"What! So you mean you're not gonna expel her?" Canice asked Castillo who stood by the window, gently looking outside.

"Damn man! That girl has overstepped her boundary. First she insulted one of us, and now she had the guts to remain in the cafeteria when everybody left. Damn man! This is so unlike you, she's supposed to get expelled immediately" Collins ranted, and Castillo remained silent, still looking out the window.

"She's gonna get expelled, and that's final!" Canice said firmly.

"And who are you to decide that?" Castillo scoffed, turning around to look at Canice. And then he saw that the boys were all fumming in anger.

"She's going nowhere! Guys, expulsion is not always the punishment for sinners, there are other ways to punish them" he said calmly, arranging his headphone in proper position.

Castillo was always with that headphone, he was hardly seen without it, as he took it along with him everywhere he goes. The headphone was customized with his name at the side of both ears. It was written CW, (Castillo Walter).

He never allows anyone to touch it, not even his dad and mom. Some of his fans called it his best friend, coz he never liked taking it off, even in class.

"What do you mean there are other ways to punish sinners? Castillo, I do not know what it is you have with this particular girl that is stopping you from doing the right thing" Chris barked, anger written all over his voice.

"Chris I'll keep warning you...don't you dare raise your voice at me. Are you crazy!!!" Castillo yelled, and Chris eyes never left his. They were busy glaring at each other.

"The truth of the matter is that I don't understand why you find it difficult to do justice to this girl, she's done enough, and if we do not get rid of her, she's gonna tarnish our image. Yeah, some people are no longer gonna give us the respect we deserve, if we let her go free" Collins explained.

"And who's talking about letting her go free?" Castillo asked walking back to the window.

"So what's your take on this, what are we gonna do to her? We cannot keep arguing over a particular girl everyday" Canice chipped in.

Castillo looked at Canice and then smiled.

"Good question" he mumbled.

"Albert I wanna see you right now" he spoke to his headphone. The headphone was also a means of communicating with people.

And in no time, Albert came into the class.

Albert was his personal body guard, and he also acted like a PA too.

He was a large and able bodied young man, who always follows Castillo around. He was always more than ready to take Castillo's orders, and could even die for him.

And coz of this, Castillo was very fond of him. Coz he had been working for them ever since Castillo was little, and Castillo somehow saw him as a senior brother.

"Bring me every detail you can get about that lousy animal in the next 24 hours" he commanded.

"Yes young boss" Albert answered immediately, he already knew the animal he was talking about.

"Tell the driver to set the car, I'm going home right now" he added.

"Yes young boss" Albert said and bowed before leaving.

"So this means she's not getting expelled?" Collins questioned immediately Albert walked away, he was obviously very pissed.

"No" Castillo answered simply, and brought down the headphone from his ears, and wrapped it around his neck.

"If there's nothing else, I'll be heading home now, I have a headache" he announced, and they all kept quiet.

"Alright, I'll take it that there's nothing else. Bye guys, I'll see you tomorrow" he said and gently walked out of the hall.

Chris was boiling in anger as he watched him leave. He could not bear his anger anymore, that was the main reason he kept quiet, he didn't want to say anything that would trigger Castillo, and then it will lead to a fight. So he just gently sealed his lips.

Canice watched out the window as one of Castillo's bodyguard opened the car door for him, he stepped in and it was closed afterwards. And next, the two cars he always brought to school drove out of the compound.

"Why do I feel there's a reason behind Castillo's wish to keep that girl in this school" Canice muttered, still looking outside.

"Whatever f*cking reason he has, I do not care. All I know is that this decision he's about to take now is gonna affect me seriously" Chris spat.

"And why is that?" Collins questioned, looking directly at Chris.

"Why is it that you so much want this girl to be expelled" Collins added.

"Easy for you to ask coz you were not the one who was humiliated by that brat" Chris barked, and stormed out of the hall angrily.

"I feel Castillo's making a big mistake" Canice said calmly and Collins just simply sighed.


"It's okay, it's gonna be fine, even though you get expelled from Crestfield, it is not the end of the world" Courtney said calmly, as she kept consoling Ivy who would not stop crying.

