Chapter 70: Entering the Cave

"You mean Mike was only 3rd rank a year ago?"  

I was truly dumbfounded. What superhuman speed! For humans, strength growth is usually very slow, whether in magic or combat vocations - you have to start training the basics from a young age. For someone like Ron or Eleanora to reach 6th rank before even turning 20 makes them prodigies among prodigies. A country might see only around ten such cases per century.

""It's normal for battle qi cultivation to progress that rapidly...But I never expected to actually witness an awakened one here - it's truly an incredible rarity."" 

Yulanda pondered, not seeming too surprised, before explaining to us.

Awakening battle qi is indeed miraculous! Once awakened, one's strength invariably soars. Of course, depending on the awakened type, the growth rate varies. Mike's rapid progression is still quite rare for his age.

"He's mainly using battle qi to reinforce himself, hence the quick growth. But compared to those using it directly for combat, his battle prowess may be a bit weaker."

Cysper nodded in explanation. 

Battle qi is truly an amazing thing! Not limited to the forms depicted in earthly entertainment, it seems to have far broader applications in this world, able to accomplish almost anything!

Alas, it's hampered by the scarcity of those who awaken it. An awakened battle qi master is a strategic-level asset in any country, so research into it remains incomplete.  

Cysper and Yulanda enthusiastically discussed the topic at length. As complete novices, Cyra and I could barely follow, but still learned many fresh and useful things.

In summary, without awakening battle qi, even the most talented magic-users or warriors can only reach the mid-6th rank at best. Historically, the highest unawakened human rank is just grazing the 6th tier's threshold amidst much debate, let alone advancing to 7th rank or beyond.

As for Cysper, his existence exceeding the mid-6th tier is already an anomaly. But being wholly light-attuned, he cannot awaken battle qi, leaving him stuck around that level. Who knows how many more years it will take to reach the higher 6th rank tiers, truly personifying Elara's remark that "human peak strength relies wholly on battle qi."

"I can't wait any longer! It seems they've likely encountered some mishap inside, so we must proceed to the next plan!"

After another hour, Brennan grew restless and stood up.

"But if even the battle qi user Mike is stuck in there, wouldn't us going in be walking into the same trap?"

Cyra's bravery had utterly deflated. Recalling her boldness leaving Edenmere, the numerous brushes with danger had made her increasingly cautious.  

"We can't just abandon them in there!"

Cysper shook his head insistently. Great, we've now lost two more elite fighters. The original rescue has become a mission to also rescue them, leaving me quite vexed.  

But I understood his feelings. The two Star Glory knights were valuable True Church assets, especially Mike the battle qi user - as Pope, he couldn't abandon them.

Likewise, I wouldn't leave Adrian and Vivianne either. So despite the confirmed dangers ahead, the rescue had to proceed, but with enhanced safety measures.

It was strange, really. Ron and Mike were over 6th rank, considerably powerful. Even against formidable foes, for them to completely disappear without a trace seemed improbable.  

Take Mike for instance. 

With his inhuman physical abilities from battle qi, he could literally smash through and escape. For both to silently vanish was highly unlikely.

After analyzing it, we concluded they were likely still alive, probably just hopelessly lost inside the complex passages. But to me, that reasoning felt flawed. With Adrian's vast adventuring experience, how could he get so easily disoriented?

"Looks like I'll need to trouble you again..."

After pacing at the cave entrance, I made up my mind and apologetically asked Cyra.

"In this situation, just us few may not uncover what's really going on inside. So we need more outside help. The village down the mountain is too small - we must return to Jethrobaines for reinforcements! And you're the fastest, so I can only ask you."

As True Church's headquarters, even if the Adventurers' Guild lacked manpower, the Church would not ignore this, especially with Cysper insisting on entering.

While Cysper's body may start dissipating by Cyra's departure, I anticipate her swift return. Given the grave circumstances, we believe taking this risk is warranted.

"What about you, are you going in too?"

Cyra agreed readily but looked at me doubtfully.

"Exactly! Cysper going alone is too risky, so I'll join him to support each other."  

I nodded matter-of-factly. At this critical juncture, Cysper had abandoned his earlier notion of solo exploration. But just waiting around for reinforcements would seriously delay matters - a return trip alone would take over three days!

So before help arrived, Cysper and I might as well venture inside again to investigate.

"Wait! If Cyra returns to Jethrobaines, and you two enter the cave, what if something happens to you too? Won't it just be us two left?"

Brennan was dumbfounded by our arrangement. As barely 5th rank fighters, being left with a formerly rampaging phoenix for extended periods, even in slumber, would be immensely stressful.  

Now not even the angelic Cyra could "keep face" for them - the psychological burden was evident.

"Idiot, if anything seems off you can just flee!"

Cyra sighed, patting Brennan's shoulder in exasperation before whispering something in his ear, glancing between Cysper, me and the sleeping phoenix mysteriously.

"What are you two doing?"  

Brennan's face immediately reddened as he nodded furiously, as if Cyra had struck a nerve, piquing my curiosity.

"Nothing, just some advice you wouldn't understand!"

Cyra waved me off before spreading her wings to fly towards the Holy City for reinforcements.

"Be careful, Edenmere likely can't be counted on for a while, so don't overdo it!"


Watching her disappear into the distance, I couldn't help clicking my tongue. Since the tight-lipped Brennan refused to explain, I instructed him instead.

"Then let's tie a rope around me first!"

With the painful lessons from the two missing guards, as inconvenient as this precaution was, it became necessary to prioritize safety.

Of course, the rope's length only supported a few hundred meters. If exceeding that, other arrangements were needed. As for who it bound to, Cysper generously deferred to me.

"If we run into any trouble, give three sharp tugs as a warning signal. Then you all outside can quickly pull me out! Likewise, if anything happens out here, use the same method to alert us to retreat!"

Before entering, Cysper laid out the detailed plan.

"Well I have wings, so I can evacuate quickly. Tying the rope to you is probably more practical..."

I said sheepishly. With only one rope, if some unforeseeable incident trapped us inside, it seemed only I would get rescued while he remained behind.

"No problem, the situation inside is unpredictable. What if the space gets too confined for your wings to work?"

But Cysper shook his head, politely rejecting my offer to swap.

"Besides, I could never explain it to the Lord if something befell an angel because of me."

How vastly different he was from the former Cyrus despite the same face...

The second exploratory mission began!

This cave's front section proved quite spacious at least.  

Just past the entrance tunnel opened into an expansive cavern. We weren't on the bottom, but atop a sheer cliff midway up. Below was a deep, eerie blue pool, while the ceiling's stalactites weren't very long, indicating a relatively recent formation time.