Chapter 44: The Truth of the Prophecy

"But these are two different events! Which one is the real prophecy? And if one comes true, what about the other?" Cyra was stunned when she heard this. 

In fact, it would be quite difficult for a single event to create the kind of scene depicted in the prophecy. For example, even if Nicola had been with us when the meteorite fell on the first night, it would have been unlikely for her to be the sole survivor. 

The assassination attempt on Carl was similar - it could have happened, but the chances were still quite low!

"Not necessarily! What if both things happened at the same time?" I suddenly realized there was a blind spot that had been overlooked all this time!

"Picture this - we leave Makalan City on the first day as planned. We would definitely have to camp outdoors at night! And if Carl chose that moment to ambush us and we noticed him, he would definitely use his wind magic to escape. The only one capable of pursuing him would be Nicola, while Cyra and I would have to stay put. Then, what if the meteorite happened to fall just then? When Nicola came back, what would she see? How would she react?"

"No way..." Cyra shuddered as the implications dawned on her. After analyzing it carefully, she realized that if events played out according to the original timeline, I might not be the only one dead. She herself might not make it either! 

"There is still one loophole - in the prophecy, my wings were concealed, but if I went after Carl, I would definitely have flown after him with my wings spread. That doesn't match up!" Nicola shook her head and pointed out her observation. She glanced over at Quintina as she said it.

"Unless you hid that information on purpose!" 

"It's true I never mentioned you were angels, but that doesn't mean I intentionally concealed it..." Quintina readily admitted this and went on to explain herself:

"Earlier I did 'see' your wings in my vision, but the impression you gave me in real life was that you were brimming with wind elements - completely unlike my idea of what angels were like. Moreover, all your companions also confirmed that you weren't angels. So I myself wasn't sure if you really were the angel I saw in my prophecy, which is why I didn't explicitly say anything about it then. But based on the circumstances of how my prophecy magic worked, I should have only been able to see your future. It wasn't until City Lord informed me of your true identities just now that I finally had confirmation."

"..." We didn't really have much to say to that. It was clear we had been misled! However, this was only a minor loophole and didn't affect the decisions we made later. 

"While there are aspects of what happened to you that I don't fully grasp or understand the reasons for, I could tell that the root of your shifted fates lies in your remaining in Makalan City. What was the reason behind that?" Quintina paused for a bit before asking us a critical question. 

"Could it have been you? Are you actually the Fate Breaker?" I immediately turned my eyes toward Cyra next to me. She was the one who had strongly insisted we stay in the city. 

"Me?" Cyra couldn't help swallowing nervously as she pointed at herself, seemingly finding it hard to believe. 

"But I'm an angel right? Can angels even be Fate Breakers? And wasn't it said the incidents might happen outdoors? Wouldn't any normal person think to stay in the city?"

"Just because it's easy to think of doesn't mean anyone would actually decide to do so..." I shook my head. The choice to remain in the city was mainly established under Cyra's strong urging. 

The truth was, Nicola and I hadn't felt nearly as strongly in the beginning that the prophecy would definitely occur outside the city. Later on, actively avoiding the outdoors was also largely due to Cyra's influence - and that proved to be on point too, with the riverside location still inside the city limits being a prime example. Coupled with driver Carl's urging for haste, without Cyra we likely would have chosen to leave Makalan City that day after all. 

"But something still doesn't make sense..." Nicola thought for a bit before voicing her objection. 

"If the first day's prophecy has already passed, how do you explain all the bizarre things that happened the next day? Not to mention last night's assassination attempt?"

To make sure Quintina understood, I specifically explained to her about the adventurer outfit mysteriously appearing as well as last night's attack from driver Carl in our room. 

"That is probably just the inertia of fate..." After hearing my account, Quintina contemplated briefly before giving her explanation: 

"Although fate was altered, it would still operate within certain limits along the original trajectory - just that subsequent events would no longer have much to do with my earlier prophecy. So those clothes were merely an inertial manifestation, nothing to really worry about. The main danger lies with the deaths that were supposed to happen - just because you didn't perish on that first night doesn't mean there won't be peril in the next few days, like what happened last night! Perhaps successfully evading this disaster also had Fate Breaker factors involved. Was it because Cyra did something that led to their failure?"

