Past life-Suzain and Crystal

Suzain was originally an orphan in her previous life.She grew up in an orphanage with her best friend Crystal who was also an orphan in the same orphanage like her.They were more close than blood sisters and shared everything with each other.There were no secrets between them.


After completing high school, they both started to pursue their dream career.

Suzain chose architecture as her major and got admitted to a reputable university abroad.On the other hand, Crystal chose accountancy and got admitted to a top-notch university in the country itself.

Suzain went abroad for her studies meanwhile Crystal stayed in the country.Although, they were separated by miles.They still kept in touch regularly.

As they graduated, both of them started focusing on their career.The communication between them grew much lesser day by day.

It was only after five years that Suzain came back from abroad after successfully establishing herself as a renowned-architect.

After returning from abroad, Suzain wanted to surprise Crystal with whom she had not been in touch with due to her rapidly-growing career.

Suzain decided to call Crystal to the high-school they studied in together.

It was the place where their world started to bloom.They started to see the world they never saw in the orphanage.They started to dream.

It was beginning of their freedom and struggles.

The rooftop of the high-school was their secret hideout from the busy world.

Whenever they felt, tired they would come to the rooftop of their high-school.

The place is special to them because only the two of them knew about the specialty of this place.

When looked down from the rooftop the city would look like the shape of an initial in Chinese that means 'DREAM'.

Whenever, both of them looked at the view their tiredness would fade away and be replaced by passion for their dreams.

Suzain planned to go first to the high-school and then come up with an idea to make Crystal come their without making her aware of her return.

Unfortunately, fate sure is cruel.

Although, their reunion occurred much earlier than Suzain planned and in the most unexpected and horrible way one could imagine.

Suzain could never forget the memory when her anticipation and delight of meeting a life-long friend will be turned into sadness and heartbreak.

When Suzain was just about ten steps away from entering the high-school building.Something fell from above her at only a step away from her.

Crystal's arms tangled at the side while her head was bleeding profusely already making a pool of blood around her.

Suzain's world came to a halt at this sight.Her whole body paralyzed.It was as if time has stopped.

All Suzain could see was Crystal lying in a pool of blood.

Suzain ran to her side.Every step she took seem to be draining her of all her energy.She squatted down and took Crystal's head in her lap.

Crystal's face looked lifeless as if she had gone through the worst ordeal of life.Her eyes were losing focus but as if she had seen the last straw of her life when she looked at Suzain, Crystal gazed at her with love, affection and longing.

A bright smile appeared on Crystal's pale face which was drained of blood and her right cheek was covered with blood flowing down her head.

Crystal wanted to touch Suzain's face with her hand but due to the fall they were broken they remained on the ground twisted in strange angles.

At this moment, Suzain's tears were falling uncontrollably.

She reassured Crystal in a broken voice, a fake smile plastered on her face,"Cryst, hanng on there.I have already called the ambulance.Its on its way here.You still owe me a welcoming meal."

Crystal chuckled,She looked directly into Suzain's eyes.

Crustal said in a trembling voice,"First, promise me something."

Crystal's eyes were filled with anticipation.

"What is it?"Suzain asked quickly.she would do anything as long as Crystal would still be able to persist.

"Not a normal promise,A CRYSTAIN PROMISE."Crystal replied firmly.