As she thought about how she got divorced with Albert Frost she couldn't help but shake her head.

Two days after her discharge from the hospital, she received a phone call from a number saved as "Hubby's Lapdog".

She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the original owner. Did she have to mention her trashy husband in his assistant's contact number. To be honest, the original Suzain was quite jealous of his secretary as he got to spend a lot more time withe ml than herself.

If secretary Su has known about how she thought. He would have shouted at the top of his lungs that if not for his job then he would have stayed away from the glacier president. Because of him he has to work overtime and was even unable to find a girlfriend for himself.

When she picked up the call a man's respectful voice entered her ear.

"Ms.Bright, the president has called me to inform you that your marriage with him ended yesterday as per the contract you signed and he request your cooperation in handling the divorce procedures.'

Suzain scoffed internally. Although, there were not divorced yet she still should be as addressed as madam by his subordinates as she is still his legal wife.In fact'she has never been addressed as Mrs.frost by any of the people around her till the start of her marriage.

If not for the fact that Albert Frost himself has instructed not to address her in a way that makes her Mrs. Frost. There was no way his assistant would address her this way.

She couldn't help but wonder that how shamelessly the original one has pestered him to despise her to this extent.

Brushing her thoughts aside, She replied in a polite tone,"Yes. When can i go to the Civil affairs Bureau to collect our divorce certificate with him?"

There was no need to be rude to the poor assistant anyway it was his job to follow his ice cold boss's orders.

"Ms.Bright , there is no need for you go their. You just need to sign a document i will be sending over. The rest would be handled by the president himself."He replied in an awkward manner.

Hearing his tone, she was sure that hat only her so-called-husband has forgotten that their on year contract has come to an end but also he didn't take her seriously and couldn't bother to handle the divorce procedures personally. In the end, its none of his business.

"Alright" She gave perfunctory rely. and then hung up.

After half an hour, a man dressed in black came to the villa with a document for my signature.

SHE signed the document and the man respectfully bowed and left.

After not less than an hour, he returned and handed over her divorce certificate.

WOAH! That was quick.She thought.

He bowed again this time and as about to leave when she stopped him.

''Can you convey my words to President Frost?" She asked him politely.

"This" the man seemed to be in a difficult position.

She smiled.

Seeing her smile, he was a bit dazed. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL SMILE!

"You don't need to worry i just want to tell your president something. I am not asking for anything."She reassured him.

After a while, he nodded.

After hearing my words' his expression changed into that of horror.

"If you can,t convey it directly,. You can just ask assistant Su to do it on my behalf.. Is that alright?"

He nodded hurriedly and left.

When she saw him exiting the door, She shouted loudly, 'REMEMBER TO CONVEY IT WORD-BY-WORD."

The man didn't looked back but hurried his pace.