A Drizzle of Stardust

Meena was ready to go and so was Juu. They all had their fill and were energized so they zoomed toward the island that was full of hope and possibilities.

They each had gotten a sea compass from the watcher who spotted the island. It had the location of Zelox Island stored and locked and all they had to do was follow where it pulled. If they were to go through with the investment process, it was theirs to keep, or they would have to return it. The heavy compasses around their neck pulled Northwest. The island was still moving fast and so they wanted to make sure that they catch up to it in good time.

No more than 10 Zenonz could invest in an island at a time. This kept things clean and simple for the most part. They wanted to buy it out, just the three of them. It's expensive, but they plan to buy it with an island grant from their ruler and each taking out a loan from the Investors Community Pocket.

Sherrie could not forget the pictures she saw that the watcher had taken. It appeared to be eggs hanging in an Elon tree. She specialized in caring for other marine life. Since those eggs are hanging, more than likely their parents are not around for whatever reason and she intended to adopt them and put them in one of the nurseries on their planet. Time was of the essence.

Meena supported her work and did not mind helping out. She cares about others, especially the young, just as much as Sherrie does. They could use more help but they are sufficient at what they do. She been to space before with Sherrie on vacation. They had so much fun swimming with Sea Turtles on their home planet Tatarei! They have the best stews! 

They stopped abruptly. Sherrie almost got knocked out by a rock shooting by so fast that they all became nauseated but it seemed like more was just seconds away from them and they rushed upwards before being hit by the rush.

Juu put in a report to Zenonz's space guards about the incoming speeding rocks and they continued upwards for a mile to be safe. They decided to stay at that altitude. There was a light drizzle of stardust here that got in their hair. Sherrie and Meena giggled while Juu brushed it off.

Their compasses were pulling strong. They were close to their destination so they hurried along. Their scales and fins vibrated as something was rumbling nearby. They all looked at each other. There was a swarm of Midikolps traveling parallel to them. There was a leader who looked at them, nodded, and continued on their way. Another swarm rumbled by out of nowhere as well and went who knows where.

Meena wrote something down and Juu put in a report about them. It was important to document such things. Sherrie did wanted to communicate with them but their curt acknowledgement seem to say they were busy. They read about them in the galactic guides they were given. They have light orange shells and clear eyes that seem timeless.

Zelox Island was finally in sight and it was moving at a fast pace. The water underneath it was shifting colors black pink and green and looked like a gooey magnetic substance. Everyone knows not to taste that stuff unless they was a scientist. Those creatures were built for tasting and testing. Juu had an idea for a machine that could test as well. The need for it didn't seem urgent since the walruses who does it love their job! The gooey base of the place was a mix of who knows what from space, full of minerals and other substances that have been collected from the island. Juu was ready to collect some stuff himself.

"Wow." Said Sherrie.

"Yeah Sher it's amazing!" Said Meena, coming to a stop. They was in Zelox gravity space and so they did not have to keep up with it anymore. 

Juu took some photos. This was definitely something he was interested in. They flashed their passports at a shield that was put around the island to prevent unwanted entry. Although you could go through the harmless barrier, it would turn red if someone tried to access it without the right authorization. You would be trapped, locked up, and questioned for trespassing immediately.

The barrier turned green and they quickly went through and onwards towards the flying land of Zelox Island. The barrier turned clear again with the Zenonz property label circling around it for all to see.

"I guess we split up here." Said Meena once they touched land, looking at Juu and Sherrie. He nodded and they started their next adventure, on Zelox Island. Sherrie smiled.