December 21, 22,090 B.F.P

At long last, I find myself back within the embrace of my beloved Palace, a homecoming that carries the weight of three centuries of absence. The sands of time have drifted relentlessly forward, carrying me through epochs and eras, and yet it is upon my birthday, as if ordained by the fates, that I return to this hallowed sanctuary. My journal, a testament to the passage of time, lay dormant upon my bed, gathering the dust of years like a silent witness to the passage of my journey.

Three hundred and ten years have elapsed since my departure, each moment carved upon the tapestry of existence. The anticipation that accompanied my foray into the cosmos, the thrill of leading the fleet among the stars, is now a testament to my past. The gifts, tangible and intangible, that my brother bestowed upon me over the expanse of my years, stand as beacons of his enduring affection and the shared journey that binds us.

The prayer that I fervently offered to the divine entities we hold sacred—God the Lord and the Father—has been answered in ways profound and transformative. The redemption of my brother, a journey paved with trials and tribulations, is a testament to the power of change, the capacity for growth that resides within even the darkest recesses of the Worzien soul.

My station in life has expanded, encompassing a new role—that of an uncle to three children. The passage of time, it seems, has woven threads of new beginnings amidst the tapestry of change. Yet, even amidst such blessings, I bear the weight of regrets. The absence during my brother's marriage is a lament I carry, a duty unfulfilled in the face of the call of responsibility.

The expanse of space, the canvas of the universe, is a realm I have now traversed, each step a witness to the wonders that unfold beyond our homeworld. As we ventured beyond the boundaries of our solar system, an abyss of potential opened before us—a canvas void of destination, yet brimming with potentiality. Among the planets we encountered, one held significance that resonates with the echoes of our beliefs—a planet named Erith, referenced within the scriptures of Sitran.

Erith, a world both familiar and distinct, housed a race remarkably akin to our own—a parallel to humans that defied the distance of the cosmos. The revelation that this was the place where the First Being, Sitran, journeyed to acquire the essence of dragons, is a revelation that intertwines our history with that of distant realms.

As I inscribe these words, the pages of my journal graced by the passage of centuries, I am reminded of the mysteries that shroud existence. The primal question of creation, the why and how of planets like Erith, remain enigmas that only time or divinity may unveil. The thought that my lifespan, millennia-long, may yet bear witness to these answers is a reminder of the boundless horizon that stretches before me.

In the realm of intergalactic exploration, revelations emerged that bore both beauty and introspection. The scarcity of life in the galaxies we traversed, the rarity that echoes within the cosmos, strikes a chord of both wonder and solitude. The prospect of our isolation amidst the vast expanse of the universe, while daunting, is tempered by the awareness of other universes—an awareness awakened by the portal within our own planet.

The tale of Kodron's exploration of other universes, recounted upon his return, is one that spins a tapestry of diversity and wonder. The presence of parallel worlds, some evoking mirth like that of a universe adorned with ponies and dragons, is a testament to the infinite diversity that exists beyond our own reality.

As I lay down my quill upon these ancient pages, my heart is a blend of introspection and contemplation. The journey I have undertaken, the experiences I have garnered, and the knowledge I have accumulated, have shaped the narrative of my existence. In the grand tapestry of life, I stand as a witness to the cosmic ballet, an observer of the unfolding symphony that weaves together worlds and wonders beyond the boundaries of comprehension.