Madam Clarissa left the shop feeling proud that she was able to accomplish her mission, Hopefully Linda would understand that she's giving her go ahead to try and seduce her son whenever they're together during the fake engagement period at her village.

She laughed out loud remembering how nervous and afraid Linda looked when she told her she was disappointed with her.

 " Such a funny girl," I just wish Chris makes this pretend engagement of theirs into something real.

That evening after work, Christian drove straight to Linda's place, the Christmas cold air was at its peak that evening, everywhere was chilly and everyone shivering, 

Christian knocked on Linda's door gnashing his teeth and Linda opened the door and welcomed him in' 

You should have gone straight home Chris, you're gonna freeze to death here, I don't have a home heater

Don't worry, I will manage, but what do you use for warming up during cold seasons 

Nothing really, I just wear my long sleeves and cardigans, but during extreme cold weathers I just put my stove on and snuggle close to it to receive the heat it's emitting, Linda said and added immediately, do you want me to put on my stove so you can use it ?

No reall, don't bother yourself, I would rather you get me something hot, like maybe coffee, Chris said

Linda rushed and made the coffee, gave it to him and sat beside him to drink hers too.

Few minutes drinking in silence, Linda looked at her wall clock and almost choked because of the time

Chris, it's almost ten, you have to start going before it gets too late

Linda, don't you think I should sleep over? Chris asked looking at her 

Wait, what? You can't stay the night here, Linda replied shocked

But why not, it's already too late, it's too cold and besides at your family house, I guess we would be sleeping together on the same bed, since we're going to be a couple, so we might as well start getting use to it

Linda looked at him and sighed , Ok, let me make the bed for you, "she stood up to go but Chris held her back and said, don't bother, just get me some duvets, I can manage the sofa 

Are you sure? The sofa isn't that long, I don't think your legs can fit in, Linda said visibly worried

Don't worry, besides it's cold, I won't stretch my legs out, rather I would curl up because of the cold so it won't be uncomfortable at all, Chris assured 

Ok, if you say so, Linda said

So sit down let's talk, Chris said

About what? Linda asked sharply

Woww, this just reminded me about our first time of meetings, Chris said smiling, '' well for starters, we can talk about relationship, exes, the reason why you think you're still single and why exactly are your parents kinda pushing you to get married, don't worry I will also tell you mine

Linda breathed in, and said " well actually I haven't had a l of relationships, I didn't really mature like my mates, wasn't interested in boys and romance like the others, I was actually a virgin till I turned 23, and that was when I had my first boyfriend, we dated for two years before I found out that he was having an affair with my sales girl so I ended things with him and since then I haven't been in a relationship anymore

Your ex was a total brat, how could he cheat on you with YOUR OWN sales girl? Chris said emphasizing on the 'your own', 

Wait, are you saying that it would have been better if he did it with any other person's sales girl? Linda asked, narrowing her brows, ''like he would have been less of a brat,?

Not at all, just that he would have showed a little respect or regard for you

Cheating on me in the first place shows he has zero respect or regards for me, it doesn't matter who he does it with , Linda said

Well, I guess you're right, Chris said giving up, " but Linda if you guys dated for only two years while you were 23, that means you broke up while you were 25, and since then, you haven't been in a relationship, that means that for two years now, you haven't had 'sex' 

Linda blushed and said, well I was a virgin till 23, so I guess I'm practically used to not having sex at all' 

But surely, once you have tasted it, the urges are bound to come, and come stronger too, or don't you get the urges? 

Of course I do, but I can control myself, Linda said and quickly decided to change the topic, since it seems to be getting awkward

So what about you Chris, tell me your own side 

Chris started with his escapades in high school and how and why he broke up with his last girlfriend.

They later talked about traveling to Linda's village, and made further plans on how the pretense engagement deal is going to be, they both later ended up falling asleep on the sofa ..