Chapter 105: The Cloud Palace

"At first I also could not understand this issue. But everything about Founder Liana in Nicola is too obvious. After eliminating all impossible options, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth," Elara said, looking a bit emotional but still answering us openly. 

"A few thousand years ago, Founder Liana's soul, for some unknown reason, wandered to the Earth where you were!"

"So Nicola's soul is not an Earth person's soul?"

Although it sounded unbelievable, this was the only explanation. I immediately thought of many possibilities, including the possibility that all human souls on Earth came from this side.

"Is this an isolated case or a common phenomenon?"

"It should be an isolated case... At least I can be sure the effects of reincarnation only work in our world, unrelated to your world."

Elara thought for a moment and answered very definitively. 

"But at least we can conclude that spatial passages between this world and Earth have opened more than once!"

Cyra was thinking completely differently and said excitedly,

"We may still have a chance to return to Earth!"

"Forget it. First look at yourself now, wanting to go back to Earth! When you go back your parents will not recognize you. "

Nicola rolled her eyes at her. 

"But speaking of which, the Church on Earth will probably have a huge chance because of this. Maybe it can be further promoted in your hands!"

I also joined in to fully exercise my imagination.

"You guys..." 

Cyra looked a bit stunned. She lowered her head to look at herself, looking a little helpless.

"But I miss home. What will my mother do without me..."

"There's nothing we can do about it. We are completely unaware of how Founder Liana's soul got to Earth," Elara said.

"So just stay in this world obediently. At least here is also a True Church. It's better than letting your parents find out their son has become a daughter, and also an angel... Tut tut!" 

Nicola said mockingly.

"Hmph, I haven't forgotten that you used to be a man too, not to mention the annoying wealthy playboy!"

Cyra fought back, starting to reveal each other's secrets.

"Lady Elara, Founder Liana must have been female in the past right? Do you know how many girls she was in when her soul was on Earth..."

"There's no need to say that!"

Nicola panicked and rushed over to cover her mouth. Due to the huge difference in strength, Cyra tried her best but still could not break free.

"Souls have no gender, so this is not too strange," 

Reed commented flatly. She naturally knew what Cyra wanted to say.

"Nicola, don't you miss home at all?"

I asked curiously.

"It's alright. In fact, I like this world a little more. There are many things and people I like here."

Nicola stared at me, her expression suddenly becoming serious.

"As for my parents, they got divorced long ago. There's no going back to that home anyway."

"I see..."

I couldn't help feeling emotional. It seems every family has its troubles.

"You guys are going off-topic!"

Reed interrupted our idle chatter and returned to the previous topic.

"If Nicola is the reincarnation of Founder Liana, it does explain the origin of her wind element abilities. But what about the origin of the angel clan?"

"This is a very complicated matter..." 

Elara looked a little troubled at the words.

"Perhaps because humans have too many generations, they can no longer remember this history clearly. But we angels have long lifespans after all, with some superior conditions, much of history is still well preserved."

"Nicola, as the reincarnation of Founder Liana, are you sure you want everyone here to see the inheritance of the Elaras over the generations?"

Speaking to this point, Elara turned to Nicola and asked solemnly.

"Of course!"

Nicola nodded without hesitation, generously indicating.

"I don't remember any of this stuff myself. Since you're going to talk about it, let's tell everyone together!"

"Then come with me, all of you!"

Hearing this, Elara nodded, immediately got up and walked to the position she had been in during the meeting. She placed her hand on the surface of the huge round table.

"Huh? Do we have to change places again? Where are we going?" 

Cyra looked at her series of actions in confusion. Just as she finished speaking, there was a "rumble" from above. The ceiling of the conference room split open from both sides, revealing the dazzling Edenmere sky overhead.

"The passage to the 'Cloud Palace' is open. Follow me, don't get left behind!"

After instructing them for a bit, Elara flew up first, rushing out of the conference room upwards. We followed closely behind, then spiralled upwards at almost vertical angles.

"The higher we go, the more concentrated the light element!"

Nicola said while hugging Cyra. We were currently flying between layers of clouds. As the concentration of the light element gradually increased, the surrounding light also felt more and more glaring.

"We're so high already, are we going to rush outside? We'll suffocate there!"

I was reminded again of the sky leak caused by the nuclear explosion earlier. What was outside of Edenmere, void or outer space?

"We should be close!"

Reed looked up and saw a black dot appearing right above us, which grew larger and larger as we approached. 

"There's a floating building at such a high place?"

I was truly amazed. Only when flying closer did I realize the black dot was an exquisite pavilion suspended in mid-air.

"This is the Cloud Palace, where the Elaras of each generation pass on their inheritance. It is classified in Edenmere, even the three Elders cannot enter casually."

Elara led us to land inside the pavilion. The space here was not very big. Calling it a "palace" was too much flattery. There were also many bookshelves and tables inside the pavilion. With the five of us suddenly added, it became very crowded. Except for Cyra, the rest of us had to temporarily tuck our wings behind us before we could barely move around.

"Due to its location high up in Edenmere, the light element here is very concentrated, even stronger than in the Sanctum. So it is very suitable for preserving some valuable historical materials and artifacts." 

While introducing this place, Elara walked to a table with crystal balls on it and motioned for us to sit on the floor.