Chapter 119: Seven's Intervention

Chapter 119: Seven's Intervention

Atasha's mental burden is hitting a notch. One voice urged her to kill, while another pleaded for her to stop and save him.

"Aaarrgh! Leave me alone!"

Doesn't she need to kill to save her loved ones? 

Atasha's head throbbed painfully, on the verge of exploding from the confusion!

"Kill… Kill… Argh!" She screamed, her head became a bloody mess, but no one could aid her. 

The oppressive aura around her didn't wane. It intensified further, drawing on the life force of the tree. 

It consumed the tree like a dark flame from top to bottom. To which, the enormity of the situation was visible and palpable even outside the Adarna forest, causing alarm among the inhabitants of the Ilhu Mountains.

In a sudden swift, fluid motion, a flash of two contrasting energy whipped through the air, creating a haunting silhouette against the dim light before crashing towards each other like clashing blades of a saber.