When they got home, they were surprised by the visits of some of Linda's extended families

They all claimed Linda's mother had informed them of the upcoming marriage and invited them to come over and see for themselves the handsome man her daughter is about to get married to very soon

 O nwere anya ndi ocha ( He has the eyes of the white men), one of the old men exclaimed in vernacular refering to the colour of Chris'eyeballs

Yeah, that's because his mother is a white lady, Linda's mother proclaimed proudly

Wowww, they all cooed 

So does it mean they will live in the white man's land after they get married? One of Linda's step siblings asked then added " can I live with them? 

Hahahaha, you can't live with them because they need some time alone as newly married, the mother replied softly

Linda smiled and bend towards her younger sister, "but don't worry Emma, I will get you stuffs from the white man's land and you can also visit us during your holiday period 

The smiled beamed with smiles' and ran to his mother happily, soon after the group was divided into two, with the men advising and giving Chris tips on how to be a perfect husband and make their daughter the happiest wife ever

My son, one of Linda's uncle began " women likes it when the husband sometimes helps them in the kitchen, or even does the cooking for them 

Get that 'sometimes' not all the time, another uncle chipped in emphasizing the sometimes

Yes, yes, the first uncle agreed nodding his head rigourously, " doing the house chores all the times will automatically turn you into a 'woman wrapper', I hope you understand my son 

Yes I understand sir, Chris replied respectfully

Later in the night when the whole family members have all gone to their houses, Linda's father called Chris and requested he sits with him for a little chitchat 

But dad, it's already late and he's tired, Linda said

Its alright Linda, don't worry about me, Chris said taking a sit beside the old man 

Go to sleep my daughter, he will be there with you soon, let me have a word with him, Linda's father shooed Linda away 

Linda went away reluctantly giving Chris 'I'm sorry look'

Few seconds after she left, Linda's father cleared his throat loudly and said to Chris

My son, you know since my daughter came home with you as her husband to be, I haven't actually sat down to have a conversation with you

Linda is my only daughter and I love her so much, and I want the best for her.

So why don't you tell me you're intentions about her, I know you already engaged her, but I hope it's not like all these city engagements that lasts for years without actually getting married, I don't want that for my daughter

No sir, Chris began' I engaged Linda because I love her and would want to marry her immediately, 'he paused and deciding to sound more believable he added, Your daughter and I have thought it over and decided it will be better for me to bring my people after the Christmas period, during the new year season 

Ahhh, Linda's father exclaimed happily,'' so you guys have decided to begin the new year with a memorable event for us abi? He asked rhetorically and laughed, hahahaha, well that's good my son, the new year is not far from now, so am happy to hear that your people will be coming here anytime soon, he stood up and adjusted his wrapper, 

Go to sleep my son, lest your wife say I'm holding her husband from her, I have heard what I want to hear, Goodnight 

Good night sir, Chris greeted back and sighed in relief

He sat down for a while thinking of the repercussions his lies will have on the old parents when they find out they have been deceived, he thought about his own parents, what would they do if it were to be them? Especially his mom, She would probably imprison him" She's a crazy woman' he mused' thank God I told them the truth.