The Ultimate Battle: The Death Of Erabareshimono.

" Who does that youngster presume to be?"

Mono surged forward, imbuing his sword with an aura as he lunged towards Dali. Dali raised his two hands in an 'X' formation, and his spiky bracelets took over the task.

"You will suffer the consequences for your actions!"

Mono persistently thwarted Dali's barrage of attacks, each strike denting Dali's bracelets and some even grazing his exposed hands.

"I cannot endure this any longer. I simply cannot!" Dali exclaimed, creating distance between them by bombarding Mono with small azure blasts, some of which he blocked while others he dodged.

"Press on, Mono! You can do it!" Sensei encouraged.

'Dali is solely focused on offensive maneuvers. I know what to do...' Mono thought to himself.

Ceasing his defensive maneuvers, Mono concentrated on evading while closing the distance between them. Methodically, he maneuvered closer to Dali, darting forward, then to the left, and evading two more attacks. Finally, he stood face to face with Dali before vanishing into thin air.

'Where has he disappeared to?' Dali ceased his onslaught, scanning the surroundings for Mono in vain. Suddenly...


Mono materialized above Dali, his hands tightly gripping his sword poised to strike down. Instinctively, Dali moved to block by forming an 'X' with his hand.


The resounding clang of metal meeting metal reverberated throughout the vicinity. Dali's bracelets shattered, sending him skidding across the ground, crashing into a hill and causing it to crack. Dust enveloped the area, obscuring vision. Mono wore a confident smile, slightly winded. As the dust settled, a fist appeared at Mono's face, too swift and close for him to react.


His head snapped back in an unnatural manner before his body followed suit, crashing to the ground, struggling to maintain composure as the aura dissipated, leaving his hair still a fiery red.

"*HUFF* *PUFF* This youngling... How dare you shatter my bracelets?!"

"What's the issue? They're just ornate accessories—"

"They are not mere trinkets!" Dali interjected. "Those rare artifacts enhance my endurance— Why am I even bothering to converse with you? Perish!" he shouted, conjuring a blue blast. Although obstructed from view, Dali unleashed the blast in the direction where he last saw Mono.


The spot erupted in a violent explosion.

"Mono!" Josei called out from behind.

As the debris settled, all that remained was a deep crater in the ground.

"Who's prepared to meet their demise first, you wretches?!" Dali gloated.

All seemed lost. Everyone, save for Josei and Sensei, remained incapacitated, recovering in the dojo. Sensei too was recuperating. Josei lacked the strength to confront Dali, and Mono was allegedly reduced to microscopic fragments.

In the wake of the chaos, an astonishing event unfolded. Mono reappeared at the precise spot where he was purportedly obliterated into minuscule particles.

Dali beheld him standing behind him, resembling his worst nightmare, blood trickling from his lips.

"Always ascertain your opponent's whereabouts before launching an attack. A wise individual once imparted that lesson to me," he grinned at Sensei before turning his attention back to Dali, "and now I am bestowing it upon you, so that you may impart it to your progenitors when you encounter them."

"How... how is this possible, you impudent brat!"

Mono began to slowly circle his sword above his head. It began to radiate a blue glow, leaving trails of azure light in its wake. He concentrated every ounce of his pure energy into the sword.


He leaped upward, and gravity took over. The sword hurtled towards Dali's head, a smirk adorning Mono's face. The blade was mere centimeters from its target before Dali whispered, "Switch."

{Author's Note: "Switch" is a technique that exchanges the positions of two individuals for one second, without altering what they are holding. For instance, if one person is holding a knife and the other a stick, the individual with the stick will swap places with the knife holder, now holding the knife, and vice versa. This technique can only be employed once in a lifetime.}

The slash connected with Mono's head, slicing through his internals. He descended slowly, reminiscing about everyone and everything he would leave behind—his comrades and the havoc Dali could wreak upon the city. All hope seemed to fade. The others had recuperated and emerged from the dojo, though their energy levels remained depleted. They contemplated confronting Dali.


All eyes turned to the source of the laughter.

"Sensei, how can you find amusement at a time like this?" Josei exclaimed.

Suddenly, the slash returned, cleaving Dali in two.

"H-How?" were his final words.

Sensei addressed the group, "The slash employed by Mono—it always returns!"