Chapter 219 Battle to Seize M town(1)

"Stop." Colin ordered his bus, which was at the front of the entourage of vehicles stopped, causing all the others to stop.

"What's wrong?" Alice asked

"I want to scout the city first, there is no telling what kind of creatures decided to settle in there." Colin explained

"Good idea." Lily said

"Bartus, could you send some of your Leprechauns with me?" Colin asked

"Sure, but don't expect them to fight, that's you and your house's job." Bartus said and used [Telepathy] to inform a few of his subordinates

"Be careful." Alice said and Colin nodded his head before stepping out of the bus

'It feels nice to finally stretch my legs.' Colin thought, before transforming into his demon form. As the dark mist cleared, Colin spread his wings and activated [Stealth] before taking flight. He flew towards M town and he could already sense multiple demonic auras in the town and he sighed.

'Why can't anything be easy?' Colin thought and started inspecting the city. He flew over the city and he could see that a few places in the city was damage, including a part of the harbour. The dock was gone and parts of the town close to the ocean were destroyed, and Alex could see holes dug into the earth in those destroyed parts as well, and inside those holes, he could sense a demonic aura.

'I'm definitely gonna need to create a wall to cut off the sea from the rest of the town.' Colin thought and continued surveying the damage. He noticed that the demonic auras he sensed seemed to be separated in two groups, one close to the sea, which he assumed were beasts from the ocean and a group on the other side of the town. He flew in that direction, and as he got closer, his nose twitched as he could smell a familiar scent and sense a familiar energy.

'Undeads, I should have known.' Colin thought, as he could see their residence, one of the many hotels in the town. M town was the only port town on the continent, which made it a huge tourist attraction and also larger than the other towns, almost the size of a city. This meant that there were plenty of hotels, stores, and other tourist attractions in the town and just like the other towns and cities, they had their own power source, which makes things a bit complicated. A major battle within the city would destroy the city, and Colin intended to use the things inside the town to build up his family, so that option was out.

He entered the hotel through a window on the second floor, and it reminded him of the hospital he entered in K town, when he was first turned. Blinking lights, the scent of blood, blood stains everywhere, body parts and corpses strewn everywhere he went. Undead weren't big on hygiene. He passed a few ghouls in the halls as he ascended the the hotel floors, and after reaching the top, the fifth floor, he counted twenty ghouls in total. Including the two standing guard to the entrance of a double door.

'This...might be a problem. One Corpse Lord was hard to kill, three of them is going to be...difficult.' Alex thought as he could sense three auras in the room, larger and stronger than the ghouls outside and they seemed to be having a meeting.

"We need to increase our numbers, those crustaceans are too strong!!" A female sounding Corpse Lord shouted

"Patience Shuma, we can't rush, undead beasts are useless against those crabs and raising a tier 4 beast will take too much time." A male voice said

"Hmm, perhaps we need another Corpse Lord." A another male voice said

"Hah, and split our power even more. I'm already tired of sharing it with you two." The female hissed

"Watch it Shuma, we have a deal. We can try and destroy each other later, but not now, we have better things to do." One of the men said

'It seems they aren't as united as I assumed, which is to be expected from undead I guess. They mentioned crustaceans, as in crabs, which means those beasts underground near the destroyed harbour are probably crabs.' Colin thought with a relieved sigh. If fishes have gained the ability to walk on land, that would be a serious problem.

"Whose there?!" The female voice shouted and Colin immediately covered his mouth, as the female Corpse Lord bust through the door. The female Corpse Lord looked a lot like Master Foustus, with two pools of darkness for eyes, two bony wings with pulsating red membranes and black veins running all over her grey skin, but their were differences. Beyond the obvious differences, she had long grey hair, she wore a torn military uniform covered in blood and she had a sword made of bones in her hand, which gave Colin an eerie feeling.

"What is it Shuma?" One of the male Corpse Lords said as he emerged from the room and Colin's face twisted in disgust when he saw the creature. The creature had the same features as the other Corpse Lords, but it was extremely obesed, so much so that it felt like the ground vibrated when it walked. It was covered in black blood and had a human hand in it's fat oversized hands that were covered in black blood.

"I heard a sigh." Shuma, the female Corpse Lord, said

"So what?" The second male Corpse Lord said, this one was extremely thin, to the point that Colin wondered if it was a skeleton, but he realized that it actually has skin on it's bone, but he doubted it had anything else. It was also wearing a bloody tuxido.

"Undead don't sigh, we don't even breathe. So that means something else is here." Shuma said

"You're being paranoid Shuma, maybe it was one of these guys that did it." The obese undead said and looked at the two ghouls hungrily

"Stop trying to eat everything you gluttonous fuck." Shuma hissed

"Shuma, I don't sense anything . Let's get back inside." The skinny one said

"Fine." Shuma said before she walked back inside the room, but she looked into the corridor suspiciously.

'That Corpse Lord is going to be trouble, but for now, I need to head back and talk to the others. Maybe Bartus or Lily have some way of drawing the undeads and crabs away from the city.