.

He looked to his left and found a pathway of track marks left by the jeep's tyres. Ferric was now all by himself, with nowhere else to go except for the mercenary camp below.