What the hell is this man doing here?

She tried to get up but the man have expected her to move gently pressed don on her shoulders to restrain her movements.

When she glared at him with eyes full of rage, He sighed.

'"Look i didn't knew. You lost your memory and that's why i " Albert stopped. As he couldn't find a reasonable explanation for his actions.

"Even if lost my memories that doesn't give you the right to try to kill me." Suzain lashed out.

"Who told you i lost my memory?" Before he could reply she inquired.

When the man heard her question. He pursued his lips.

"The doctor" His tone full of unknown complex emotions.

How can this man pretend as if nothing happened?

For God's sake, she almost died.

When she woke up in the hospital for the first time. She received the original owner's memory. But it was more like information.

Strangely enough, although she knew everything that happened to the original owner. It was only a piece of information from the Original owner's perspective.

She didn't receives any flashes of images in her mind in the classical way when a person takes over another one's body they will receive memory fragments in the form images in their mind but for her she received a bio data of the original owners life from her perspective.


So, even if she met anyone related or acquainted to the original owner she wouldn't be able to identity them.

That's why she pretended to have a memory loos.

It was either way half-true

That's why, when she earlier in this man and he talked to her like he knew her.

Her first thought was to run away. As , she didn't knew who was he and she didn't planned to get involved with anyone the original owner knew.

Who could have thought that he would almost strangle her to death?

'THE man coughed lightly and said in a very reasonable manner, 'I thought that you were playing some kind of trick since you haven't pestered me recently. I just meant to scare you. I didn't meant to strangle you. Its just that i was not in my right mind at that time."

"Since you know i don't remember anything.Could you please introduce your your esteemed self to me?" She said mockingly