Sensei's Shocking Revelation! A Glimmer Of Hope?

"...please don't kill me for this...", Sensei said. 

"Kill you? Touching you is beyond our wildest imagination not to mention killing you. Besides, what could you possibly say that will make me want to kill you?"

"Go call the others."

Josei ran to the training area, and outside to call the rest. She came back in one minute with them.

When they were all in the room, Sense began.

"You guys have all known me since you were little. How you parents came to enroll you here while the other 'best' training centres were out there. How they chose this place over others. You have been able to build a relationship with me."

"I would like to tell you about something. Samurai stars. They summon the samurai dragon which grants your wish, as far as it not beyond his power. They are rare. You need five. Once used, it will scatter all over the planet and you have to find. Of course you can find other people's own."

"Why are you telling us this?", Raiba asked. 

"Because one of his abilities is to raise the dead."

The all had a shocked look on their faces.

"Then let's go and hunt for them already!", Josei exclaimed. 

"Now for the part I don't want to kill me for. I actually have five in my room."