Chapter 68 - Magical Array as Code 

"So you can make such a small magical array because you removed the redundant patterns?" 

Cyra finally understood. Although she didn't know much about programming, from using computers and phones, she had absorbed some related knowledge.

"That's right. Originally not many people in this world understood magical arrays, and the glyphs and patterns were too complex to analyze. So it was hard to optimize them," Reed explained. 

She picked up a small notebook on the table and showed it to us. 

"But we're different. With computer languages as an example, we just need to translate the patterns and glyphs into computer code. That can greatly improve efficiency by avoiding redundant patterns. Recently, I've translated most of the patterns and glyphs into programming languages, including notes on what each pattern corresponds to. Generally speaking, as long as you know some basic programming, you can learn to create the most magical arrays!"

"You can do that too?" 

We were all stunned, even Nicola who had been with her for a while didn't know Reed had made such an amazing discovery.

This wasn't just teaching someone to fish, but giving them the whole fishing boat! As long as we memorized the contents of this little notebook, we could all become masters of magical arrays!


"I don't know programming, though I can interpret the Bible. It's up to you, cheat master!" 

Cyra glanced at it briefly before losing interest and handing the notebook to Nicola beside her.

"I've said many times I studied humanities, how could I possibly know programming!"

Nicola took it without even looking and passed it to me.

"Feliciana, you studied science, right? This should be useful for you, I'll leave it to you!"

"Who said everyone who studies science knows programming..." 

I smiled wryly and flipped through a few pages. Reed had indeed recorded everything in great detail, with syntax for each symbol and pattern based on her understanding. But as for programming, I was just a layman. Although I had self-studied for a while, I had to admit I was still far from proficient.

"Weren't you a physics major? How come you know programming?" 

Closing the notebook, I glanced sideways at Reed. Her programming skills must be quite good to reach this level.

"I took an elective course in programming when in university. I felt computer science suited me well, but current programming doesn't have much hope for strong artificial intelligence unless there are major hardware innovations. So in the end I chose physics."

Reed's answer nearly made me choke. So she had learned programming with strong artificial intelligence as the goal? 

She deserved to be called a genius. Compared to her, ordinary people like me could only consider practical factors like job prospects when choosing a major.

"So it wasn't a complete lie when you said before the hydrogen bomb was ready, since it just lacks one last step. We shouldn't try that recklessly here in Edenmere, it will have to wait until we're in the outside world." 

Seeing we had no interest in her "magical array code", Reed brought the topic back to the hydrogen bomb.

"So when are we planning to set off?"

I raised this question again. It was about time we left this place.

"If all goes smoothly, we should be able to go next week. There are two main issues right now..."

Nicola jumped in at this point with a sigh. We all turned to look at her.

"The first is that eight-winged angel Mia you met before. She's an exchange delegate from Elara to learn the Angelic Descent Formation. When we go to the outside world, we'll have to bring her along. "

"No problem! I don't plan to go back on my word anyway. After the hydrogen bomb test, I can research the Angelic Descent Formation with her. I'm quite interested in that ancient magical array." 

Reed breezily agreed. It seemed she was well prepared for how to deal with it.

"The real trouble is the second issue, Cyra's rank..."

Nicola said with another sigh. At that point, all our eyes turned to Cyra.

"Hey...don't all look at me!" 

Caught in our gaze, Cyra shrank back awkwardly. Seeing there was no escape, she could only defend herself.

"I really couldn't help it! I tried my best but my wings just won't increase..."

"What exactly is the reason? Is some necessary condition lacking?"

I knew she wasn't making excuses. I hadn't made nearly as much effort as her, yet accidentally reached six wings.

"Maybe it is because she lacks combat experience?" 

Nicola glanced at Reed as she spoke. Since levelling up through fighting monsters was her promotion path, she wanted to ask the "expert's" opinion.

After all, in our minds, no matter what theory, principle or essential nature we encountered, Reed still had a say. 

"I'm not sure either. But based on your experiences, Feliciana probably hadn't killed many magical creatures before her first promotion?" 

Reed shook her head, pointing out the difference. She then unfurled her pair of wings behind her.

"Like Cyra, I still only have two wings. So the conditions for promotion aren't as simple as being a transmigrator like we initially thought."

"That's right, you have two wings as well. How could Lady Elara agree to let you go to the outside world so readily?"

Cyra reacted right away, feeling it was very unfair. I also just realized among the four of us there was another "low-rank" one.

"What else could it be? Influence!" 

Nicola answered on her behalf.

"Reed is different from Cyra. Her knowledge and inventions are useful to the angel clan, so she only needs to claim she's going out to experiment. Lady Elara is quite easy to persuade. Of course, she wouldn't let Reed go unsupervised, which is why Mia the eight-wing angel was sent as protector. Moreover, there are me and Feliciana, two six-wing angels, going together. 

"I see, if there was another Cyra, there would be one more person Lady Elara felt we'd have to look after. Without reaching four wings, she probably wouldn't approve the trip easily..."

Things seemed increasingly tricky to me. Were we relying on Cyra suddenly having a miraculous breakthrough? Even with divine intervention, the odds of her promotion in such a short period were tiny.

"Then what is the reason? Why did you two get promotions so quickly?"

Cyra now also realized the gravity of the problem and was getting anxious. 

"We're the same transmigrators, so why is there such a huge difference!"

Somehow I felt like I had heard these complaints somewhere before...

"It might be related to their abilities," Reed mused after thinking for a while. 

"Based on what we know so far, the biggest difference between Nicola and us is her wind element power, and Feliciana is said to have an affinity with water as well. Neither Cyra nor I have shown any other elemental abilities so far..."

"But what does that have to do with promotions?"

I didn't understand. If it was some special light elemental power it could maybe explain things since angels were light elemental beings. 

"Unclear, too little information." 

Reed could only shake her head again at that.

"Right! Feliciana, even though you have water elemental affinity, why don't you manipulate water like Nicola controls air? You play around with light magic even better than me!"

Cyra looked at me strangely and said.

"I can't! I've never tried it before..."

When it came to applying water elements, the first thing I thought of was water magic. But no one would use water magic here, so naturally I couldn't have learned it.

Besides, due to the absolute dominance of the light element, water was extremely scarce in the Edenmere environment. Usually, we only came into contact with water used for drinking, which was drawn bucket by bucket from wells. It honestly never occurred to me to experiment with directly manipulating those.

"Well you can try now, there's a small stream just outside the cave." 

Nicola pointed outside and suggested to me.

"Oh, there's even a stream here?" 

I was a bit surprised to hear that. It hadn't rained once since I came to Edenmere.

"It seems to only not rain in the city, maybe some magical cause. We've experienced rainfall several times since moving here with Reed."

Nicola explained, already going toward the cave entrance and gesturing for me to follow.

"Let's go! We can observe your water abilities at the same time. Maybe we'll get some useful information."

Reed urged me as well.

Although I felt awkward being put on the spot like this, I was also very curious about my so-called water powers. I could only comply and follow them out of the cave.

"Remember, if my water abilities turn out to be weak, you're not allowed to make fun of me!"

I started feeling a bit nervous on the way, and could only warn them preemptively. 

"Don't worry, other than light I can't control anything either! If it is because of this, I want an extra elemental power too!" 

Cyra walked behind me, sounding a bit envious as she said that. Then she put her palms together and started praying.

"May the Lord enlighten my prayerful heart, caress me with your hand, grant me the power to control wind element! No, please grant me fire elemental power instead, so I can make hand-thrown nuclear bombs!"


I couldn't help laughing. What kind of nonsense prayer was that! If there was a Lord, he would be pissed to death.