"Um... did Carl's failed assassination have anything to do with me?" Confused, Cyra pointed at herself and asked us. Having been extolled as the Fate Breaker, she wasn't sure herself if she really was that miraculous. 

"Doesn't seem so?" Nicola looked uncertainly at me, not daring to confirm either way. 

"Probably not?" I also couldn't find any specific "contributions" from Cyra in the matter and had to truthfully relay that. Now that I think of it, that phoenix played the biggest role in finally turning peril into safety last night. 

"So are we still in danger? The way you describe it makes me feel so apprehensive! Does the three days limit even mean anything anymore?" More than the inexplicable Fate Breaker title, Cyra was more concerned about safety issues. 

"Don't worry. Just now, after sensing the wind elemental aura from Nicola, I 'saw' her future again - this time all of you appeared within Holy Capital, safe and sound. It seems the danger has completely passed!" Quintina smiled and gave an answer to reassure everyone. 

"That's good then..." Cyra immediately breathed a sigh of relief, then seemed a little downcast for some reason. 

"Too bad my invented 'Deceiving the World' technique didn't get a chance to be used." 

"You have the nerve to bring that up! I wrongly believed you and wasted effort with that act, was that easy for me?" Nicola resentfully complained. She was still incredibly annoyed recalling that embarrassing charade from before. Now, looking back on it, it really was a dark history alright - thank goodness no one else witnessed it. 

"Umm... what's this 'Deceiving the World' technique?" Overhearing us mention it, Quintina was quite curious and couldn't help asking. 

"Oh, it was just a desperate idea we came up with earlier, but because we didn't know the prophecy's specific timing and location, it didn't achieve anything in the end..." I shared that anime-inspired brainwave with her. 

"How ingenious! I wouldn't have imagined there could be such methods for circumventing fate either! While my prophecy may not be able to predict precise timing and locations, astrologers would definitely be capable of it! This could be a way to change fate without needing a Fate Breaker at all!" Quintina looked extremely excited after hearing it, suddenly calling for her personal handmaid. 

"Aisha! Quickly help me put this into writing so I can notify Teacher and the others in Crescent City about it." 

"Crescent City huh..." Now that was our eventual destination. Exchanging a glance with Nicola, we had basically covered all our questions. Not wanting to continue bothering Quintina, we took our leave. 

"So I really am that Fate Breaker?" 

Once we exited the City Lord Manor, Cyra was still agonizing over her identity issue. 

"Yet I don't feel very amazing somehow. It still took that phoenix last night to save the day in the end." 

"You're already incredible. In general, it's quite difficult to change established fates. If not for you, Feliciana might be dead already, so you could say you performed an incredible deed this time!" Nicola comforted matter-of-factly. 

"But why would Cyra be the Fate Breaker?" 

I was still feeling somewhat puzzled. Other than being able to alter predestined fates, what else was so special about this Fate Breaker? From the sounds of it, they were extremely rare - the only exceptional traits Cyra had were being an angel and a transmigrator! 

Could transmigrators be Fate Breakers? But Nicola and I share the same transmigrator status too! Does that make us Fate Breakers as well? Somehow that doesn't seem quite right either. 

"Even Quintina doesn't know the reason, we shouldn't keep agonizing over it!" Nicola waved her hand dismissively. Looking up at the clear sunny skies overhead, she spread her wings and took off. 

"No time to delay, let's head directly for the Holy Capital!"

"We can finally leave now? These three days really felt endless! Never coming to this place again..." I certainly echoed the sentiment wholeheartedly. These past days had me pent up as hell! That was still mainly due to the psychological pressure from the death prophecy. Thank goodness the huge weight has now disappeared without a trace. No more need to worry. 

"And I don't ever want to ride a carriage again! Trying something new by taking a carriage, who knew it would kick up so much trouble! If only I knew flying was so much more convenient!" Cyra also sighed rather regretfully. She then looked towards Nicola.

"What about you then? Don't you have any special thoughts?" 

"Me? What thoughts could I have..." Upon hearing her words, Nicola pointed at herself. Her expression was somewhat strange as she pondered hard for a long while before answering: 

"But speaking of which, I really don't want to wear this adventurer outfit ever again in the future!"