The Return Of...A Legend? (Part 1)

"Do you even know what the second vision is? No! If I tell you, your reaction will be pretty much the same if not worse.",Sensei remarked.

He was very surprised he didn't sense her energy when she was apparently eavesdropping.

'Maybe I was too deep in thought to notice.'


Inside the room, all three samurai were wondering where Sensei and Josei were. The had suddenly disappeared right in front of their eyes and were trying to unlock the door without breaking it.

"Someone has a secret.", Tokira said.

"That tecnique",Raiba spoke, "Sensei said he would teach us today...Instant Teleportation."

"That would be cool, I think I saw Mono do that against Dali.", said Hito

"How would we get out of here?", Tokira worried.

"I guess we just sit and w-"


Sensei and Josei appeared in the room.

"Where were you guys?"

"Never mind,",Sensei replied, "We are going to bring back Mono!


Outside the door, five star prism shaped things, red and glowing were on the floor arranged in a circle. Standing there was Sensei, Josei, Raiba, Tokira, and Hito.

"Oh Samurai stars! Summon the great Samurai dragon!", Sensei shouted.

At first, nothing happened. Then they started glowing more pulsatively and started to rotate until it looked like a red ring rotating. Then the stars went up and exploded without a sound and the part of the sky on top of the was dyed red. Red lightening bolts started to strike the the red sky started to reduce until the started forming a snake like shape.

"It is I! Gureto! The great Samurai dragon! State your wish!"

Gureto was like a red version of Shenron (Dragon Ball).

[Reference art for Gureto in chapter comments. Check it out!]

"Um...g-great dragon, I want you to bring back my friend, Mono, Erabareshimono. He's dead.", Josei managed to utter.

When Josei mentioned Mono's name, Gureto's face twitched a little but only Sensei saw it.

"I can, at least I can try."

Gureto started to glow red for a long time the before them, an all white figure of Mono facing back was there, then it started glitching.

"HA!", Gureto shouted then the figure remained. The white started to peel off, revealing a figure of Mono.

"I'm back guys!", he said turning around.