Linda rolled around in her bed and covered herself with the bedsheet even more and just then her alarm started ringing

Ohhh, it's morning already? Linda muttered switching off the alarm, she stood up and walked to the kitchen to have a glass of water, 

She looked at her reflection in the mirror and said' it's Monday and it's time for work

 Having had her bath and taken breakfast, she was making final touches on her makeup before her phone started ringing

Hmm, who could this be? She mused looking at the unknown number

Hello, she picked up and said 

Hello, is this Miss Linda Obinefo? The caller whose voice sounded like a foreigner asked 

Yes, this is Linda Obinefo, 

The voice sighed and said rather happily, this is Madam Clarissa, the owner of Apple Beauty, I would like to meet with you Miss Linda

What? Madam Clarissa of Apple Beauty? Linda asked shocked 

Yes dear, see am going to send you a message with the address and time, am aware that you are self employed and you have workers in your shop too, so I have choosed the perfect time for us to meet, just meet up with me for just few minutes, I promise not to take much of your time

But what for? If I may ask? 

Linda queried confused 

I will let you know when we meet ok ?


Well, o ok ma, Linda answered reluntantly

Madam Clarissa got off the phone and smiled happily at herself, took a heap of document from her table and headed out.

Linda who still couldn't believe she just spoke with the founder of Apple Beauty was still holding her phone in a shocked way.

I haven't called the number her son gave me, so how did she get my number? She mused' and what does they want from me? 

Just then her phone made a buzzing sound and she opened the text message` By 2pm at Queen's street in lekki 

But lekki is quite far from me, She mused 

Her phone buzzed almost immediately- ' don't worry a cab will pick you up and also bring you back home' the next text message read 

Well, I'll have to go to work and direct Maryann and Rose on what to do before I leave, She soliloquised and left for work 

That afternoon madam Clarissa opened the door to her son's office and dropped a document in front of him smiling

 What's this mom? Christian asked 

Go through it Chrissy, she replied

Christian was shocked when he opened the first page to see a photo of Linda, mom? How do you know her? He asked standing up 

Well your father told me about her and I decided to help you finde her, her name is Linda Chiamaka Obinefo, and she's 27 yrs old, works as a fashion designer, she has two girls working for her and she lives in Yaba, Madam Clarissa said smiling proudly

Christian looked at his mom incrediously and asked

How did you find out about all this?

Clarissa took out a chair, sitting down she said, remember I told you I had an investigator boyfriend back in the days, well he still comes in handy.

It took him only two weeks to gather all these and the only clue he had was that her name is Linda and you both met at the market lane, Madam Clarissa stood up and added, anyways I invited her over for a meeting, She looked at her watch and said, it's almost two o'clock, she should be here soon, she turned and left the office leaving her son dumbfounded.

 When Christian finally found his voice, he picked up his phone and dialled his dad's number

 Dad!!! I can't believe you told Mom about Linda, he screamed into the phone the moment his dad picked up 

Uh ohh, has she done something stupid?

Of course she has, you know your wife, she's currently having a meeting with Linda right now

Wow, she found her?, I have always known my wife to be quite capable, His dad replied sounding proud

But Dad, she's having a meeting with her, what for? 

Don't worry I will call her now and tell her not to say anything stupid, but Christian, you should be grateful and happy your mom found her for you, the dad said and ended the call.

 Yes I am, Christian muttered…