Completely enraged

After the police investigation, it was concluded that Crystal has committed suicide.

It was precisely due to the fact that the lifeless look in Ariana's eyes was especially similar to that of Crystal when she committed suicide that made Suzain even more angry.

It was unknown for how long Ariana cried with Suzain by her side.It was only after a long period of time that she spoke up without looking up at Suzain in a particularly hoarse voice due to too much crying.

"I am soryy, i"Before Ariana could complete her sentence, she was cut in between by Suzain's enraged yell.

"Your sorry can't change anything, if you had really jumped down.If you say sorry again,i will beat you up till your ancestors couldn't recognize you."Suzain threatened her while boiling in rage.

If apologizing could bring Ariana back alive, if she really jumped down and died.Would the apology be even useful?Would her apology have undone the impact caused by her foolish steps?

Ever since, Crystal committed suicide,Suzain loathed those who cowardly try to end their lives because of a certain ordeal in their lives.

Ariana's apology only added fuel to the fire burning inside Suzain's heart.

After being threatened by Suzain,Ariana was scared that the woman in front of her would really beat her up.So, she sealed her mouth and nodded obediently like a meek lamb.

On the other hand,Suzain was trying her best to control the tears which were threatening to come out from her eyes.

As the painful memories from her past life surfaced in Suzain's mind.She was on the verge of breaking down.

But, Suzain definitely couldn't break down and most importantly couldn't cry.

If she stayed with Ariana any longer, she was afraid she wouldn't be able to keep her promise to Crystal.

With this thought in mind,Suzain pushed Ariana away from her fiercely.

Without, looking back at her, Suzain hurriedly walked out from Ariana's room.

Suzain quickly entered her room and locked the door behind her,

As, she slid down while leaning on the door.She was feeling utterly desperate and frustrated.

The pain of losing loved ones and the despair brought by their departure was something not everyone could go through.

That too, without expressing their grief and venting out their emotions.

Suzain was on the verge of breaking down and bursting into tears.

At that moment, the door of her room was knocked by someone with a particularly heavy force.

Suzain who was squatting down on the floor while leaning on the door felt it shaking.

She took a deep breath and tried her best to compose herself.The, she stood up and opened the door.

Suzain was not even able to see the face of the person standing in front of her when a particularly heavy blow landed on her left cheek.

Her head turned to the left and a numbing sensation was spread throughout the the left part of her face.

With the force the slap has landed on her face, five distinct fingermarks were visible on her pale white skin making them look horrible.

The corner of her lip was torn and was bleeding profusely.

It took Suzain a long time to recover from the sudden slap by a certain someone.

She looked up, only to meet Albert's furious eyes filled with killing intent as if he was trying to suffocate her with those murderous eyes of his.

Suzain didn't knew what made Albert so angry but she was sure by the look on his face that HE HAS BEEN COMPLETELY ENRAGED.