Chapter 1

Wei Yichen woke up with a start, forehead covered in a thin layer of sweat. Dazed for a long time, he finally came back to his senses.

What just happened?! This... was his room. How was he at home? Wasn't he supposed to be at the Royal hunting grounds?

Wait, what exactly happened..... His brain was a bit sluggish, and emotions too complicated. Was it disappointment, helplessness, or pure hatred? It was all too complex and jumbled up in his mind, and he couldn't put a finger on it.

At that moment, someone softly knocked on the door and pushed it open. He didn't have time to retract his bewildered expression.

When Shi Yu, who served him, appeared in front of his eyes. Something became very clear to him. He had a premonition, but he didn't dare to believe. So, based on the current situation, was he..... reborn?

Wei Yichen glanced at Shi Yu, who greeted him and routinely tidied the room.

Shi Yu was the most loyal confidant Wei Yichen had had. And a ger like himself, but very strong. The one who trained for protection of his master since childhood. He was the child of his mother's loyal servant when his mother, Ji Jiahui was alive.

He remembered how much Shi Yu insisted on going with him to the hunting grounds to protect him, but the past him declined on the basis that if anything went wrong, there would be guards of the Wei family. Simply foolish!

He was delighted to see him again, so when Shi Yu straightened up after putting down water for Wei Yichen, he simply hugged Shi Yu.

In that brief moment, Shi Yu's eyes widened with surprise, his strong exterior momentarily giving way to a flicker of vulnerability. He stood frozen for a heartbeat, unaccustomed to such displays of emotion. Wei Yichen could sense Shi Yu's confusion, a mix of astonishment and a subtle warmth that softened the edges of his loyalty.

It was as if the walls Shi Yu had built around himself were momentarily breached by the unexpected embrace. As the hug lingered for a heartbeat longer, Shi Yu's initial shock transformed into a genuine, if reserved, reciprocation. His shoulders relaxed, and he tentatively returned the embrace, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken bond between master and confidant.

" Master, what happened? Did you have a nightmare?"

Wei Yichen affirmed with a nod and let go. He still needed to calm down.

So "Ah Yu, come in after a stick of incense."

Shi Yu's eyes showed a worried look, but still obliged his master, respectfully bowed, and left.

Wei Yichen took a deep breath to stabilize his emotions and started to sort his thoughts.

Was it a nightmare? But those details and emotions embedded in his heart cannot be fake. He tried to remember it, and he could recall everything very clearly. How he had been sent to get familiar with the fifth Prince, Wang Xuan. At the instigation of his stepmother, by his own father. When in fact, the marriage had already been decided and there was no need to go as far as to send him to hunting grounds to get familiar with the fifth prince before marriage.

He remembered how he was played by the family he called his own.

How he was discarded by the fifth Prince, after saying all kinds of love phrases, after just a word from his beautiful step-sister, Wei Wenwen.

How he desperately went around trying to hide from the men sent by the fifth prince. And ultimately falling to his death from that steep cliff, so as not to get caught and get violated by those disgusting people.

And his family, how he loved these people as his own. Even though ever since his mother passed away, he wasn't ever treated as nicely as his sister in the family.

They said, "She's younger, you should be more understanding, Yichen."

And I believed them like a fool. Then after trying to resist their toying with my life, I got labelled as harsh and unfeeling. The irony!

The real deal is, he was.... reborn?

Can he change what happened in his last life? How would it affect his life? Would he be able to ever live past the age of 18? So many questions in mind. He thought, 'Time will give me answers to which, I'm supposed to know with time.'

Let's focus on something that can be figured out. Let's take it slowly and cautiously from here on. Trust and love is a luxury. Let's not expect it in the first place. Finding a way to remain alive is the priority.

The real question is, did I actually come to the time before the start of my real tragedy? There's only one way to find out. Going out and seeing for himself. And if events happened according to that 'dream'... He'll have to protect himself at all costs.

Thinking about all sorts of things, Wei Yichen simply freshened up. And walked out of his courtyard. He was happy that he had another chance, he was nervous, and sad as well. Because he would have to go through it again if his dream was true.

He was feeling such contradicting emotions. He knew he was just consoling himself by thinking of all that as a dream, but he didn't wish to doubt his father. But reality is often what we don't desire. Especially in his case.

He walked along the path to his father's courtyard. Wei Huan is a very serious official in court. Well, at least that's what Wei Yichen thought before. But this man was a mess when it came to matters of the back courtyard. He could be led by nose anywhere by his second wife, Song Yuhua. She is a sweet talker, who has a very gullible tongue. Who else can her daughter get it from? Apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all.

Even though this mother and daughter never challenged or disrespected Wei Yichen to his face. But they are expert in leading one to think of others as unfilial and useless. Which is way more detrimental than a straight-up confrontation.

They always talked nicely to his face. And he believed it as well.

Until that night, he had never really suspected them. He always thought before that, his father was the only one dissatisfied with him. And he never knew the reason behind it.

As Wei Yichen grew nearer and nearer to his father's courtyard, his heart beat faster and faster. He is afraid of what he'll see.

He tried to encourage himself, "Wei Yichen, you have to harden your heart and face reality. Come on!"

He remembered how Song Yuhua, currently his stepmother. Who was previously a concubine. As he refused to acknowledge her as a mother. As he really couldn't give his mother's place to just anyone, however much of a sweet talker she is.

Even though he didn't have much influence in this family, he was still his father's son. However as time went on, his relationship with his father strained, not that it was any good from the start, but what needed to be there was there.

But Wei Huan promoted Song Yuhua to the official wife around half a year ago, when her son became five, and could please Wei Huan with his skills that showed him to be a worthy successor. And he also required help in court from her father....

Wei Yichen sometimes wondered if his mother and himself ever meant anything to his father.

As it is said, when you get a stepmother you also get a stepfather. As time passed by, Wei Huan became colder and colder towards Wei Yichen.

As he stepped into the courtyard. He saw his father and stepmother discussing his younger sister's marriage with the third prince, Wang Suian. While Wei Yichen wasn't even married yet. But Wang Suian was not as favored by the Emperor as Wang Xuan, the fifth prince. Hence, it can be estimated that Song Yuhua was dissatisfied with this arrangement.

As Wei Yichen heard about this marriage conversation, he froze for a moment. And instantly backed away. He thought he could take it, however, he overestimated himself and was too overwhelmed. This was indeed happening! The story was repeating itself... His heart was beating faster and faster...