I can't believe its 1st November already, just few days to December, and then this year is over , just like that!! Linda thought as she walked down the market lane, she looked at her left side and saw a couple nudging their young one into the car, and she signed and muttered, ' and am still single, what am I going to tell my parents this Christmas again? I made them believe I will be coming home with my husband, I don't even have a boyfrie

 Hey watch it !!!


 Opps, am so sorry please, I wasn't looking " Linda apologized to the young man she hit

 Its alright, its the ending of the year and alot of people have a lot on their minds, the young man replied and smiled.

Linda looked up at him and was wowed to see the colour of his eyes, deep sea blueish.

Its not the kind of eye colour you see in Africa, talk more of in Nigeria

 Oh yeah, I know, its hereditary actually, my mom is from the States

Linda blushed in embarrassment, she couldn't believe she actually said that out loud, 

 My name is Chris by the way, the guy said extending his hand for a handshake 

 Sorry, but I don't shake strangers, but my name is Linda

 Ohh, the man said with a little air of disappointment but brightened up immediately and added' you have a beautiful name, sorry but do you mind if I get your number?

I would really like us to meet again and talk 

 About what exactly? Linda asked sharply 

 Woow, calm down OK? Let's just get to know each other, that's all, maybe you could actually tell me what you were thinking of that made you bump into me a while ago

Linda who wasn't looking convinced at all began to shake her head in the negative, but the guy was quick to say' Don't worry, you don't have to give me your number if you don't want to, here is my card, He said bringing out a card from his pocket and tucking it in into Linda's palm, please call me anytime you feel like, He smiled, then started walking away but turned and said, I will be waiting for your call Linda.


Linda felt chills hearing him call her name, it sounded sooo, she paused thinking of a word,` sexy? She finally turned to look at the man and was mesmerized to see that he had wonderful features even though she was looking at him from the backside 

He had nice long legs that looks athletic, he was wearing tight jeans so she could very well see his thigh muscle through his jeans anytime he took a step, his backside looks so firm and feel able and hard

If my hands gets in contact with it, it' She paused and screamed, Aaaaargh, what's wrong with me? I can't believe am daydreaming about a guy I just met, a total stranger, Gosh am so stupid.

 When Linda got home that day, after making food with the stuffs she bought from the market, she sat down to eat but felt something plastic in her buttocks, she stood up and checked her back pocket only to see the card the guy Chris gave to her, the card says, " Mr Christian Nduka, CEO of Apple Beauty

Apple beauty? That kind of rings a bell, she said and picked her phone to google it

Oh my gosh!!!, Linda said as the ball of garri which she has already moulded to swallow fell of her hand back into the plate.

So a appearantly, Apple Beauty is a multi million company that deals with making of beauty cosmetics for both men and women, and it says in google that the founder is one Mrs Clarissa Magnus, could that be his mom? Linda wondered " but how come the difference in surname? Maybe his parents never got married to each other? 

Or maybe they divorced?

Mehn this guy is loaded, gosh

I can't believe I acted so stupid in front of him, ` I don't shake strangers? She said out loud and scoffed' that would be the most stupidest thing he must have ever heard, and I even refused to give him my number, this girl you must be very stupid and unserious, to think that you're actually in need of a husband ASAP and you still have the mouth to say you can't give a guy(a potential husband) your number

She said, hissed and signed, should I give him a call or what now? 

I think maybe I should wait for some days, I don't want him to think am desperate or something (although I actually am).
