My dear, I just want you to know that you can visit any time you want at all

Thanks sooo much ma, I really appreciate your hospitality, I enjoyed myself today, Linda replied with smiles 

 It was almost 4 in the evening and Linda was standing near was standing near the car Madam Clarissa provided to drive her home

Oliver, make sure to drive safely, Ok?, Madam Clarissa said referring to the driver

Yes madam, The driver replied

Ok dear, just think about all that I have told you

I will ma, 🥰 , Linda said and entered the car, 

Bye and thanks alot for today ma'am 

On getting home, it was already after seven( the Lagos traffic played a role in delaying them) It was already getting dark, she was scared to see a tall figure standing in front of her apartment

Who are you? She asked trying to sound brave 

Hi Linda, Thank Goodness your finally home, I thought my mom wasn't gonna let you go, 

Chris ? Linda said shocked

Chris came closer to her, I hope my mom didn't say any rubbish to you, 

Your mom and I had fun and I wonder why you would refer to your mom's words as rubbish, Linda said rebukingly 

Ugh? You had fun? Chris asked surprised

Yes we did, intact we had so much fun that I'm now so tired and would like to go inside, take a shower and rest, Linda turned to walk inside 

But Linda I wanted to talk

Later Chris, I'm so tired now, Good night .


That night as Linda lay on her bed hissing left and right, she had alot going through her head

Should she listen to what Chris has to say and give him a chance? It could end in marriage, who knows! 

But wait ohh, am I really looking old? She said remembering when Madam Clarissa told her that she no longer looks that young 

She sprang up from the bed, went to the mirror in front of her table and started checking out herself, 

I guess I no longer look that young actually, but I don't look that old either, She muttered and sat down tiredly on the makeup chair 

Almost immediately her phone started ringing, she took it to see her mother's number on the screen

Hello mummy, Good evening ma, She picked the line and said 

My dear, How are you? Her mother asked 

I'm fine ma, How's everyone, 

Everyone is fine my dear 

This one you're calling this late mom, hope there's no problems, Linda asked

Not at all, just wanted to remind you about your promise last year, 

Mom, you reminded about this promise last month too, Linda said rolling her eyes 

Yes, cause I don't want you to forget, look, I have already told all my friends and co wives that my daughter is coming home with her husband to be, this Christmas, Even your uncles and aunties know too

But mom, why would you tell everyone, when you haven't even seen the husband yet

The reason is because you promised me and your father, besides Linda, I don't want my first daughter to reach 30 and still be single, it's almost like an abomination in our land nah, the mom said worried

Linda took a deep breath and said, don't worry mom, I will keep my promise this Christmas

Thanks my daughter, the mom said happily and ended the call

When she got off the phone that night, she thought deep and hard about how exactly she's going to keep the promise she made to her parents

Should I call my ex and apologize? She thought and immediately waved the idea off' the guy was a prick, cheated on me with my sales girl , should I hire a guy? Or propose to a random guy in the street? She chuckled at the thought and the impossibility of it.

Something reflected and she looked at the direction to see Chris's card, and a thought crossed her mind.