Is it really a female?

Chapter 4: Is it really a female?

This time Atasha couldn't contain the panic in her system. Her heart raced fervently when she recognized the grave mess she had put herself into.

Fear. Condemn. Rage. Loath.

Atasha's core being was burning with almost all the unspeakable negative emotions that she couldn't even describe.

All the pain and fatigue rushed like a massive current surging throughout her body making her feel weak. Her knees slowly lost their strength and turned numb causing her body to drop on the ground like a jelly. With just a snap, all her will to survive immediately vanished.

Ultimately, in the next moment, Atasha's mind was blown shitless and was instantly engulfed with horror when she saw the one in the middle move and rush closer to her spot without a warning.


The rapid and loud beating of her pulses got the best of her, causing her to faint and lose consciousness.


Winter is a season when wild animals enter a period of hibernation. Except for savage beasts (Kuri) that could withstand any season, there are also some tribal and feral jewel wielder beastmen (Bijou) and those who are afoot the realm of magical creatures (Beiru) which are not susceptible to the freezing galore.

During this time most of the inhabitants of Ilhu Mountains are usually in a dormant state particularly beastmen's younglings (Kigen). These beasts stay hidden in their hibernacula, which are usually in an underground chamber that shelters them against cold and other loitering monsters that would attack them during their weakened condition.

Zethus, a white, crimson-eyed snake feral Bijou, was suddenly awakened from his slumber after noticing an intruder's presence when it entered one of the old, abandoned passages that were bound to their lair. Those are the ones they used when they were still kigen.

However, their snake clan hasn't been able to reproduce any new brood of snake after their generation which is why those holes were left unattended.

Zethus furrowed his eyebrows thinking that it should be closed now after so many years of being unused since they are now using the passages for bijous. After all, their bodies have grown larger than before but just now, he felt something alive and moving inside.

The cave behind the Ilhu Falls had served as their shelter during winter for many years. This winter, it was only him and his two brothers who managed to return and gather on the same hibernaculum trying to increase their chances of getting through this season of brumation.

"Seems like you felt it too." Nemus, a black elapid and the youngest of the three, perked up his large glistening scaly body while staring seriously at one of the tunnels he excavated when he was a Kigen. 

"It's probably just a rodent that accidentally entered the pit while trying to create its burrow." Regalus, the eldest golden python of the same kind, commented while lazily coiled like a golden belt laid on the ground.

"That's unlikely. Rodents don't scatter around in this kind of weather and," Nemus paused trying to ponder and sense the path filled with his markings. "It's moving towards us."

"Are you being serious? Check again. You're just making a fuss for no reason." Regalus scoffed. He didn't like the idea of wasting his time and energy on useless things. So, he tried to dismiss Nemus' claims thinking how it didn't make sense.

"The winter had just begun, Nemus. Whatever it is, it won't post a threat on us. It's better to conserve our strength and use it for more urgent matters."

Zethus can't help but agree with his older brother on a more amicable note. However, he also can't hide the fact that he is intrigued by the sudden appearance of an intruder in their nest. Maybe deep down, he was hoping for snake kigen to emerge from that hole.

While the other beast tribes are thriving, the snake clan's population is dwindling. It was no surprise since snakes are usually solitary creatures by nature that hunt and live alone which made them vulnerable to other beasts' attacks despite being stronger.

On top of that, snakes remain holed up in their inconspicuous nests, unlike the other beasts that are more civilized and are living in a group. There's only a handful of females that exist in this world which makes them very precious. They are considered as the lifeline of any tribe.

Females who knew their worth would never choose to be with beasts like snakes! That is why they had no choice but to be more forceful to reproduce and save their kind, but this only made them more hated by females, and end up being branded as ferals― a poisonous moniker given to beasts comparable to the spiteful Kirus.

Ferals have to enslave themselves to women and the tribe they are a part of if they want to be accepted. However, a prideful creature like a snake would never allow itself to be that low―at least not the three of them.

