Chapter 108 - Thoughts After Viewing


"If they were the original two statues, I probably could have recognized the similarities to the Condensation Sword from the weapon details in the statues' hands when I first arrived." 

I nodded in agreement.

"It can't be helped. There was once an internal strife in Edenmere, and the original statues were destroyed. The later craftsmen didn't see the two ancestors in person, so made the statues look a bit distorted..."

A trace of redness appeared on her rarely blushing face. Elara looked somewhat embarrassed. But still an old spice, she could calm herself and explain to us.

"Black history!" 

Cyra whispered in my ear, then turned her head and asked Reed, "What do you think, nerd? What are your thoughts? Why are you so quiet?"

"Insufficient information."

Glancing at Cyra, Reed had no choice but to reply.

"No way. After watching this 'movie' for so long, you still think there's insufficient information?"

Nicola also came over and called out in disbelief.

"Okay then, let me ask you, this Founder Liana, who is your previous life, is the angel ancestor, so why does she possess the wind element power? And why is she alone able to withstand the God of Light's attacks?"

Reed had no choice, so she casually asked.


Nicola was dumbfounded when she heard this, and could only look to Elara for help.

"Regarding this question, I can only make guesses." 

Elara said meaningfully and glanced at Nicola.

"Legend has it that before the birth of the angel clan, there were four elemental angels in the world. They respectively corresponded to the four major elements of water, wind, earth and fire. The two ancestors Liana and Galadra were precisely the 'Wind Angel' and 'Earth Angel'. "

"Then that Michelle is very likely the 'Fire Angel', right?"

Cyra asked as if she understood.

"It is said that the angel clan was created by the two ancestors in their image. Then who created the elemental angels?"

Reed had no choice, so he casually asked.

"I'm not very clear about this..."

Elara shook her head and replied.

"Although the elemental angels may not be able to defeat the God of Light Beluto individually, they have absolute control over their respective elements. Nicola, as Liana's reincarnation, you should have also inherited all her capabilities over the wind element, it's just not fully awakened yet. It is said that ancestor Liana could even freely control time. In future, you will certainly be able to do the same!"

"Time control..."

Hearing this, everything suddenly became clear to me. Michelle was right, time control was indeed Liana's innate talent and specialty.

It wasn't until now that the mysteries surrounding Nicola were finally unravelled.

"Are you Immortal? Or Monster?" 

Cyra's mouth was wide open. She didn't know what else to say.

"Too exaggerated! Nicola can control time?"

"Simply controlling time alone isn't that exaggerated. Among the rare, high-level human wind mages, with the assistance of magic arrays, some can barely achieve it. But due to limited talent, they are very restricted, mostly only able to do prophecy."

Elara shook her head, taking it for granted. 

"Of course with the large human population, it can't be ruled out that individual prodigies will appear. For example, the mysterious person you encountered when facing Michelle, could also manipulate time, right?"

"Ah, wait! Could that mysterious person be..."

As she spoke, Elara seemed to suddenly realize something. She looked at Nicola suspiciously. It was too much of a coincidence.

"Could it be you can already do it now?"

"Of course not! That was just using special methods. It's a bit complicated, so let's not mention it..."

Having been found out, Nicola could only smile wryly and admit it.

"Arbitrarily manipulating time already amounts to prying into the domain of God. So in some historical documents, regarding Liana as the 'God of Time' also makes some sense."

Seeing that Nicola didn't want to talk about it, Elara didn't pursue the matter further. She just showed a slightly amazed expression.

"Although I don't know what cryptic thing you're talking about, should I congratulate you for successfully advancing from ancestor to 'Time God' in one go?"

Cyra said sourly to Nicola, seemingly a little jealous.

"But even so, it certainly still can't compare to the Lord's omniscience and omnipotence. As for the so-called God of Light Beluto, there is even less to mention."

"Speaking of which, what kind of existence is Yawee?"

Reminded by her, I suddenly noticed something strange. After witnessing the true appearance of the gods in this world, the God worshiped by the True Church seemed very high-end, simply not on the same level.

"I'm not very sure about this..."

When Elara heard this, she answered hesitantly.

"Although I did say earlier that I don't believe such a god of the True Church exists. The angel clan has long suspected that Yawee might be the resurrection of the God of Light, as the True Church also worships light element, and there are many similarities between them."

"Yawee is also the God of Light?" 

I immediately thought of the second memory scene, where Liana said to the summoned angel, she did mention the possibility of the God of Light being reborn again.

"Impossible! Impossible!"

Cyra's face turned red as she objected. As a former priest of the Church, she naturally could not accept such statements.

"The Lord is merciful! He absolutely cannot be that stupid and brutal God of Light we just saw!"

"It's just a suspicion..."

I tried to appease her as much as possible. Suddenly I realized that after her carryings-on, the gods in this world immediately lost face in our eyes. The so-called God of Light didn't seem so terrifying either.

"Could it be that such an omniscient and omnipotent God doesn't exist?"

Seeing Cyra's appearance, Nicola smiled wryly and asked, seeming equally disappointed.

"I think there is..."

Elara's answer completely exceeded my expectations. I didn't expect to get a positive answer from her.

"Although I don't believe in any God, after all, the light element is the only element that can communicate with the spirit and even the soul. At certain critical moments, as angels made up of the light element, we always hear a voice from the void. This voice can guide us in the right direction. I call it the 'Holy'!"