Chapter 53: Cyrus, the Pope, Cysper

"...Are you happy playing tricks?" 

She really gave me a fright. I took back the angel figurine she threw at me and examined it carefully. Soon enough, I found those so-called circuits on it. The next steps were quite simple. Since the flow of light elements inside the body is a basic magic principle, this figurine was like someone demonstrating how magic works right in front of me. Except the light element path was extremely complex, no less intricate than the "Lost Paradise Shockwave" spell. 

As long as I had an example, I was quite skilled at copying! It didn't take long before I successfully cast this spell, making a distant large tree glow with an even brighter "light".

"Impressive! You learned it so quickly!" Cysper applauded from the side. After performing it successfully, I gained deeper insight into this magic. Depending on the caster's skill level, the area of effect seemed to grow larger, and light element attraction would increase too. The light sphere I just released covered over a hundred meters already! Although I couldn't rapid-fire it yet, I had truly mastered this spell. Judging from Cysper's casting ability, that was probably the minimum power level.

"You're amazing too! If not for you, I wouldn't have discovered this secret! Moreover, you can unleash such a high-level spell with just two wings, and your casting speed is no slower than mine!"

I praised her wholeheartedly, realizing I had misjudged her earlier. I felt so embarrassed. It turned out her magical talent surpassed mine - I had totally underestimated her! It's just a pity Cyra herself didn't seem gifted in this aspect.

"Actually about this...let's call it the angel figurine for now! I was puzzled too, but it just felt very familiar, and I instantly grasped the trick. That's why I said it had an affinity with me!" 

She still couldn't recall the figurine's name, Cysper replied shyly.

"As for casting, I've studied it extensively..."

Unfortunately, before she could finish, she suddenly lost balance and tumbled towards the ground.


Nicola swiftly stepped forward and caught her body.

"Did she just...disconnect?"

Seeing her closed eyes, I was utterly baffled. I couldn't find a better way to describe this situation than using gaming lingo.

"Huh...why am I here? Wasn't I just in the hotel?"

After Nicola patted her awake, it was the real Cyra, not Cysper anymore. She opened her eyes in shock, asking us while pointing at the glowing tree, thinking she had discovered a new species...

"Looks like this 'interrogation' was fruitless - we didn't get any useful information at all."

On the way back to the hotel, I could only comment ruefully. We worked so hard, yet still knew nothing about Cysper's origins.

As for Cyra, although she said she had a dream too, she fell back asleep in the dream because she felt sleepy...

Well, able to sleep within a dream - isn't she such a pig?

"You can't say that, there were still gains! At least you uncovered the secret of the angel figurine, and confirmed Cysper means us no harm. It wasn't a total waste!"

Nicola remained optimistic beside me, and she made fair points. Thanks to this opportunity, I did learn a powerful source magic spell. Thinking that way, I immediately cheered up.

"Look, your other persona picked up source magic in just two tries. As the original host, you better work harder to be worthy of this body!"

Thinking of this, I urged Cyra again. 

I had Cyra attempt source magic earlier too. Under my guidance, she could vaguely sense the flow of light elements, but had extreme difficulty circulating light elements along the pathways. After spending a long time with no results, we gave up.

"I just started learning, I need time to get familiar with it! Those complicated pathways, how could I memorize them all at once!"

Cyra argued stubbornly. In other words, don't expect progress anytime soon.

By the time we returned to the hotel with daybreak still some time away, we decided to rest more. Considering Cysper might appear again, Cyra didn't go back to her own room, bunking with us for the night instead.

Nothing happened overnight, and the room occupants didn't decrease when the sun rose...

"We should meet the Pope soon!" 

Cyra yawned and crawled out of bed. After all, she was the one who originally proposed this pilgrimage to the holy capital, with an audience with the Pope as a key event. Though many things happened along the way, she remained very interested in this.

"What do you think the Pope looks like? Since he's lived thousands of years, he can't be an old man, right?"

"Who knows? We'll find out when we get there!"

To be honest, I was quite curious too, but random guessing served no purpose. We could only wait until that moment arrived.

"Ready? Let's go!" 

Nicola came over from the next room, urging us. Our first stop was naturally St. Cenin Cathedral which we visited yesterday, though far away. Since we started early, a leisurely one to two hour stroll would suffice.

However, just as we reached the hotel entrance, we bumped into an acquaintance.

An extremely, even eerily, familiar person.

"Good thing I made it in time..."

This person walked straight into the hotel facing us, with that familiar slight smile.

"My friends, what a coincidence running into you all here!"


I thought I was seeing a ghost! The one greeting us as he entered was none other than the male version of Cyra I saw before traversing worlds! Though dressed casually, he looked exactly like the Cyrus from my memories before coming here.

"No way, Cyrus already became..."

Nicola was equally shocked, almost refusing to believe her eyes. She glanced at Cyra beside us again. If we hadn't spent so much time with Cyra confirming her identity, we might truly mistake this male Cyrus as our real high school classmate. 


As for Cyra, she was very surprised initially too. After all, seeing someone looking exactly like your former self would stun anyone. But she seemed to recover quickly, her face lighting up excitedly as she abruptly knelt down, tears flowing.

"My Lord! Have I finally found you?" 

"Huh? No way!"

Nicola and I froze dumbfounded at this scene. What was going on? Who was this "Cyrus", and why did Cyra react like that?

"! Welcome Cysper, sir! An honor to have you here!"

This "Cyrus'" appearance caused a commotion among the hotel staff, who rushed out from behind the counter beaming.

"Our humble apologies! We had no idea you were arriving, nothing is prepared! If only someone had notified us in advance..."


I looked at this "Cyrus" again in disbelief. Could he be...

"No matter, I came to discuss important matters with these ladies, so please arrange a room for our meeting!"

Cysper responded with a faint smile, instructing the staff politely. As soon as he finished speaking, two guards emerged from behind and went with the staff deeper into the hotel, likely to select and inspect a room.

"Welcome Lord Cysper, your presence graces our humble establishment, please come in!" 

Soon after, someone well-dressed who seemed to be the manager or owner also came running out eagerly.

Watching the hotel lobby descend into chaos, I basically understood this Cysper's other identity without needing to ask.

"Looks like we don't need to make a special trip anymore."

Nicola's voice sounded beside my ear as she gazed at the commotion, glancing at Cyra still kneeling on the floor before sighing.


"Who knew? The Pope of True Church actually goes incognito..." 

Inside the most luxurious suite of Arcania Hot Spring Hotel, I remarked jokingly first. The room now only had me, Nicola, Cyra and Cysper - no need for pleasantries. 

It was obvious the situation was far more complicated than we imagined! The personality irregularities Cyra experienced recently weren't from possession or a split personality disorder, but a soul swap - Cysper and Cyra had exchanged consciousness!