The Return Of... A Legend? (Part 2): A Visit From Sonny

"I'm back guys!"


"Mono you're really finally back!", Josei exclaimed. She quickly ran to hug him which immediately regretted as her and the latter's cheeks turned perfect rose red.

Each person took their turns to welcome him until it was finally Sensei's turn.

"Welcome back kiddo. We really missed you. Come meet me in my room, we need to talk.", he said, making sure to whisper the last sentence.


In Sensei's room...



"We went through a lot of sacrifice to bring you back."

"The samurai stars?", he asked with one brow up.

"How did you know."

"I haven't told anyone this", he replied, "but...s-some things just come to my to do them, and stuff like that. How do you think I knew how to use Instant Transmission?"

"That explains things."

Just then, the distant voice of Hito shouting caught their ears.

"Mono! Sensei! Come outside quick!"

They immediately put their index fingers on their foreheads and disappeared from the room.


The appeared outside where they could see one.

A guy about their age dressed in a mountain climber outfit with handkerchief tied round his neck stood. But what stood out was his appearance - he looked like a combination of Mono and Josei!

He had Josei's hairline and Mono's hairstyle. And his face looked like a combination of the latter.

"This dude just popped up outta nowhere, calling me mom.", Josei complained.

"Dad? You're here. I need your help.", the boy said.

"There goes.", Josei said.

"I am Shosen-Mura, call me Shosen, and I am the son of both of you from the future.", he said, looking at Josei and Mono.