Something big happened

Albert only nodded.

Although, they were already divorced.For Albert,Suzain would be only Ariana's sister-in one else could take that place.

Ariana was a bit confused.

From what she knew, her brother didn't liked his wife much.

She didn't even attended their wedding as Albert told her to focus on her studies and he didn't wanted to disturb his sister at that time because he didn't give much importance to the wedding.

But, Ariana clearly saw a trace of complex emotions and one of them was affection.

"Big bro, if not for her pulling me back. I would have jumped down the window."Ariana couldn't be bothered by Albert's stunned expression as she talked about Suzain with admiration in her eyes.

Albert was frozen at his place with this revelation

He had wronged Suzain. Not to mention the fact that he raised his hand on her.

Albert was cursing himself in his mind for letting his anger get the better of him and hurting Suzain.

Only if,he came to Ariana first and understood the situation in which Suzain slapped Ariana. He would have never slapped Suzain.

If not for Suzain,he would have lost Ariana forever.

Instead of thanking her, he slapped her.

Albert was feeling frustrated guilty and heartbroken at the same time.

Whenever,anything is related to Suzain Albert would lose control of his emotions.

Both of the time, this happens he hurted Suzain.

Ariana saw Albert in a daze and shocked him gently.

"Big bro, what are you thinking about?"Ariana asked him worriedly as Albert rarely got absent-minded.

Albert didn't replied to her but dashed out of her room.

The next moment, Ariana heard him banging the door of the room next to hers loudly.

She also ran out of her room only to see Albert knocking the the door of the room fiercely that it was about to break.

Ariana was stunned when she saw her calm and composed brother acting so anxious.

She didn't knew how to react or what to say

Albert only knocked on the door for a while and took a few steps back.

Ariana thought that her brother has calmed down.

But, the next moment her eyes went wide in horror.

Albert raised his leg and kicked the door open.His kick was so powerful that one of the hinges of the door got detached.

As soon as Albert broke the door,Albert rushed inside.

Hearing the commotion caused by Albert many servants have already gathered outsize the corridor of Suzain's and Ariana's room.

They wanted to know what is happening but they neither had the guts to ask a petrified Ariana nor they had the courage to gossip about the situation themselves.

All they could do but watch the events unfold without opening heir mouths.

But all of them were sure that SOMETHING BIG HAS HAPPENED.

As, their young master was not someone who would cause such a big commotion for anything trivial.