"So you mean to tell me that Madison skipped school today coz of the party?" Ivy asked and Vina nodded.

"All through the lecture I was thinking she would show up late as usual, but I never knew she planned on skipping school" Ivy said.

"I passed through her house today so she could join me, but she told me she was surprised that I was going to school on the day meant for the party" Vina added.

"So what would she be doing at home?" Ivy asked surprised.

"She told me she would be going to the hair stylist to style her hair" Vina shrugged.

"Oh my God!" Ivy exclaimed....."How are we so sure that Madi's not running mad?"

"Hmmm speaking of madness, Madi ordered for the dress she is gonna put on from the very first day she heard about the party" Vina laughed.

"No this isn't funny at all, because of some animal who doesn't even know you exist" Ivy scoffed.

"Say no more Ivy, today is the day of the party right? Let's watch out and see if anything would eventually happen between them" Davina said.

"In your dreams" Ivy huffed.

"No don't say that, all of us are gonna be present right? We're gonna see things for ourselves" Vina said in mockery.

"This party's not even captivating me that much, just that if I don't go I'll die of curiosity" Ivy confessed.

"You have to be there, is gonna be so much fun. I can't wait to be there" Vina grinned, and Ivy rolled her eyes mentally.

"Forget about Madi, how was your exams" Vina asked fully facing Ivy now.

"Oh so now you remember I took an exam?" Ivy eyed her playfully.


The lecture for the rest of the day was boring, the students were really scanty, and so they had to dismiss them on time.

Everyone was preparing for the party tonight.


"Good day mum" Ivy greeted as she got into the sitting room that evening.

"Hi baby, where have you been?" Her mom asked dropping the magazine she was glancing at beside her.

"Oh....I went to sit with the seamstress after school" Ivy replied sinking into the sofa right next to her mom.

"And why is that? Aren't you attending the party? You look tired and exhausted" her mom commented checking her out.

"I know mum, I'm really tired and exhausted, but the thing's that if I don't sit close the seamstress she won't get my dress ready" Ivy replied.

"Oh sorry about that baby, it's your dress for the party right?" Her mom asked with concern, and Ivy nodded tiredly.

"But she didn't have to keep you this long, she's supposed to know you have somewhere going" her mom complained.

"I know mum but it's partially my fault too, I did not make the booking on time, so I had to wait until she was done. It was a short notice" Ivy explained.

"That's your problem Ivy, you always have a carefree attitude towards important things" her mom snickered.

"Mum please, this is not the time" Ivy sighed.

"What important thing" she mumbled.

"Okay if you say so, Alvin is already dressing up, he is getting ready for the party so hurry up so you can meet up with him. You guys are gonna use my car, your dad is out with his"

"Okay mum, I'll be ready in a jiffy" she said as she took the mini bag which contained her clothes, and her bag pack, then she started strolling upstairs.


Ivy had a quick shower and got out in no time with a towel around her chest, and another tied around her head. She had given her hair a little wash.

In as much as she never wanted to care about how she would look to the party, she also don't wanted to appear casual, coz she knew what she should be expecting from other students.

This is a party that's gonna be hosted by Crestfield High School, majority of the students there are gonna show up for this party, and all of them are filthy rich.

They dress so expensive, and everyone attending this party is gonna dress to impress. She decided she's not gonna be left out, coz she's not the least fortunate there.

She walked to the dressing table and stood in front of the mirror, she took her ointment from the table and applied it before applying her body lotion.

Next she took time to style her hair, she always loved styling her hair by herself and her hair always looks so good each time she does. Just that she does not do it always, she always likes packing her hair in a perfect ponytail, that simple look was what she preferred.

When she was done with her hair she looked into the mirror and smiled satisfactorily. When she looked at the time she realized she was running late, so she had to speed up with her dressing.

She put on her pink handless gown which was a little bit above her knees at the front, and flowed to the ground at the back.

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Then next she put on her black fancy heels and gold necklace. That was the only gold she had, her mum gave it to her and she treasures it so much.

When she was done dressing, she stood in front of the mirror and studied herself. Her brown and black hair looking all shiny, she parted it in two ways and held it at the back with a big black hair clip. She curled the tip and let it freely at her back.

She smiled at her reflection in the mirror, it was a dinner party, so they had to dress in a fashionable way.

She looked at the clock, and it was exactly 7:pm, right on time.

"Are you gonna take the whole day to dress up? I'm so gonna leave without you" Alvin ranted as he pushed Ivy's door open. And immediately he got in and saw Ivy, his jaw dropped.

"I have the most prettiest sister on earth" he complimented with a very bright smile on his face.

Alvin was putting on a blue trouser with white long sleeve, he wore a shinny blue jacket over the long sleeve, and blue bow tie. He was putting on a very white shoe, and now he was looking like a gentle man. He was equally looking so handsome.

"Oh please stop flattering me" Ivy said feeling really shy.

"No it's not flattering, you look really pretty" he added and she smiled broadly.

"Thank you bro" she blushed.

"You're welcome! So shall we mi lady?" He said faking a funny British accent as he stretched forth his hand in a gentle man way.

"Yes we shall!" She said faking her own accent too, as she took his hands.

They enjoined their hands and laughed as they left the room together.

"Bye mum, we're off" they announced as soon as they got to the sitting room.

"Okay bye babies, see you later" she waved cheerfully, and they both walked to where the car was parked.

It's gonna be a long night.

