The Future

In a vast area, the wind howled and some few light debris flew to its rhythm. Though there was a lot of space, there were ruins everywhere, making the environment seem like a scene straight out of an apocalyptic movie.

Suddenly, a circular glowing blue spiral-patterned light appeared out of nowhere, Three silhouettes emerged from it before it disappeared.

These, of course, we're Mono, Josei, and Shosen.

"Is the situation this bad?", Josei rhetorically lamented, looking and sounding concerned.

Shosen led them fifty metres from the venue of their emergence into a big dusty looking metal cylindrical structure.

If one were to count out everything in the structure, the diameter will be 250km. It was that big.

When the trio stepped in, the facial reaction of Mono and Josei clearly explained that the internal structure was obviously more presentable than the outer structure, though it was mainly because of the chattering population of 500 who fell dead silent as soon as the trio walked in.

"Yasashi!", Shosen called out, "you left the door open again!"

A female figure came running from a door at the side.

Yasashi Hana was a slender girl, about five feet nine tall, with dark hair that often fell into her eyes. Her skin was tanned from the sun, and her eyes were a piercing shade of green.

She typically wore simple, comfortable clothing that allowed her freedom of movement. Her jacket, a dark olive green, was made of a durable, weather-resistant material. The sleeves were slightly oversized, and the collar was high, offering protection from the elements. A small, embroidered symbol of a stylized gun, its barrel morphing into a rose, was subtly stitched onto the left breast pocket. The symbol was a modern take on a classic design, sleek and minimalist, yet powerful.

A small, sleek handgun, no bigger than her palm, was always at her side. Its sleek, black frame glinted in the bulb light, a constant reminder of the dangerous world she inhabited.

Despite her young age and small stature, Yasashi carried herself with a quiet confidence; she was always ready to face whatever challenges that came her way.


As Yasashi came to them, she quickly bowed down.

"Commander Shosen! I am truly sorry for my carelessness."

"I told you to stop bowing down, Yasashi.", Shosen lightly laughed, "We are age mates after all.", Shosen remarked.

The chatter soon resumed as the short 'commotion' ended.

Josei looked towards Shosen with a face that asked 'Who is she to you?', movinh her eyebrows up and down repeatedly. Shosen replied with a face that said 'Mum?!'

"I'm starting to get hungry.", Mono suddenly said, "Did you put all the food in that strange pill too, Shosen?"

"Yeah, I did.", Shosen reached for his pocket, "Wait a sec."

"Attention everyone! Lunch is about to be served, and this one is bigger than others!", Shosen announced.

Everyone cleared a space to reveal a long table of 45m length and 5m width.

Shosen then threw a pill onto the table.


A short series of smoke appeared revealing an all-you-can-eat-buffet-like sight.

Happy chatter filled the room.

Yasashi pulled Shosen towards a corner and asked, "Who are those people, they look young, yet a commanding presence is felt somewhat."

"They are...acquaintances from the past." was all Shosen said. Yasashi understood if he didn't want to go further and disturbed him no further.

A man came towards Shosen and asked, "No offense, but what's with the large amounts of food?"

Shosen then walked to the front of the large room and shouted.

"This treat here is all thanks to those two people at the back!"

Instantly, all eyes attached to the confused looking Mono and Josei like glue. A mess of "thank you kind strangers" filled the room seconds later.

A boy with a baked bun in his hand came up to them.

"Thank you, kind people.", He said, looking at Mono while holding onto Josei's clothing.

Josei squatted so that she was on eye level with the boy.

"You are most welcome.", she said with eyes full of pity.