Chapter 8: Encounter with Hayden

"Another message?"

I couldn't help but glance up at the windows on the second floor. Like last time, they were shut tight.

"Don't tell me they're not in again?"

"This time the message is from another guy. He told me if the friend who came looking for them last time comes again, remember to give her this letter."

The owner of the weapon shop seemed quite old. He fumbled around for a while before finally finding a letter and handing it to me.

"Writing letters this time?"

I quickly took the envelope and skimmed through it.

"Feliciana, if you're reading this, it means you've returned to Norvale. I was planning to wait for your return, but today I finally got news of Vivianne. Something happened to her while she was out on a mission. The situation is very urgent! So Brennan and I must leave right away to go rescue her. This could take a long time. Don't worry, we'll be back as soon as possible!"

"This is..."

Sure enough, Murphy's Law strikes again. I knew something would happen to Vivianne after she was gone for so long.

When I saw this letter, I was quite anxious too. Unfortunately, whether intentionally or not, Adrian didn't mention where Vivianne was. All I could do was pray that Vivianne would be fortunate.

"Thank you!"

Left with no choice, I put away the letter and thanked the weapon shop owner. Then I turned and left. How unlucky - two visits here and both times I missed them. Even the owner felt I had terrible luck.

But I couldn't keep waiting in Norvale for them to return. I had planned to set off in a couple days to find the Tower Sages Alliance. Now I would completely miss them.

"Where should I go next...back home?"

Walking along the lakeside avenue, I suddenly felt empty inside. If I didn't go home for now, I could only go to the royal castle in the lake center to see Nicola, and check on her negotiations.

Just then...

"How did that quest you took yesterday go?"

"Finished it ages ago! Low level quests are far too simple. But the guild receptionist told me this quest was very suitable for my rank. I probably need to get re-evaluated someday."

Some men and women walked towards me on the street. It was obvious they were adventurers.

Ah! I'm probably much stronger than when I first came here right? Doesn't that mean I could get re-tested for my rank?

But the examiner said last time that re-tests are only allowed after three months. What a pity.

I looked at my adventurer identity card and decided to go ask first. After all, the guild was just a few minutes away. Plus, angels had quite special status in this country. Maybe there were some hidden preferential policies.

"I'm sorry, but the rules state that comprehensive ability tests can only be taken once every three months. Unless your previous test results were erroneous, and the examiner at that time agrees to let you retake the test..."

However, the response from the receptionist dashed my hopes.

"Alright then..."

I took back my identity card, about to leave. Just then, a familiar face walked in through the door.


I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was mistaken. But after looking closely a few more times, it really was him.


Hayden also saw me at the same time. His face showed pleasant surprise as he rushed over.

"You're finally back! What a coincidence meeting here!"

Hayden still liked joking around. He immediately teased, "How was it staying in Edenmere? The other angels didn't bully you right?"

"Of course not..."

I waved my hand, suddenly at a loss for words. I didn't meet many bullying angels, but there were probably still some who plotted against me. Most of them were likely dead now though.

Alfreed was right back then. There really were many internal power struggles among the angels, no less than human society.

"You're at the adventurer's guild to take on quests now?"

Next I briefly mentioned running into Eleanora in the royal castle. Since the war had ended, the northern border no longer needed so many troops. Other than Alfreed and Eleanora, Hayden, Adrian and Brennan were all part of the batch that had returned home after being discharged.

"Of course! Although the kingdom's army pays a salary, it's still less than what you can earn at the adventurer's guild. What about you, don't tell me you're here to do quests again?"

Hayden probably saw my identity card and couldn't help asking curiously.

"You angels really are strange, always hiding your identities to work in the human world?"

"Uh, I'm not here to do quests this time..."

Since he said that, I didn't hide it and explaining why I was here.

"I see, your rank evaluation really is too low. No angel is only 3rd rank!"

Hayden of course already knew about my rank, but he stared at my card for a long time, seeming to be thinking about something.

"You should have 6 wings now right? I remember seeing with my own eyes when you ranked up in the Dark Lands. So at most you only had 4 wings during the initial test...that's right! Who was your examiner?"

"Huh? My examiner?"

I didn't know why he asked this, it had been so long I could hardly remember. I could only hazard a guess based on my vague impressions.

"I think the name was something like Hus? Should be a 6th rank swordsman, seemed a bit old..."

"Was it Wozwal Hus?"

As soon as I said that, Hayden immediately filled in the name.

"That's right! That was the name! How did you know?"

I asked in surprise. It seemed he was quite familiar with the adventurer's guild.