Chapter 52: The New Secret Move 

"Haha, it's your turn now. You gotta win this!" 

Cyra stood up excitedly and cheered loudly for Nicola.

"Don't you think her opponent seems a bit special?" 

I reminded her. The opponent's name sounded obviously like a male name, but all angels are female. Their names are usually more feminine. So the only possibility is...

"A light elf!" 

Seeing the male light elf following Nicola onto the stage, I exclaimed in surprise. 

"Aren't light elves usually quite weak? How dare he challenge Nicola?"

"It's not about daring to challenge. The opponents in martial arts events are decided by the number drawn..." 

I shook my head. Although this light elf dared to sign up for the Martial Arts Tournament filled with strong contenders, it indirectly proved that his strength must be quite good.

"I don't know the combat power of light elves. I only know their talents are far below those of angels. Compared to using weapons, they are more adept at magic. But I dare not hastily conclude. After all, even humans have experts above level 7..."

"Level 7?" 

Hearing my words, Cyra turned back in surprise. Although we had learned about strength levels in class, she still didn't know how strong human experts could be.

"That powerful? Then they're almost on par with ten-winged angels?"

"Well, as far as I know, the gaps in high levels are quite huge, with many sub-levels. So it's hard to determine who is stronger..." 

I scratched my nose, a bit stumped on how to answer.

"But it's said that humans' talents are below those of light elves, at least in magic. That's for sure."

"So this male light elf swordsman could be even stronger than Nicola..."

Cyra looked at the stage. Just as she finished speaking, the match had already begun.

"Wow, so fierce!"

I saw that light elf named Ayshu instantly rush at Nicola with his sword, moving so fast even I could barely see clearly, let alone Cyra. 

With a "dang", their swords clashed. Caught off guard, Nicola somehow luckily blocked his slash with her sword. But she was also forced back several steps, looking extremely dishevelled. Fortunately, she took this chance to pull back some distance. Her opponent didn't immediately pursue. 

"Be careful, this light elf is very strong. His level can't be low!" 

I breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly shouted for Nicola to focus.

"That Ayshu should be at least 6th level right? His strength is almost on par with eight-winged angels. Nicola will have a hard time dealing with him."

A voice suddenly sounded from behind me. I looked back to see that it was Aetina, who I couldn't find anywhere this morning. I didn't know when she had also come to watch the match.

"Weren't you going to be a substitute referee? Why aren't you on stage but down here instead?"

Seeing this, I asked puzzledly. If she was free now, I figured I could still find time in the afternoon to learn some advanced magic from her. It wouldn't be too late.

"I did substitute for a referee this morning, that's right. Because of the lack of light element in the city now, she accidentally overslept. She just rushed over. So I'm done with that now..."

While answering my question, Aetina's gaze remained fixed on the stage. 

"If you want me to demonstrate advanced magic for you, there's no need for that at all. Let's just focus on watching the match for now!"

"Uh... You knew that already?"

I was surprised she had guessed my intentions. For the moment I had no other options, so I could only follow her words and put my attention back on the stage.

By now Nicola and Ayshu were exchanging blows again. After several back-and-forth clashes of their long swords, it was clear to anyone that Nicola was inferior in both skill and strength. Within just a few exchanges, she was easily pushed to the edge of the stage by her opponent.

"If she falls off the stage, that will be an automatic loss!" 

Seeing the dire situation, Cyra cried out anxiously. Hearing this, I also broke out in a cold sweat for Nicola.

But the situation showed no signs of easing. On the contrary, it became even more dangerous.

With a straight thrust aimed at her heart, Ayshu's move was steady and powerful. Caught off guard, Nicola had no way to defend. With a "bang", she was immediately swept off the edge of the stage by his sword, about to lose balance and fall to the ground...

Just at this crucial moment, her six wings suddenly exerted force together, narrowly stopping her downward momentum. Then she instantly ascended, hovering in midair.

"This is allowed too? If fighting while flying with wings, wouldn't that be a huge unfair advantage over the opponent?"

Seeing this, I was dumbfounded. I had completely forgotten that angels could do this. Naturally, it wouldn't be an issue if the opponent was also an angel. But the opponent now was a light elf who couldn't fly at all. For him, this was simply an unbeatable cheat.

