Chapter 42: Perfect Timing 

"His outfit looks somehow familiar..." 

Nicola looked down at Carl and suddenly said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, now that you mentioned it, it does ring a bell! Have we seen it in some TV show before?" 

Cyra tilted her head, seemingly trying hard to recall.


I was suddenly struck by some intuition, associating his attire with an incident that happened not long ago. We weren't closely involved so it almost slipped my mind. 

"Were you the assassin who tried to kill the King?"

"It's him?"

Hearing this, Nicola and Cyra reacted at once. A few days ago in the royal castle of Norvale when we met King Galahad, there was an assassination attempt by a member of the Parristol Resistance. Nicola happened to block the attack and saved the King. 

The assassin fled after his failed attempt. I remember he was wearing the exact same outfit.

"Are you here for revenge?"

Nicola's expression darkened. She didn't expect the driver they hired to be such a dangerous man.

"I only protected the King by chance back then. And just for that you want to kill us all?"

To be honest, we were quite sympathetic to the Parristol Resistance, given that their country was suddenly annexed by the Astralrealm Kingdom. We understood how they must have felt. But going after us like this was going too far. We wouldn't tolerate it!

"Hmph! I finally found a loophole to break into the royal castle defences. But you all ruined my plan. With tightened security afterwards, I knew I wouldn't get such a good chance again! Years of plotting gone to waste because of you all! Why can't I get my revenge?" 

Carl was silent for a few seconds before admitting Nicola was right. 

"You tailed us all the way here just for revenge?"

I really didn't know what to make of this situation. There was no deep hatred between us. We had simply unintentionally foiled one of his assassination attempts, and now he insisted on pursuing this vendetta. Was it really necessary?

"So you had your eyes on us for a while already. When did you start tracking us? Did you have any accomplices?" 

Considering the timing of the assassination attempt, Nicola cautiously pressed him with her Condensation Sword pointed at him. Too many strange things had happened over the past few days. We couldn't rule out the possibility that he had backup, since the Parristol Resistance had more members than just him.

"There was no one else, I decided to take action on my own. And it was you all who conveniently showed up that day..."

Under Nicola's threat, although reluctant, Carl told the truth. With his failed attack and now being captured by us, it seemed he regretted things a little. 

"I didn't actually know your whereabouts initially. But then you suddenly turned up at the Adventurers Guild where I worked wanting to rent a carriage. Such a heaven-sent opportunity, how could I let it slip..."

"Then why did you wait until now to make your move? Are you planning something bigger?" 

Cyra immediately followed up with another question. It was suspicious that he chose to ambush us at such a sensitive time. It made us wonder if he had other motives.

"Because I never got the chance!" 

Carl looked wronged. 

"I'm no match for angels in direct combat. My original plan was to get you all after passing Makalan City, when you camped out in the wilderness. But since you kept staying in this city, I got desperate..."

"He's a wind mage too, I noticed that long ago. Just didn't see a need to point it out! And compared to Quintina, his skills are far inferior..."

Finally Nicola sighed and explained. 

"His level is probably just enough to use Floating. He was trying to escape through the window with that spell earlier. Lucky you pulled him back in time. If we were outdoors, he might have slipped away under night cover!"

I nodded. I saw clearly what Carl was attempting when he tried to flee out the window. Dual cultivation of magic and combat skills wasn't uncommon among humans. And that likely enabled him to climb up the towering Norvale royal castle for the assassination. He simply assumed angels couldn't detect his abilities.

Since there was nothing else to ask, Nicola swiftly severed his neck with her sword. Blood sprayed out as we recoiled several steps with our hands up to shield ourselves! Cyra even scolded Nicola.

"Boy, you've got no chivalry! We promised to spare him if he told the truth..." 

This was practically Nicola's first time killing someone with her own hands unlike battling magical creatures. But her nonchalant demeanor surprised me a little.

