Chapter 1: In Disguise

This is a fictional story. It does not dictate or depict any historical events. Any names or time event is purely done by accident. 

Please read at your own discretion as there are visual graphics scenes, nudity, sex, rape, and gore. 

Rosie Qin stood in front of the enemy's one hundred thousand soldiers. Overlooking the enemies, she stood over the hilltop. She held out her hand and whispered, "Grandfather, wait for me. I'm coming."

"Miss Elisa are you ready?" asked Prince Regent Alex Zhu. He is a handsome young man. He have long black hair that is tied up a neat bun. He have brown eyes with long lashes. He is the Emperor's second son. He is known as one of the most talented and gifted man in the whole entire Zhu kingdom. The faithful subject of the golden dragon.

"Prince Regent," said Rosie turning around to look at him. In her true look she was a beautiful young woman. She have long thick hair. She have with blue eyes with mega long thick lashes. She have a v-shape face. Her skin is white and pale. She have nice curves with a sexy hourglass body and have big breasts. If any men, see her they think she's a goddess for she was gorgeous. However, because she's in disguise, no one recognized her.

"What is it?"

"If I win this war for you, I beg you to forgive me."

"Forgive you?" Prince Regent frowned.


Prince Regent frowned. "If you help me win this war, I will forgive you."

"Alright. I hope and pray you would honor your words." Rosie turned back towards the rising sun.


"Prince Regent we are surrounded. The enemies have cornered us into the mountain," said his Commander Wang Chen. Wang is a loyal and faithful subject to Prince Regent. He is a tall man, with a scar on his rugged face. He have long brown hair that is tied in a ponytail.

Prince Regent frowned. "Where is our backup?"


"What is it?"

"They're not here."

"What?" exclaimed Left Prime Minister. Left Prime Minister Eli Xiao. Eli Xiao is a man in his late forties. He was sent there to help the prince regent win the war.

"Where are they?" asked Prince Regent.

"I don't know, your highness," answered Commander Wang.

"Find out."

"Yes, Prince Regent."

"At this rate, they are leaving us to die!" exclaimed Left Prime Minister Eli.

Prince Regent frowns. There were so many who wanted him dead. To name the very few, it would be that the Empress and the Crown Prince. They're the ones who wanted him dead the most. They would stop at nothing to make sure he doesn't return alive.

If he won this war, the battle for the throne would be fierce. For he would be the most likely candidate to become the Emperor. For he would make such a high remark that the people of the kingdom would want him to lead the kingdom instead. No one would want the selfish and pathetic Crown Prince as their Emperor. 

He clenches his fists tightly. Of course, the Crown Prince would fear him. If he took the crown, he would wipe out the Empress and all of her evil doers. The Empress have frame and killed his mother. She is a wicked woman who will stop at nothing to make sure she rises to the top with her son. Her son who is a good for nothing man, knows nothing but whoring his way around with the women in the palace. Taking on every young maiden, and other men's wife for his own pleasure. He is a shame of a Crown Prince.

"Here comes Miss Elisa Qian," shouted one of the soldiers.

"Reinforcement? Good. Good!" exclaimed Left Prime Minister. He rushed towards the gate.

"About time," complained Commander Wang.

Prince Regent also rushed outside.

When the reinforcement came, it was not what they expected. It was but one person, a young woman. Who looks barely knowledgeable in combat or military warfare. She was so skinny that she could barely hold a weapon.

"What? WHAT! This is all they're sending?" questioned Left Prime Minister Eli.

"Hello, Left Prime Minister Eli and Prince Regent. My name is Elisa Qian. I am Commander's Qian's granddaughter. I am here to fight on his behalf," said Elisa Qian.

"Is this a joke?" chuckled Prince Regent. 

"What is this?" asked Left Prime Minister.

"How could this be?" asked Commander Wang.

Rosie clenched her fist tightly. "Please, do not doubt my strength or capabilities." 

Prince Regent sigh. "Well, if that's all they sent, then that's all they sent." He stomped away.

"What! You can't be serious," exclaimed Left Prime Minister. "Prince Regent. Prince Regent." He was chasing after Prince Regent.

"Humph," snorted Commander Wang.

Elisa could see the disappointment in everyone's face. How unhappy everyone was. They were all expecting another strong force to back them up. Not a weak and skinny woman. She knew what she was doing was taking a huge risk. But she had to. For her grandfather, she had to take the chance. Her grandfather, Bob Qin is an elderly lieutenant. He was drafted to war at the age of sixty. He was captured by the enemies and was going to be burnt alive in three days' time. She couldn't let him die, so she came to rescue him. She didn't want him to kill by the hand of the bloodthirsty Emperor Lucas Tang.

Rosie, however was happy. She let a sigh of relief. She was happy that no one saw through her disguise. No one saw the the real her. She looked at her hand and thought she did pretty well in hiding herself. It took a lot of her magic to look the way she did, and she accomplished it.