Chapter 71 - Reviewing the Research Results

"Why do you have to drag me into this?" Nicola pointed at herself, seemingly puzzled. 

"Because your situation is very special. First, your strength is enough to have a say in front of Elara. And there is also the issue about the Condensation Sword that I want to ask her specifically. Don't you feel the method and origin of making this sword is very strange?"

"Yeah, you're right!" Cyra suddenly thought of something and chimed in.

"Teacher also mentioned in class today that the Condensation Sword doesn't belong to the knowledge transmitted in the Angel's Descent Formation."

"What's Condensation Sword?" Mia looked at us in confusion, completely unaware of what we were talking about.

"Also, Lady Elara won't be in the city tomorrow morning. She's going to attend the comprehensive competition finals of the Martial Arts Tournament and present awards to the top three afterwards." 

"The comprehensive competition is that prestigious?" When I heard this, I immediately recalled the scene when I got second place in the magic category. Compared to that, this was like heaven and earth.

"Didn't you get a third place too? Where's your prize?" I asked Nicola. I remembered the prizes for the swordsmanship category were much more generous, but I'd never heard her mention it.

"The magic staff? I don't use magic, so I simply gave it up." Nicola was stunned for a moment before answering.

"What? You gave up the prize? Why so wasteful, you could've given it to me!" I almost jumped up, extremely regretful. Although I didn't know how a magic staff helped with magic casting, it was better than nothing!

"Magic staves are quite useless for angels too. They generally help focus spiritual power when chanting incantations." Reed automatically ignored Cyra who wanted to speak but stopped herself, and continued speaking to Nicola.

"In that case, let's just go directly to the martial arts tournament venue tomorrow."

"I don't have a problem, but didn't you promise that Meg to demonstrate your research results?" Nicola shrugged indifferently.

"Meg the councilor?" I pondered why that name sounded familiar. But Mia next to me suddenly explained and helped me remember.

"Although Lady Elara's protection allowed the accident at the library last time to pass uneventfully, Councilor Yvonne's conservative faction still tries hard to find loopholes to suppress us. Therefore, to counter their groundless accusations about the purpose of the experiment, Reed has agreed to demonstrate the research results in person at the Tivi Palace tomorrow. And Councilor Meg, as a neutral elder, is the adjudicator approved by Lady Elara."

"Ah I see...that Meg!" After hearing the explanation, I suddenly understood. Wasn't she the ten-winged angel who had argued with Yvonne during the welcome banquet last time? Although it had been a long time and I didn't remember clearly, putting those two together instantly jogged my memory.

"There's no rush for this matter. We can still talk after seeing Elara tomorrow." Reed didn't seem to care as she sat back behind the pile of books and started reading again.

"But is it okay to show the hydrogen bomb to those higher-ups?" I suddenly felt something was wrong. This thing was extremely dangerous. If those people like Yvonne found out we were secretly conducting nuclear experiments that could blow up the entire city, wouldn't we be slapped with a treason charge right away?

"You're overthinking. Do you think they even know what a hydrogen bomb is?" Nicola suddenly leaned in and whispered in my ear. 

"Those people don't even understand what atoms and molecules are, how could they comprehend technical terms like nuclear fusion? Reed and I just need to demonstrate a bit of the combustible properties of hydrogen or oxygen gas, then say the purpose of the magic circle is to obtain those two gases. They haven't seen these, so they can only believe us!"

As she said this, she gave Mia a meaningful glance.

"Why are you looking at me?" Mia was puzzled and asked us.

"What were you two whispering about just now?" 

Cyra also looked very curious.

"It's nothing, don't mind it. It doesn't concern you much, just some technical issues." Nicola's mouth curled up slightly as she explained to Mia.

"Do you know? Under extremely high temperatures and pressure, the outer electrons of an atom can break free of the atom's nucleus, allowing the nuclei of two atoms to collide, undergoing atomic fusion to generate a new atom of helium with greater mass."

"Ah! That's..." Cyra wanted to interrupt and answer when she heard this, but Nicola ruthlessly cut her off.

"If you know, don't say any more. I'm asking Mia!"

"I don't understand at all what this means..." Mia answered with a confused face.

