Chapter 91: Interrogation

"What's going on here with three buttons?" 

I was dumbfounded. Why did Janet have two 'teleportation devices'? That didn't make sense!

"Could we have made a mistake?"

Nicola turned and asked me as if realizing something important.

"Do you know what the locator for the 'Eye of Galadra' looks like?"

"Huh? No, I've never seen it. Shouldn't it be quite heavy? Since two high-level demons were sent to guard it..." 

I knew from the caveman Bogg's words that the locator had long been lost in Tethys Town. But this invasion clearly showed Michelle had found and secretly brought it into Edenmere City. 

The most likely suspect was Janet, who had just returned from the outside world yesterday, and her followers from the 4th angel legion.


I suddenly understood what Nicola meant.

"Are you saying one of these is the 'Eye of Galadra' locator?"

"Eye of Galadra? What's that?"

Hearing the name, Elara narrowed her eyes, seemingly shocked.

"It's the device that swapped the whole Edenmere City to the Dark Continent! It's a celestial weapon in the demon's eyes. Didn't Nicola mention it to you?"

I was confused. Elara knew about the swap, so why was she asking?

"Nicola just told me it's a spatial swapping device made by Michelle. I didn't know it had this name..." 

Elara casually replied. She looked very solemn, eyes downcast, seemingly lost in thought.

"Is there something odd about the name?"

I asked curiously. Apart from the 'eye' reminding me of the surveillance image from the island control center, the other words didn't mean anything to me.

"No, it's probably just a coincidence. Shouldn't be important..." 

After thinking for a while, Elara shook her head, not answering my question directly, but changing the topic to urge Nicola instead.

"Rather than that, continue talking about what you missed."

"Miss Riddler!" 

Cyra cheekily gestured the words behind Elara's back to me, but didn't dare make a sound.

"Well, Feliciana already said it for me..." 

Nicola was also confused. After being interrupted, she struggled to pick up where she left off.

"That's what I think! Since Janet is confirmed a traitor, the extra 'button' makes sense now. It must be the 'Eye of Galadra' locator she secretly brought in from outside. Otherwise, Edenmere wouldn't have swapped with the Dark Continent."

"That's not necessarily true! As the key device for the invasion, it's likely Janet carried the important locator on her. But we can't rule out her putting it on a confidant to divert attention."

I disagreed and immediately felt a headache coming as I recalled meeting Janet last night.

"She seems to have many legion members. It would be hard to identify who has it. They may have escaped into the forest already, or even left Edenmere."

"On this point, I can assure you, after the demon invasion, Edenmere's external passages have not reopened yet. No angels can leave Edenmere with only Serena leading the 1st legion in." 

Just then Elara spoke up and pointed behind us.

"Guessing whether it's the so-called 'Eye of Galadra' locator is meaningless. We should just ask a potential informant!"

"Yvonne is awake." 

Mia's voice rang out too.

"Elara, we've never got along. Now that I'm your prisoner, why keep me alive?"

Sitting on the ground, Yvonne looked weak but could still speak.

"It's necessary. I won't take it personally! With the demon invasion being so huge, I must interrogate you!" 

Elara directly stated her intent without arguing back.

"First, what's the deal with Michelle? You haven't left Edenmere for centuries. How did you collude with her?"

"You met Michelle?"

Oddly, Yvonne seemed very calm, completely unlike Janet who got fanatic at Michelle's name.

"She kept her promise! We agreed I would stall the angels outside the city, while she would directly enter Edenmere from the Dark Continent to kill you. But she failed..."

"You dare speak of this! You openly colluded with demons. What would your conservative angel followers think!"

Hearing this, Elara couldn't help but angrily condemn her.

"And Melly, even reaching ten wings! She's always been loyal to you, yet you dragged her into betrayal. Now she and Josie may have suffocated to death in the magic prison!"

"So what? I only cooperated with Michelle! As long as I controlled Edenmere, they would surely understand, just like Janet right? If I failed, wouldn't the outcome be the same anyway? Have you forgotten how Elara the 2nd died?"

Speaking of this, Yvonne suddenly got agitated. 

"Besides, Michelle wasn't a demon! Elara, we were born around the same era. There were first-generation angels remaining in Elara the 2nd's time, from them you must have heard that Michelle was the two founders'..."

"Don't say more. I know enough about this!" 

Elara impatiently interrupted her and repeated the question.

"I care how you contacted Michelle!"

"Hmph! Why should I tell you? You'll kill me eventually anyway..."

Seeing Elara's attitude, Yvonne just coldly laughed, refusing to cooperate.

"I'm curious how you managed to defeat Michelle. With twelve wings, I've witnessed her power!"

"Haha! You don't know huh? I killed her of course!" 

Just then Cyra jumped out from behind, finally getting a chance to boast smugly.

"I'll have you know, no matter how powerful Michelle is, she still fears my nuclear bombs!"

"Nuclear bombs? What's that supposed to mean?"

Yvonne glanced at her with utter disdain.

"Just you? With only two incomplete wings left?" 

"Hey! I got these from killing Michelle. You understand it's a man's badge of honour..."

Cyra wanted to continue, but I stepped forward and stopped her.

"Wait! Yvonne, don't you find Cyra's appearance odd at all?"

"Odd? Why would I, I've seen her before."

Yvonne was confused by my question.

"That's right! Haven't you noticed? Michelle and Cyra look the same!"

Nicola also recalled this strange fact and joined the interrogation.

"Take a closer look at her face..."

She said while lightly slapping Cyra's cheeks.

"Ring any bells?"

"Hey! I know you're jealous of my handsome looks. Be careful not to ruin them!"

Cyra glared at Nicola but didn't dare retaliate, only swallowing the insult silently.

"Are you messing with me?" 

Yvonne was at her wits' end with these two clowns, nearly losing it. But considering her situation, she endured.

"They're right. I saw Michelle's face myself. It's the same as Cyra's, only the hair colour differs."

Elara had to confirm as well. 

"You've never seen Michelle's true appearance?"

I suddenly thought of a possibility.

"...That's right."

Indeed, after a moment of silence, Yvonne revealed the truth.

"I've never seen Michelle's real face. None of her angel followers likely have either. The one time I met her was about a week ago in the Dark Continent..."

Yvonne recounted her experience as if sleep-talking.

"Outside the demon city walls, I saw the twelve-winged figure hovering over the demon castle. Her fiery red wings left a deep impression. In that instant, I was certain she was the legendary 'Angel of Fire'!"

"But Michelle then wore a bizarre mask, supposedly the fire god totem worshipped by demons."

As she spoke, she glanced at Cyra as if seeing Michelle.

"The demons in the city were all chanting and praising her, yet wouldn't let me get closer. Even the great demons that angels fear were there. I suddenly felt my proud ten wings might be a joke... Maybe she really could kill you, Elara!"