Chapter 179 Meeting....Again

Synthia and the others went into the core room to have their meeting.

"What's going on, why are you guys disrupting my cultivation? And why are they here?" Sera asked as she looked at the saints walking into the room.

"We are having another meeting and they are taking part." Synthia replied

"Again. Is the situation that serious?" Sera asked exhaustedly

"Apparently, one of my saints went missing and they are blaming your friend Colin." Mr. Ziek said

"I think he did it." Castiel said and Synthia glared at him

"He could have, I mean, my saints have irritated him a lot and if this saint did anything stupid like attacking him, then he is as good as dead." Sera said and Synthia just shook her head

"I don't think Colin did it, when that saint, Darren was it, asked to take the gift to Colin he was persistent and kind of nervous. I think he's either here hiding or in the forest somewhere hiding. I think someone might be framing Colin." Synthia said and Castiel looked at her skeptically

"That's stupid. First of all, why the hell would he hide out in the forest, that's practically the same as asking for death. Without the [Holy Territory] to recharge his HP, he is as good as dead. If he's hiding here, then unless every human in this place is in on this frame job, then someone is bound to find him and tell us eventually. Secondly, why would they do all of this? Unless they have severe brain damage, they should know that they couldn't beat your demon in a fight, even if they make it to tier 4. So what would be the point of all of that?" Castiel said and everyone, including Synthia, couldn't help but agree with him.

"Sigh, in any case, we need to find Darren. So we should start with searching the forest and the mansion. Castiel, I need you to lead a team of saints into the forest and start searching. I'll also search the forest along with a few saints. Sera and Synthia can search the mansion, as for you seven, you should tell the others that we are doing all we can to find Darren. Stay here and help keep the peace here, I'm sure will start causing trouble. Meeting dismissed." Mr. Ziek said and got up from his seat and left the room. Everyone else, except Sera, left the room as well to fo their assigned task, Sera didn't leave because she thought cultivation was more important than searching for the saint and besides, Synthia was more than capable of searching the mansion on her own.


"Sir Castiel." Kyle greeted as he saw Castiel walking towards the doors of the mansion. He, Sam and two other saints walked over towards Castiel with friendly expressions on there faces.

'What do these guys want?' Castiel wondered as he saw the four saints walking towards him.

"We were wondering if you, lady Synthia and the others have come to a decision. We are very worried about our friend, Darren, and everyone else is also awaiting good news." Kyle said as politely as possible, Castiel looked at them for a moment and shrugged

"We have decided to search for Darren. I'm planning to head into the forest right now and begin the search, would you like to come with me?" Castiel asked

"We would be honoured sir." Kyle said and the four of them bowed deeply

'That was easy.' Kyle thought with a smile on his face.


Castiel, Mr. Ziek and two separate groups of saints headed into the forest in search of the lost saint. They followed a thin trail of golden aura left behind by the saint in hopes of tracking his location, but due to the low hanging demon miasma, the trail was rapidly fading. The trail led to City A as expected, but it ended there. They spread into the forest from there looking for any sign of the saint but nobody found a single trace of him...or atleast that's what the Angels believed. What Mr. Ziek and Castiel didn't know, was that all the saints they brought along were part of the Kyle's secret group and were in on the scheme. A few of them found tire marks leading into the forest as well as pieces of bloody clothing, but they chose to cover them up instead of telling the Angels. They barely encountered any beasts at all, but the beasts they did encounter were tier 3s. Of course, all this movement didn't go unnoticed by the Colin and the others, and he promptly called Synthia to ask what is going on.

[You remember that saint that delivered the box yesterday, he didn't come back.] Synthia informed him

[And let me guess, those bastard priests are blaming us for it.] Alice said angrily

[A few of them are, but I know you wouldn't do that....unless they really irritated you.] Synthia said

[If you're asking whether we did it or not, the answer is no.] Colin said

[What about that lust Demon you have with you, do you know if she did it?] Synthia asked, but just as Colin was about to tell her no he paused. He, intact, had no idea if Lily did anything.

"Lily, did you do anything to that saint from yesterday?" Colin asked

"I'm offended, why would I go out of my way to hurt some dumb human cultivating holy energy?" Lily said with an angry look on her face

"Because you're bored." Alice said and Lily looked at her with a contemplative look on her face

"No I didn't do anything to him, but maybe I should have. I could have used my illusions to mess around with him, that would have been so much fun. Wait a minute, is that why those Angels are flying around near here?" Lily asked and Alice nodded her head

[She didn't do it.] Colin told Synthia

[I have another theory, someone might be trying to frame you, but I can't understand why they would do that. They can't beat you in a fight and most of our followers already hate you, what would they gain from something like that? I'll call you back when I have more information.] Synthia said and disconnected their link.