"It sounds like some magic incantation, or the trick to setting up a magic circle. And what is this 'nuclei' too?"

"Does bullying someone for not understanding make you happy?" I rolled my eyes at Nicola. Although Mia wasn't very close with us yet, she was still one of Elara's trusted aides, so we should be on the same side. We shouldn't mock her like this.

"I'm demonstrating for you! Mia has been with us for several days and still doesn't have a clue when asked. Let alone those old hags on the council." 

"Demonstrating? What were you demonstrating just now?" Mia was still puzzled, not understanding what Nicola and I were getting at.

"It's nothing, don't mind it. It doesn't relate to you, just some technical problems." I reassured the poor girl. The blame lay with Nicola's twisted sense of humour. Then I turned my head to Cyra and said,

"I'm going back first, want to join?"

I don't know if it was due to controlling the water elements previously, but my whole body still felt a little weak. Since I had already accomplished my purpose in coming here, I now just wanted to return to my room and rest early.

"Huh? So soon?" Cyra seemed reluctant as she shook her head. "Then you go first. I discovered a congregation of light elves nearby and want to go take a look."

"A congregation of light elves? There are other people living around here?" I glanced towards Reed. Actually, on the way here earlier, I had already noticed the extremely low concentrations of light elements in the large area here. It was almost identical to the mess We had created in the city at first, clearly having undergone "devastation" by magic circles.

"Light elves aren't as sensitive to light elements as angels, so there won't be too much impact." Reed's voice came from behind the pile of books, seeming to have realized what I was thinking even though I hadn't said anything yet.

"...Fine." This was just too weird! But I could only nod at Cyra, bid farewell to the others, and then leave this place alone.

I smoothly returned to the Tivi Palace. Just as I wanted to fly back to my room directly through the window, I inadvertently heard a familiar clicking sound.

"No way?" 

I followed the sound for a long time before discovering the source outside a first-floor window - it was several angel attendants sitting around a table playing mahjong inside the room.

"Eight bamboos!"


"Three dots."

"Kong! Haha, kong with flower, you're paying the penalty!"

"How can this be, the stake goes up with a kong!"

"Consider yourself lucky! I haven't won yet, when I win you all have to pay!"


"Right, we've already lost so many rounds."


This... mahjong had become this popular at the Tivi Palace after just a few days?

Watching those angel attendants' skilled tile-washing techniques through the window, I suddenly felt like I was back on Earth.

If even they were playing so smoothly, I wonder what state Gwen and Juliet would be in.

Curious, I flew to the main entrance and walked into the Royal Hall, but did not see the scene I hoped for of them hiding behind the counter playing mahjong. Because at this moment, the hall was filled with many angels.

"I am Legion Commander Jeanette of the 4th Legion. I request an audience with Lady Elara but why are you blocking us?" The angel speaking was someone I recognized, one of the ten-winged angels who kept asking me questions at the welcome banquet. Standing in front of her was the Tivi Palace's housekeeper, Norma.

"Lady Elara has scheduled to attend the final comprehensive competition of the Martial Arts Tournament held outside the city tomorrow morning. She is currently resting in her room, so your group is not allowed to enter the inner palace now. Please wait until tomorrow morning after the Lady wakes." Norma explained solemnly. Behind her stood Gwen and Juliet, the other two four-winged angels. 

Normally outsiders could not freely enter or leave the Tivi Palace. If there was anything requiring an audience with Elara or other matters needing entry, they had to apply at the service counter in the Royal Hall. Of course, newborn angels like me and Cyra who lived inside were special cases that could be exempted.

"What's so important about that crappy tournament? Our 4th Legion has just returned from outside, we have military matters to report, so go wake the Lady! Angels in Edenmere don't even need rest!" Jeanette urged Norma impatiently to step aside, appearing ready to charge in with her group if refused.

"May I ask what important matter Legion Commander Jeanette has that requires breaching scheduled routines? The Tivi Palace rules are that schedules can only be disrupted for emergencies. But I remember the 4th Legion just finished a successful encirclement operation and wasn't scheduled to return until tomorrow..." 

Yet Norma spread her arms and wings to block them, not giving way even when facing the high-ranked ten-winged angel and legion commander. She remained calm and unhurried.