Chapter 27: Setting Off

"I'm sorry, the teleportation array is out. We can't get to a place like the Holy City," the attendant said resignedly. 

I could only apologize to Cyra and Nicola after boasting to them earlier. I didn't expect this at all and ended up losing face.

"Excuse me, can we get free refills on the snacks and drinks here..." Cyra didn't seem to care what I said at all. She had already stuffed herself with all the fruits and pastries in the VIP lounge and shamelessly asked for more drinks. 

Didn't she just have lunch? How could this angel eat more than a human?

"This VIP lounge looks pretty nice..." On the other hand, Nicola was more concerned with the comfort. She kept looking around at the luxurious decor and nodded in satisfaction.

"When my three month re-evaluation period is up, I'll have to get 6th tier access and enjoy this for myself. It shouldn't be too long now, right?"

"Hey...are you two listening to me?" I felt my expression go sour. Were these two ignoring me on purpose?

"What's the big deal if we can't use the teleportation array? We can just fly there ourselves, what's there to worry about?" Cyra responded nonchalantly. At that moment, the attendant brought over new snacks. Cyra immediately started rummaging for her favorite treats.

"If you want to go to the Holy City, our Association does have many other transportation options available," the attendant said after seeing our membership cards. She knew we were angels and didn't react strangely at all, instead recommending options diligently. 

"Oh? Tell us what other transportation is available then," Nicola seemed interested upon hearing this.

"If flying is too tiring, you could take our Association's scenic cruise airship line, specifically for sightseeing. It can take you along the eastern Astralrealm kingdom, enjoying mountain and snowy scenery, with the final destination being the Holy City itself!"

As she spoke, the attendant professionally took out a brochure-sized booklet and handed it over. It detailed the airship's route, stops along the way, cabin prices, free and paid dining/entertainment, and more.

"Seems kind of like a cruise ship on Earth..." Nicola murmured as she eyed the menu. 

"Is that so? I've never been on a cruise, so you can use it for reference," I casually glanced over it as well. But then I noticed an issue.

"Looks like I'd be the only one getting free passage, right? The two of them wouldn't be included?"

"That's right! As a 6th tier member, you alone could get a free first class cabin ticket, but the other two would need to pay 30,000 silver each to board!"

"30,000?!" Cyra looked up sharply, suddenly finding the snacks in her mouth not so tasty anymore.

"Price gouging? Who can afford tickets at that price?"

After all, the three of us combined had less than 100,000 silver total. Spending 60,000 just for an airship ride really wasn't worth it.

"Um, would you like to consider the mid-tier cabins instead? The balcony rooms are only about 10,000 silver..." The attendant looked awkward and quickly suggested an alternative.

"Forget the airship!" Nicola closed the brochure and handed it back to the attendant, then turned to explain to us. 

"There must be reasons for such high prices, and it's first class after all, so the draw is definitely the high-end services too - a luxurious experience. But unfortunately, this route just doesn't suit us..."

"Didn't you say the final destination is the Holy City?" I asked, confused. I was actually a little relieved that she said no - after all, she had been on cruises before since she was used to luxury. If she had insisted on taking the airship, Cyra and I might have had to pay up.

"I looked it over - this is actually a sightseeing route," Nicola explained with a shake of her head. "The airship first flies south to Parristol, then loops back north along the mountain range towards the Holy City. It covers half the eastern border in a big circle. On top of the slow flying speed, with waiting time before departure, the whole trip would take over half a month. That's way too much time wasted!"

Nicola gestured in explanation, then asked the attendant, "Do you have any other routes here? Or other transportation options?"

"No other airship routes pass by the Holy City. As for other transportation..." The attendant hesitated slightly, but had to ask anyway.

"Do you have experience riding Mabushirian dragons?"

"Riding dragons?" The three of us glanced at each other and sighed before leaving the VIP lounge.

Forget not having experience, it'd be easier just flying ourselves!

"That was a waste of time. If I knew, I'd have just gone back to the Church to pack," I said dejectedly as we walked out of the Association headquarters. The sky outside was already dark.

"No worries, the snacks and drinks were pretty good..." Cyra patted her belly, looking very satisfied. Looks like she didn't need dinner.

"And we can just store our clothes and daily essentials in storage rings, so convenient that we don't need to pack at all!" As Nicola spoke, a carriage slowly approached and stopped in front of us.

"I'll return the carriage to the back lot, hurry and turn in your quest before the deadline!" A man and woman got out, with another male adventurer still sitting inside. He urged the other two impatiently.

"What do you think, would it be acceptable if it wasn't an aerial vehicle?" Cyra watched the departing carriage thoughtfully.


The next day was our day of departure. 

"Lady Nicola, I really want to go to the Holy City with you but the Archbishop has given me a new mission. I'm afraid we'll have to part for now..." 

Selene came personally to the city gates to see us off.

"Will you come back here again?"

"That's hard to say..." Nicola looked somewhat troubled. 

"We don't even have a rented house here anymore. Who knows where we'll end up or even back in Edenmere!"

"Of course we'll be back!" I disagreed. After all, not only Selene but Adrian, Vivianne, Brennan and more were here! Even if we did have to go back to Edenmere eventually, I'd definitely come back to visit them before that.

Speaking of which, I wondered how Adrian and the others were doing with Vivianne's rescue. I was quite worried but there was nothing I could do to help...

"We can talk possibilities some other time when we have the chance!" Nicola glanced at me before turning to leave.

"Are you really taking that to go to the Holy City?" Selene looked uncertainly at the carriage behind me.

"Um..." I scratched my head awkwardly. "Since we're not in a rush, might as well enjoy the scenery along the way. Gets tiring always flying overhead."

Actually, the carriage was pretty cost-efficient. I alone could get a whole carriage for free, plus a driver since no one could steer it. 

If anyone else rented this setup, it'd easily cost over 1,000 silver a day!

"Although you didn't say it directly, I know this trip to the Sage Alliance is still about your lost memories... I can tell your memory hasn't recovered even after returning to Edenmere..." 

Just as I was about to get on the carriage, Selene suddenly said sourly from behind, "Lady Nicola is so good to you, willing to go so far with you!"

"Oh please, we don't have any special relationship!" I wanted to roll my eyes - I'd almost forgotten about my amnesia until she brought it up! But she didn't know about newborn angels or transmigration, so her assumptions were normal.

"Though my memories didn't return in Edenmere, my strength improved tremendously! Look!" 

Before getting on, I suddenly recalled my Adventurers' Association membership card and flashed it before her eyes. 

"Tier 6! See that? You can't call me weak anymore!"

"No way, impossible!" Selene wiped her eyes and looked again and again, still refusing to believe it.

"That's definitely a fake certificate since your re-evaluation period isn't up yet!"

"Hahaha, jealous much? I've left you far behind now!" I finally got to gloat and laughed happily, leaving Selene stomping her feet in frustration behind me.

"Feliciana, just you wait! One day I'll get Tier 7 and show you!"

"Is Tier 6 supposed to be impressive?" Inside the carriage, Cyra disdainfully wrinkled her nose. 

"That's not even 8 wings. Super common in Edenmere."

"Oh come on, we were just joking around!" I casually explained as I stuck my head out the window and looked back. Selene was still waving vigorously at us.