"No sustained flight is allowed in martial arts events. Must land within 3 seconds, or the one closest to the stage wins."

At this time, the referee floating in the air suddenly started counting while pointing at Nicola.


Hearing this, Nicola didn't dare hesitate any longer. Fortunately, she hadn't flown too high. She simply folded her wings without landing properly, letting herself drop back onto the stage. Then she hurriedly stood at the opposite side of the stage from Ayshu. 

"1... Match continues! Any more flight will result in an automatic loss!"

The referee ruthlessly warned Nicola, and then signalled for the match to resume.

"So strict..." 

I grimaced. I wondered if this flying referee was the one Aetina mentioned who had overslept. Because there were also four line referees guarding the edges of the stage. Their role was quite similar to linesmen in a soccer match.

"I can't believe you took advantage of your wings to escape a close call. But that was within expectations. Unfortunately, there won't be a next time."

Rarely, the light elf Ayshu took the initiative to speak before making a move. It seemed he was already assured of winning this match.

"Humph, the good part is still to come. Being pushed this far by you would only happen once!" 

Nicola flicked her longsword. Her words didn't seem worried at all, as if the one at a disadvantage so far wasn't her.

"I just didn't expect your martial arts to be so good. I was careless at first. You light elves are adept at magic instead of physical attacks like dark elves, right? Yet you're also dabbling in swordsmanship?"

"Mastering swordsmanship is my life's pursuit, unlike you angels with long lifespans able to master both magic and martial arts. I will not lose to such immature swordwork!"

Although Ayshu's strength was superior, he was not underestimating his opponent. As soon as he finished speaking, he concentrated his energy and took on a combat stance.

"Too bad you're still just a light elf after all. Your strength is decent, but still not enough for me..."

Nicola shook her head and clicked her tongue. Then she suddenly turned to face me.

"Why are you looking at me? Watch your opponent!"

I hurriedly reminded her. To be honest I was speechless. What was up with her suddenly acting Chuuni? Was her mind muddled from all that idle chatter?

"Be careful of a sudden attack from him. His speed is very fast!"

"Didn't I say I have a new secret move? I was planning to save it for the end, but looks like there's no choice..."

However, Nicola seemed not to hear my words. She just kept on talking.

"Here he comes!"

Cyra beside me suddenly cried out. Sure enough, the opponent could no longer hold back. Seeing Nicola completely open, how could he wait for her to keep blabbering? He raised his sword and pounced over first.

"Watch closely now..." 

The corners of Nicola's mouth turned up slightly. It seemed to be within her expectations. With the distance still far, it gave her a brief moment to react. I saw her standing in place, raising her longsword and casually swinging it toward Ayshu's incoming direction.

"–––– Super Duper Lightning Armstrong Hurricane Slash!"

What a silly skill name! Did she name her move?

While I was astonished, I suddenly felt an invisible pressure blast forth from the sword tip, already almost reaching the nearing Ayshu. As expected of the 6th level, his reaction was unimaginably fast. He immediately crouched down and dove slanted to the ground.

"What was that..."

All the spectators were stunned. Soon after Ayshu ducked to evade, the trees behind him suddenly swayed, then 

"Crack crack crack"

three large trees in succession silently toppled over, as if sliced clean through the trunk by something.

"That's your new secret move? What the heck was that!"

After a long time, I finally regained my senses, but from the skill name, I seemed to grasp a clue...

Could it be something she conjured with her wind element control?

However, the others didn't know this. They looked as if they had seen a ghost, and the atmosphere of the entire tournament became bizarre.

"Sorry about that. Seems I didn't control the power too well. Went a bit overboard..."

Nicola spread her hands towards Ayshu still crouching on the ground, putting on a helpless look.

"Could it be qi?"

Behind me, even Aetina was stunned. After teaching Nicola for so long, she was completely unaware Nicola had hidden this card up her sleeve. 

"But even qi shouldn't have such great destructive power..."

Saying so, she immediately rejected her guess again.

"Only humans completely lacking any elemental affinity, unable to use magic, could cultivate qi. It's impossible for angels! Light and dark elves can't do it either."