Little Seahorses and Bubbly Rivers

Sherrie and Meena reached the site of the hatchlings. The elon tree was looming towards the edge of the island. Two of the eggs had dropped already and the third one was shaking. It fell and a seahorse popped out before it hit the ground. It quickly disappeared and Sherrie and Meena were already prepared and on its tail with a special tracker. 

Sherrie blasted a harmless gelatin bubble at it and caught it within the floating iridescent sphere with good accuracy. She glanced at the cute baby seahorse spinning in circles and laughed at their wonderful find. With Meena's help, they attached the bouncy bubble to a short rope onto her toolbelt. It was a little girl with light pink color and blue spots. Meena flipped her tail excitedly and took notes on the little creature. Seahorses in space were rare and the planet they drifted from was lights away. A small river nearby produced a shadow that floated down the colorful water, just below its surface. The bubbly river hosted snails along it's dark sanded bank with small jumpy fish that had no scales. The females didn't hear the humming below the water surface, with the little matte colored fish jumping out the way. The snails slowly moved along, with their shiny spiky shells to protect them.

The duo do not like interfering with youngins too much, although this is their specialty. It is smart not to. The more you leave them alone, the better they can find their own way in whatever habitat they grow up in. They wanted to make sure this place was safe for the seahorses. After they had seen they were orphans left alone in that tree from the pictures taken from the watcher, they knew they had to take action. Parents would either stay with their eggs nonstop or leave. They now had to find the last one and reunite the siblings.

As much as Juu had his own business to attend to, this side quest was pretty interesting. He knew he may be more involved and needed now and therefore cleared his agenda for the time being. He had collected some nice samples that he knew he could turn into a good profit: Bark off the trees was pliable, the dirt had magnetic properties that may be useful, and he didn't know whether the mysterious leaves on the ground were alive or not. This was exciting for him to explore a new territory away from home. The island is proving to be quite the site. 

The seahorse he had in front of him had its tongue sticking out and he knew it must be hungry. He had rather consulted Sherrie and Meena on the appropriate things that were nourishing to it. He waited for them after sending his location while taking in more details of the island. This could be a nice getaway from the busy life back home, and by the way, the horn was going to blow soon so they had to hurry! 

His job was important to him. Hopefully the new insurance means he could get qualified for galactic op glasses. They were mostly for security guards but he could use them for data taking while he travel. Sherrie wanted to use the insurance to insure the new life they just met before them. These baby seahorses weren't their dependents, but they deserve to have a good life like everybody else. That is what the galactic rulers believe in and Sherrie and Meena enforces that in their side work caring for young life.

Juu saw something suspicious hovering in the distance. He hurriedly followed it, baby trailing behind with wide glittery eyes in its gelatin ball. Camouflage mode was turned on so the little seahorse would not be seen in any danger. Juu had no idea what this hovering object was and was prepared to take action if necessary. He tailed it through tall trees and across big, red-blue veined leaves that curved on the ground and tried to stay hidden by the smooth rocks jutting around. His suit allowed him to maneuver well and he hope the other mers will take their time in finding him in this weird endeavor.

Meena focused and put in the data for the two hatchlings that they found into a small cubed computer, to help find the third one. They will meet up with Juu afterwards. Knowing Juu, he must got some good stuff collected by now. Their technology picked up a movement that matched the other two seahorses and they quickly hurried to it, being careful not to hurt the one traveling in the back. It was floating along looking around at its new special life on Zelox Island.

When they got to the site, they did not see anything. They were in a sandy clearing, with dark space light speckling stars far out in the galaxy. There was a sun about 100 light-years away if they decide to anchor the island near a heat source. Then slowly behind a tree, came a giant starfish with the corporate logo MermaLife on them. It dropped a briefcase on the ground filled with paperwork.

The mers didn't know what to say. This was unexpected and probably illegal. Why would MermaLife be here? They looked at each other. Sherrie was about to let Juu know but the starfish smiled and said-

"This property is already claimed and officialized by MermaLife by the galactic space. You have no time before we issue a trespass against you." The starfish looked vaguely familiar, and its many suckers started rotating like a machine and pointed at them. The noise was deep and ominous.

Juu suddenly appeared and blasted him, puzzled. So a starfish ended up here? Meena and Sherrie were shocked. They hadn't moved at all. Juu frowned, slightly out of breath and showed them its picture from a most wanted ad. Apparently he was fired and was a former employee of MermaLife. Also dangerous, Juu did not waste any time. He noticed the starfish had a memorable mark on one of its tentacles and he remembered the ad about a fugitive that matched its profile.

The sparkly eyed seahorse Juu brought with him was reunited with its little sister! They floated together, bouncing around in the air in their jelly capsules. Out of nowhere small rocks were thrown at the mers. Meena and Sherrie smiled at each other and captured the last hatchling. Juu thought it was brave for trying to rescue its sisters and smiled. The boy was red with purple and black stripes. It huffed at its capture.

Sherrie assessed they would need to stay about five spins to train them on survival. They thought sea turtles and imported birds would be nice companions for right now. This was an exciting journey and new project they all were ready for.

The three of them quickly locked in their investment to their home planet Zenonz so that they could secure it, help the hatchlings they found, and profit off Zelox Island. Security was on its way after they called and reported the fugitive. Former employee of MermaLife really tried to take their island from them.