"The Powder left on the pan."

Date: December 21st, 1814

Location:Paris, France

I looked at my men, feeling true disgust after seeing what we had performed.. it was horrific, though it was our means and ways of survival, then being a cannibal. I uttered the words to my men, saying,

"Rest gentlemen and keep on the look out, new men follow me if you wish to join this Milita which so follow and get your uniform."

Without a doubt, most of the men followed me, I led them to an inn where there were uniforms ready for them to dress in as well a sergeant. I had to sign them up and such.. which they did, and we spent most of our time with that before we all went back to the barricades.

We all relaxed with our muskets resting on the barricades before we heard the screams.. and gunshots riddle the sound of the air as we got up with most of the men loading their musket pans with powder, loading their muskets with lead ramming down into the end of the musket before cocking it back and waiting..

We heard grumbling.... before we saw a french soldier running towards the barricades with a couple of others. They were a mix of people with a preist accompanying them and many others.. we even saw some Old Gaurd men.. what had happened to the Old Gaurd....?

I looked at the main leading officer running up, screaming at us in a horrified voice


The man begged before one of my men ran down with a ladder, allowing the men to come in... the soldiers formed up with my militia men before the officer looked at me, saying,

"Merci! Let us accompany you.. you seem to have lived from those horrid cannibles.."

I nodded, responding back

"Yes, alright.. you have a sapper.. so help us fix our defenses.. break the walls from ine of those stores down.. we need bricks or anything to stiffen our defense.."

The officer nodded, complying before giving orders to his sapper with the sapper, bringing some men before bringing some sandbags.. and wood spikes they crafted before planting them in front of the wall.

I looked at this before hearing the screams of the cannibles. The men retreated back to the barricade with 118 total men before they all cocked their guns before raising them all in sync..

I raised my saber as I unsheathed it before looking as.. there were some odd cannibles.. they held.. lanterns and such with one tossing it near the barricade.. The fire danced across the floor like a ballerina producing smoke in front of us.

I felt such anger as I screamed at the top of my lungs.


The men fired not at sync but at their choosing to fire with the lead flying through the cannibles. I witnessed this giving me the urge to truly fight. I ran down quickly, grabbing a musket before firing a round.. into a cannible with.. a gunpowder barrel and a torch. I witnessed the explosion as it destroyed the cannibles around it. The action flooded my thoughts.. as i saw the guts fly.. blood fly... shrapnel being human bone.. scattering and cutting through other cannibles.

I turned to the flag man saying


The flag man ran.. to a building behind the barricafes as we still fought.. The cannibles got too close.. I shouted.


The men fixed bayonets with clicking before.. the chaplain moved forward as he presented the cross, saying the hail mary before the men joined like a choir singing the prayer like a hymn. I joined in as the cannibles hissed, moving back as men loaded their guns before they hopped over the barricades with the men forming the 2 ranks.. I shouted


The men fired at once before finally the humn finishing with the crowd of cannibles devastated before all men rose with me finally giving an order stating


The men moved up as they increased their speed.. these men were filled with terror, though they still moved with some Old Guard soldiers moving with courage, providing such moral that men needed at this moment.. as I moved forward at the front.

The cannibals approached closer and closer before I screamed the order.


The men screamed at the top of their lungs, charging with each other and being encouraged by each other like comrades and brotheren. We ran together as we smashed in, impaling the head and the chests with each other by each other shoulder to shoulder tearing through these rotting cannibles.

We kept fighting till the last one was dead before we retreated back to the barricades before seeing high on the roof of one of the tallest buildings near us the french flag still waved all tattered and bloodied with the lantern lighting up the flag.. we saluted it smiling.

We will never faulter.