August 7, 22,483 B.F.P

The passage of time has wrought a transformation in my brother that leaves me grappling with an intricate conflict of emotions. A span of fourteen years has borne witness to a metamorphosis that has left me questioning the foundations of my previous convictions. It is a stark departure from the resolute stance I held in years past, one where I was determined to remove him from power, or even contemplate the unthinkable—a path of potential violence and bloodshed.

As the sands of time have shifted, so too has my perspective on my brother's trajectory. The enigma that shrouds his newfound virtue and purpose eludes my understanding. His actions have begun to weave a narrative of magnificence, a symphony of initiatives that elicits admiration and intrigue. From a ruler of power, he has risen to the echelons of the godlike—a figure whose abilities now border on the realm of the divine.

The mastery he now wields over elements, particularly his extraordinary manipulation of fire, surpasses even my own capabilities. His command of runes, those arcane symbols of power, radiates with an aura of unparalleled potency. Strength, both physical and metaphysical, courses through him, rendering him a force unprecedented and uncontested. A testament to his ascendancy is a feat both audacious and terrifying—his obliteration of one of our great moons to harvest its core's rare metals, driven solely by capricious impulse.

Yet, as awe-inspiring as his might has become, it is also a source of trepidation. His power has burgeoned to a degree that leaves me both mesmerized and terrified. The prospect of challenging him, even in alliance with others, feels as futile as grasping at the moon's elusive light.

His dominance has surged over the very years that I had orchestrated a plan to challenge him. The vision he espouses—his leadership over the Ten Legends, a constellation of power—now guides the governance of our realm. This authority, however, comes with nuances that reveal its limitations. As leader of the Legends, the designation seems less a position of privilege and more an embodiment of responsibility—a role that is entrusted with the formulation of rules and laws governing the realm's conflicts.

My convictions are emboldened by the reforms he has instated, particularly the decree that prohibits members of the Ten Legends from engaging in warfare, save for situations where one Legend declares war on another. This measured approach to conflict, one that eschews unnecessary bloodshed, resonates with my principles.

And so, I have deferred the plan that once consumed my thoughts—a plan to challenge his rule. It is a deferment rooted in the acknowledgment that his transformation is not to be underestimated. I pray to our divine protector, the Lord and the Father, that my brother's newfound path is one of permanence—a path illuminated by virtue and wisdom. As I navigate these currents of uncertainty, I remain vigilant, observing for signs of vulnerability, yet fervently hoping that the light he now emanates is the harbinger of a brighter future for our realm.