And Leo just stood there watching her in pity. There was nothing he could do about this, he hasn't even spoken to Castillo that much. This was way beyond him.

"Don't you tell me to calm down, you were with me, why didn't you tell me that they were coming, is it very hard to say? Why didn't you tell me everyone exited the cafeteria whenever the C4's came in. You kept blabbing on and on about everything they do, so why couldn't you say this particular thing to me and save me the stress" Ivy asked looking directly at Courtney, who was really feeling bad.

"But I told you to come along with me, I told you to come along with me, but you never did. I told you I would explain things to you later on, if only you had listened and followed me" Courtney said with tears gathered in her eyes.

She was really feeling bad, if Ivy happens to get expelled from Crestfield, she might die of guilt. Ivy had became the only friend she had at Crestfield.

Ever since her mom brought her here she's been on her own, coz she never really liked the character of the students here, especially the ladies.

Courtney has always been that isolated innocent girl. She was the only child of her single mother who loves her so much, and spent all her earnings on her.

Even at the fact that she was also from a rich home, she does not have a bad character. She was a really nice and quiet girl.

Leo stood there not knowing what to do or who to blame, he was equally confused, he doesn't want Ivy to leave the school. He has come to like her in this past few weeks, and he really enjoys her company.

He never wanted her to leave, she's a very nice girl for a friend.

"I was not always with you, and I never had the chance to tell you anything about the C4's. But Courtney you were always updating her, why didn't you tell her about it" Leo questioned, and Courtney bursted into tears.

It was enough drama for her that the one girl she could call her friend was going to leave her, but knowing she was the cause of it, she couldn't live with that guilt.

"I did not know I swear, I did not know it was gonna turn out like this. I was so afraid, I was afraid of the C4's and I had to save myself since she wasn't willing to come with me" Courtney explained, as she cried along with Ivy, who was settled on a bench.

Le went to sit close to Ivy, and began patting her.

"It is not your fault Courtney, just let it slide, it's my fault. I never listen, and now it has cost me my education, just stop crying Courtney" she said in a low tone.

And just then, Alvin came walking in angrily.

"Ivy what have you done this time around?" He yelled, immediately he got to where she was seated.

"Hey, hey, stop yelling at her!" Leo fired, earning a glare from Alvin.

"Ivy are you happy now, do you feel fulfilled now?" Alvin asked ignoring Leo, and then Ivy bursted into another round of tears. She stood up from where she was seated, and walked up to him.

"Alvin I'm so sorry, I never knew it would turn out this way, I was just so hungry, and I was having my lunch. It was never my intention to get involved with them" she apologized crying even more.

Seeing his sister in that state really broke him, so he held her close to him and started patting her hair.

They were at a quiet corner in the school, Leo took Ivy there coz he did not want people to see her in that state. Coz after the drama at the cafeteria, people wouldn't just stop staring at her.

So he took her there to avoid further breakdown, and Courtney quickly followed. The place was isolated, no or less students passed there.

"It's okay, you'll be fine" Alvin continued petting her, as she wouldn't stop sobbing.

"Did Castillo mention anything about expulsion to you?" Alvin asked and Ivy shook her head.

"They just said a few words and walked out without even having a seat, or eating anything" Ivy explained.

"That means they may not expel you, who knows, let's hope for the best" Leo chipped in, and Courtney nodded in agreement, as she slowly wiped her tears.

But Ivy wasn't buying that, she was still crying on her brother's chest.

"Are you not Chris's cousin?" Alvin asked staring intently at Leo, and he just simply nodded.

"Yeah I am, and I'm also Ivy's friend" he said and Alvin frowned slightly.

"But not to worry, I'm nothing like him" Leo added, when he saw Alvin's face.

"I see" he nodded slowly.

"I'm Alvin, Ivy's twin" he said stretching out his hands for a handshake, and Leo quickly took it.

"Nice to meet you, Ivy has said so much about you" Leo smiled.

"You're gonna be fine, okay?" Leo said to Ivy after breaking from the handshake, and patting her shoulders.

And Ivy nodded, still resting on Alvin, and sobbing very lightly.

Everyone of them really felt pity for her.

