Chapter 61 - Destined Meeting

"Cyra! Look what I've brought for you!"

I gently knocked on her door after landing right outside her room. But there was no response even after waiting for a while. 

Was she asleep or not even in her room?

I lightly turned the door knob and it opened easily. The room was empty without a shadow. It looked like I missed her again. With one wing half bald, where could she go?

Since she couldn't fly, she must still be somewhere in the Tivi Palace. 

I decided to go look for her. There were only so many places she frequented in the palace - the training grounds, our rooms, the housekeeping room, the throne room and the makeshift classroom.

"What's going on here?"

As soon as I stepped into the throne room, I felt something was off. There were noticeably fewer angels than on my last visit. The two angels who usually stood behind the service counter were missing too. 

On closer look, they weren't missing. Their heads were peeking out from behind the counter. Someone seemed to be crouching down there.

Why were they sneakily hiding there?

Curious, I went behind the counter to take a look. What I saw shocked me. 

The usually quiet and demure four-winged angels... plus another unfamiliar two-winged angel were sitting in a circle playing poker!

"One pair of 2!"

"Four Ks!" 

"Haha! Bet you didn't expect this.!"

"No way! We're on the same team. Why did you bomb me?"

"Huh? I thought you were both landlords... I'm so confused who's who."

"She's the landlord! We've been playing for so long and you still don't get it. We peasants have to team up and take down the landlord!"

"Oh, I see... Sorry about that..."

"Do you guys even know what landlord and peasants mean?" 

I couldn't help but retort. Seeing this, Cyra immediately came to mind. I didn't expect her to move so quickly, teaching Norma and even the front desk angels. 

"Ah! How may I help you?"

The three angels were so absorbed in their game that they didn't notice me. When they heard my voice, they jumped in shock. Recognizing me, they heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's just Feliciana. Don't scare us like that!" 

Gwen, the four-winged angel I often saw, clutched her chest and complained.

"Yeah, this round doesn't count!"

The other four-winged angel, Juliet, completely ignored me and was eager to restart the game.

"Come on, let's continue! I have to get good cards and be the landlord this time."

"As if! If you're landlord we'll take you down!"

Hearing this, Gwen immediately taunted her, seemingly unhappy with her poker skills.

"Yeah, take you down!"

The two-winged angel I didn't recognize had just started playing recently, pulled in by them. 

"What does 'take you down' mean?"

I was confused by their crass language so different from their usual behaviour. Since when did angels use such expletives?

"Oh, Cyra told us we must say this to the landlord player. It makes the game more ceremonious."

Gwen turned and earnestly explained to me.

"I can't believe the nonsense she taught them!"

Swearing was one thing, but also gambling. She had gone too far. Seeing the stacks of silvers on the floor shocked me even more.

"You're gambling too?!"

"What's the big deal with some friendly bets? We do it all the time! Like today I bet 50 sila on Phoebe to win the magic competition." 

Juliet dismissed my concerns casually. 

"Cyra said playing cards is more fun with real bets. She was right! We just can't stop now."

Gwen nodded vigorously in agreement.

"You bet on Phoebe?"

The two-winged angel was still innocent, her attention still on the competition bets.

"I picked Aria. I bet all 20 of my silver on her since we were in the same new angel batch. I have to support her..."

"Congrats, you're now a true peasant - farmer!"

I sighed and gently patted her shoulder, not bothering to explain further. Then I continued asking,

"Where's Cyra now? I need to find her."

"Should be in the housekeeping room." 

Gwen tilted her head trying to recall.

"She just went there with Norma, talking about some new game called Mahjong. They're looking for materials."

"Oh no, that's my invention!"

Hearing that I panicked immediately, rushing straight for the housekeeping room. How dare she plagiarize my ideas!

It had only been a day since the last visit due to Reed absorbing all the light elementals. It had recovered decently now.

When I reached the room entrance, the door was slightly ajar. I could vaguely hear voices coming from within.

"Norma, isn't Mahjong I invented fun?"

"I have to admit, you've impressed me..."

That was Norma's voice, though it sounded a bit off near the end.

"I was so blind before. You're so talented! These recreational games you created are so interesting."

"Haha! Being able to see my strengths means we have fate together!"

"What does 'have fate' mean?"

"It means we need to communicate more deeply!" 

"I see..."



I pushed the door open. As expected, the first thing I saw was Cyra with her arm around Norma's shoulder, up to no good as before.

Seriously! Can't you two be less cliche?

And Norma... I'm too embarrassed to say it... How did she suddenly become so silly? One Mahjong game and she's completely enthralled. Isn't that too cheap?

"Crap! Feliciana why are you here?"

Cyra's actions were interrupted by my sudden entrance. She jumped in shock. Seeing it was me, she quickly released Norma and pulled me outside, closing the door again.

"Don't worry, I didn't mean to disturb you two..." 

I sighed helplessly and handed her the takeout I brought.

"I got this to make up for plucking your feathers. Sorry about that."

"You're too kind! You already apologized so I forgave you long ago."

Though she said that, her hands obediently accepted the gift and peeked inside.

"Ooh, my favourites! Roast duck leg and chicken wings!" 

"Goose wings!"

I couldn't help but correct her.

"Whatever, food heals!"

For once we agreed on something. She shamelessly hugged the food in her arms.

"Thanks, just seeing this made me hungry. I can share it with Norma too."

"Are you sure you like her?"

I had to ask. It was obvious Cyra was just playing with girls for fun.

"Isn't that unhealthy?"

When we first arrived in Edenmere, she used similar tricks on me. It seemed like leading the other party on.

"Don't worry! This is common in Edenmere since we're all girls. Just some fun flirting, no big deal!" 

Cyra lectured me like a seasoned veteran. She had done this a lot, just that Norma didn't fall for it before.

"You do know you're a girl now right? Just having fun?"

I couldn't help but retort some more.

"What, find a guy instead?"

She rolled her eyes at me, arguing righteously. 

"I'm not gay! I have standards!"


I was at a loss for words, realizing I had no right to dictate her lifestyle. I could only drop the matter.

"Trust me, I know my limits!"

Not wanting to discuss further, Cyra dashed back into the housekeeping room. But suddenly a cry came from within!

"What the! Where is she?"


I was shocked. I hurried in and found only Cyra and myself—no one else.

"Did she fly away?"

It was possible. Embarrassed at being caught, Norma may have escaped through the window.

If so, then I unintentionally ruined someone's good time. Another crime was made.

"It's all your fault! I almost had her!"

As expected, Cyra complained angrily and plopped down on a chair. She even forgot about the duck and goose she was holding.

"I'm sorry!"

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry and could only apologize profusely. I just wanted to deliver a gift, how did it get so complicated...

Not long after returning to my room, Nicola rushed in looking for me frantically.

"Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you!"

"I should be asking you that! After leaving the main arena, I waited a long time but didn't see you. Where were you?" 

I retorted. How dare she shift the blame when she was the one who disappeared! 

"So we missed it? I wanted to see your match and got lost..."

Hearing that, she froze and quickly asked again.

"Never mind that for now. How were your results?"