OMG!, I can't believe you have fallen in love with this guy !!!

Calm down Cynthia, it's not like that

Then what? What's it like? I arrived here since minutes ago only to meet you in deep thoughts and when I called your name, you replied by calling me HIS name, Linda!!

Cynthia, calm down nah, why are you shouting

Does he know? Tell me

I don't think he does., and even if he does, there's no way he would reciprocate, because to him it was all an act

Exactly! Thank God you know, he would never look at you in such a way

Helping you deceive your parents was the highest thing he could do for you

Cynthia, you're sounding so harsh, he can never look at me in such a way? Meaning I'm not good enough or what?

And what do you mean Deceiving my parents?

You know I'm very correct, these type of men have the caliber of women they go out with, models, actresses, and all these Instagram baddies

Definitely not someone sewing clothes in yaba , Cynthia said and scoffed

I'm a fashion designer Cynthia, I have actually made wears for some of these Instagram baddies you mentioned

So what are you trying to say? That you're going to continue crushing on him? Hoping that he would notice and start loving you too?

Linda sighed, 'Cynthia, this feeling came out from nowhere, so I'm sure it would go on its own,

Just let me be, I have work to do

Really?, so I'm now disturbing you?

With that, Cynthia ( Linda's friend) angrily walks away from her shop

I wonder why she's so upset, Linda wondered,

Just then a text popped in on Linda's phone

Hey Linds, how's work going?

Mine is exhausting 😑😑

Linda smiled and proceeded to type back

Mine is going well so far

Still have a workloads of wears to design and sew


Chris swirled around in his office chair, smiling sheepishly

I thought fashion designers have it easy this period, that's after the Christmas and New year celebrations

He typed back, and waited anxiously as Whatsapp tells him Linda is typing.

Well, not entirely true

Have you forgotten Val is around the corner

Some people are preparing ahead,

And we still have some unfinished works from last year

Ohh, that must be exhausting then

Here I was, thinking I must be the only one with workloads

What do you say about grabbing dinner together tonight

I mean, it would be a great way to relieve work stress

And I know a fantastic Chinese restaurant around 😊

Ohh, that sounds nice Chris,

I will be ready by 6pm

Ok, then I will pick you up by 6 :30pm then

Chris smiled and rang his PA through the intercom

Esther get me those files on Ifeco Enterprise, and cancel any appointments I have from 4pm today.

Ok sir, Esther replied

Well, who do we have here? Dave, Chris's friend said straiding into the office

Where the hell have you been?

Yo my guy! Chris exclaimed happily, shaking hands with Dave

Where did you spend your holidays, you were totally no where to be found dude, Dave asked.

I told you nahh, I went to a very pleasant place, Chris said

Woww, is it a secret place or what?

Dude! Don't tell me you went to a girl's house? Dave said jokingly

Seriously Dave, you should be a pastor or something

Soothsayer or seer

Something like that, you really got it in you

What? I'm correct? Dave asked shocked

Well, you are !