"What's the point of keeping him alive? So he can keep seeking revenge and causing us more trouble?" 

Nicola glanced dismissively at Cyra and flicked the blood off her Condensation Sword while peering upwards. 

"Now the real question is, what the heck's going on out there? It's like some animal's been howling nonstop. Annoying!"

The shriek we woke up to earlier kept sounding every few minutes, seemingly a bird circling above the city refusing to leave. What bird would be active this late into the night?

"Looks like there are fires everywhere. Has the fire prophecy come true?"

Cyra unfurled her wings and flew straight out the window.

"Whoa, come quick and check this out! It's gorgeous..."


Hearing Cyra's excited shouts, Nicola and I didn't dare delay. We flew out the window and a spectacular sight greeted us that I'll never forget.

A fiery red bird soared in the sky with beautiful, brilliant plumage trailing dazzling flames that tinted the heavens crimson.

It looked majestic alright, but fluttering its wings scattered many feathers onto rooftops, posing immense fire hazards. Already countless wooden houses below had lit up, accompanied by people's shouts to put out the fires.

"So is this a phoenix or a Fungwong?" 

Cyra turned and asked us. Theoretically phoenixes and Fungwongs originated from different mythical systems so should be distinct species. But this bird before us exhibited defining traits of both, making it hard to classify!

In this world though, people tended to refer to such a creature simply as the Fungwong or Phoenix, reputed to be a top-tier divine beast on par with dragons! Unfortunately, it fell far short of a dragon's intellect and physique. So it could only qualify as a mythical beast...

"Phoenix or Fungwong, can we really let it keep wreaking havoc like this?" 

Nicola shook her head and pointed skyward. By her rationale, even with the fire prophecy "supporting", damages from the blaze wouldn't be too disastrous. But with fiery elements playing a key role in my death prophecy, we had to exercise caution. 

"Better safe than sorry, I'm taking it down. Feliciana, stay back! Let me test its strength first!"

Without further ado, Nicola flew towards the phoenix clutching her Condensation Sword.

Sensing the encroaching threat, the phoenix shrieked furiously then spewed a torrent of raging fire from its pointed beak at Nicola. 

But the flames posed no threat whatsoever to an angel. Not even a nuclear explosion could faze Nicola, why would she fear a mere fiery bird?

In one swift motion, her sword sliced across its wing leaving a long gash. The phoenix let out a pained cry as it plunged from the heavens, its dripping blood mixed with fiery sparks falling to the ground. 

"That easy? Is it too weak or is Nicola too strong?" 

Expecting more of a challenge from the phoenix, Cyra began questioning her own eyes.

"Obviously because Nicola is too strong..."

I answered without hesitation. The outcome was already clear!

Firstly, the phoenix's fiery breath engulfed nearly half the sky overhead. Harmless to angels with light element shields, and probably not even that damaging without the protection. But for humans it would be a catastrophic. If released at on ground, who knows how much of the city it could raze.

Secondly, initiating offense was a huge issue. Angels rely heavily on anti-monster magic, especially light-based spells, which were less effective against the phoenix's fire affinity. It went down so quickly chiefly thanks to the Condensation Sword! If it were me battling instead, would be immune to its flames but unable to harm it with my magic...

Coincidentally, the fallen phoenix landed right beside a river. Almost like the prophecy depicted, minimizing destruction. 


Following above Nicola, Cyra suddenly yelled down to her as we flew over the crash site.

"Quick! Do it again! This is the perfect chance for that 'deception'!"


Nicola paused briefly before she too noticed the opportunity. The riverside lit up by the raging fire aligned flawlessly with the prophecy. Unlike deliberately staged scenes, everything came together naturally this time, definitely worth another go!

"Feliciana! You died so horribly!"

With no others on site, Nicola promptly dismissed her sword and wings. She dropped to her knees shouting dramatically skyward, the fruits of their extensive rehearsing on full display. It really looked believable!

Chapter 42: Perfect Timing