This is such a cruel world for beasts like them.

If only they could have their female. Someone who will willingly accept them and bear their brood, wouldn't have to force someone just to save their species.

They could have lived a better and more peaceful life without hurting another. However, the concept of peace is something foreign to the world of the jungle. In the wilderness of the Beast World lies not only rivals that could snatch their female's affection but also savage creatures that held females as captives and turned them into an object of their sexual whims without a care for the female just like the troll that Atasha encountered.

Nemus suddenly stood up and stared intently at one of the tunnels as if expecting something to emerge from that hole.

"Here we go again. Tsk! Just leave him be. So stubborn."

Regalus hissed and told Zethus before closing his eyes and continuing his rest.

Zethus sighed at the sight of his older brother and then turned to their youngest. Among the several thousands of snakes that hatched, only a few of them reached adulthood. The three of them are not a part of the same brood but they share the same mother and have formed a close bond over the years.

Among the three of them, Zethus could say that the most troublesome and stubborn was this deadly, black elapid. More often than not, he does things that are quite bothersome. That's why Regalus gets easily irked with him.

Zethus wanted to let him be just like their oldest brother said, but then a whiff of sweet and fragrant smell caught the tip of his tongue and made his senses alert.

"No way..."

Nemus whispered to himself in disbelief. Regalus, who was already resting also stood up, at the same time as Zethus did.


The smell of flowers that bloom in the height of winter but never withers. The three of them don't know if it is because of their instinct but somehow, they all felt excited.

This only means one thing!

Driven by curiosity, Zethus followed Nemus' line of sight, and indeed! There she was! 

"I-Is that really a female?"

Regalus also couldn't believe his eyes and had to ask like a fool.

"What is a female doing here?"

He inquired but no one knew the answer. Even the other two have the same questions in their mind.

They are all still quite hesitant about what to do. What if it's a trap? But if it is a trap then, what kind of useless beastman would use a female as bait just to lure some ferals out?

They were busy discussing among themselves when the female noticed their presence. At that moment, a gasp of horror came out of her lips, and began trembling all over her body. She instinctively took a step back and Zethus could see the fear reflected in her hazel orbs. 


What a typical reaction. Zethus couldn't help but be a little indignant after seeing how she reacted.

'I already see this coming!'

Yes, Zethus probably did but he doesn't know why he felt a pang of disappointment. Well, what can they even expect from a weak creature?

'That thing didn't come here in her own accord. This is just a part of a trick, Zethus! Don't ever be swayed!'

Zethus tried to convince himself but when he saw the female turn sluggish and drop to the ground his body jolted, wanting to move and check on her. He clenched his jaw and decided to fight the urge to come close and help her.

Nothing bodes well for associating themselves with someone like her. Regalus did the same and chose to stay put. However, Nemus grew anxious after seeing the female looking unwell.

Unfortunately, the moment he rushed and slithered his body towards her, with the intent to help, the female fainted in shock after seeing his huge serpent body.

'What did I say? I saw all that coming!' Zethus scoffs in his head, thinking how useless it is to care for a female. He turned around and got back on his spot.

"Are you not going to check on her?" Regalus inquired.

Zethus coiled his body and replied, "As I have said earlier, it's better to conserve our strength and use it for more urgent matters." He settled down and closed his eyes. He could feel Regalus' eyes boring a hole in his face as if waiting for his reaction, but he remained unmoving and acted unbothered.

Truthfully, even if he ran toward that girl, he would only contribute to the cold atmosphere. Unlike his siblings' insulated bodies, his entire being was filled with cold elements. It was pointless.

After a few moments, Zethus heard his brother slowly moving away. He opened one of his eyes and saw them watching the girl who was still unconscious on the ground.

What an eyesore!

Zethus hissed and closed his eyes once again not wanting to take part in their nonsense. However, deep behind Zethus' nonchalance, the white snake vehemently criticized his brothers.

"If you're that worried, then put her somewhere warmer. Idiots."