Chapter 81 - The Hunt

I didn't say it out, but there was actually another way! That was to go find Liana, the progenitor angel of Wind, who was Nicola's past life incarnation. Surely she would know how to send us back. But the problem was, we didn't know where to find her.

After all, we still haven't even confirmed if we are truly in the past 10,000 years ago. Everything is just speculation based on the current information. We haven't even ventured far from that village. Who knows what we might find - it could be just in another continent, similar to when we got lost in the Dark Continent.

"Don't panic! How about we go check somewhere else?" said Ron as he kept digging up the ground, but still couldn't find any cave. He still hadn't given up.

"Did your foresight also predict this situation happening?" I couldn't help but say, glancing accusingly at Adrian, who was just sitting silently on a rock. It seemed like he had known from the start that our attempt to find an exit would be futile.

Adrian let out a sigh and looked up at the sky. The sky had grown much dimmer, but due to the influence of the light element, it hadn't fully turned to night like in Edenmere - as long as there was enough light, it would remain bright.

"Look! What's that?" Vivianne suddenly exclaimed, pointing towards the clouds. There, a magnificent palace had appeared out of nowhere, its golden glow shimmering in the sky.

How can there be a palace in the sky? I just couldn't believe it. Do they think this magical world is free from Newton's laws?

"It looks like there's a mountain underneath, and the palace is built on top of it," said Ron after observing closely. Indeed, the shape of the mountain was somewhat obscured by the clouds and light.

Phew... at least this world hasn't completely defied the laws of physics.

"But the construction was so fast, appearing just like that in an instant?" Vivianne commented, still skeptical. We all clearly remembered that the palace hadn't existed before the angelic Apostles showed up.

But I didn't think so. As I observed carefully, I could see many black dots like mosquitoes swarming around the palace. Of course, from this distance their size looked small, but they were surely those Apostles we had encountered before.

Based on this, the identity of the palace's owner was obvious - there was no one else but Beluto, the God of Light, who could have done this.

"I think we should leave this place quickly," Ron said anxiously, seeing the growing number of black dots heading towards the village we were in. "They'll find us soon."

Indeed, the distance between us and the village wasn't that far. With so many Apostles, it was only a matter of time before they found us.

"But where can we go?" Vivianne asked.

This small forest was the only place that could hide us. Outside of it, there were just bare plains and hills. If only we had found that cave entrance earlier, we wouldn't be in this predicament. But now it's useless.

Vivianne and Ron even started arguing.

"We should retreat in the opposite direction of the palace. Earlier, Feliciana saw the shadow of a town over there, maybe there are some survivors!" Vivianne suggested.

She thought staying in this small forest was too risky, the Apostles could find them anytime.

"But there might just be ruins, no human could have survived the light pollution!" Ron refuted.

According to him, it would be wiser to stay here, at least the trees could hide them from the Apostles' sight.

Honestly, I thought they both had a point. Even in this forest, the chance of being discovered was still quite high, but the problem was they couldn't agree, and precious time was slipping away.

"There's no time left!" Adrian cut off their argument. It turned out the swarm of Apostles had already reached the village, and some were now heading towards us.

"Quickly, scatter and hide yourselves! Otherwise you'll be surrounded," he warned.

In the end, we had to follow Ron's suggestion. Adrian grabbed my hand and dashed deeper into the forest.

"I told you we should have run earlier, this is your fault!" Vivianne grumbled as she went in a different direction.

Only Ron and Judith were left, standing there dumbfounded.

As Adrian dragged me running through the forest, I felt something odd. 

"They won't be able to hide, the Apostles will search the entire forest. At this rate, everyone will be captured, or be killed"

What? Just a moment ago the situation seemed quite good, but now it's suddenly turned into a desperate survival. In my opinion, those Apostles are unlikely to be certain that we are in this forest - they are probably just observing from above or passing by, the chance of them thoroughly searching the entire area is not that high.

However, Adrian doesn't think the same way. He led me to a pond at the back of the forest and took out a pipe, ordering me:

"Jump in!"


The purpose of that pipe is obvious. But looking at this murky pond with bubbles on the surface, he wants me to hide underneath? Is he serious?


He urged me anxiously, even pushing me forcefully. But fortunately my physique is not that weak, so I didn't get pushed in.

"Wait, aren't you going to jump in with me?"

I was still a bit hesitant. I didn't know the depth of the pond, and although it wasn't very large, the fact that Adrian only brought out a single pipe made me feel like he might have another way out planned. If that was the case, I'd rather we exchange.

At that moment, Judith's voice suddenly came from behind, and we saw her running towards us frantically, chased by a flying Apostle wielding a long sword.

It was clear Adrian was right - she had been discovered, though I didn't expect it to happen this quickly!

"That idiot, she's dragged us into this!"

There was no point in jumping into the pond with the Apostle right there. Adrian pulled me and we had to keep running, but more Apostles soon descended in front of us, blocking our path.

"Traitor, this time you won't escape!" one of the Apostles scolded me, then ordered the other three to start praying.

Oh no, that deadly light beam again. I might be able to avoid it, but Adrian couldn't. We had no choice but to run in another direction.

But the outcome was beyond expectation - the light beam didn't attack, but instead enveloped my body! Suddenly I found myself unable to move, as if a great force was pulling me upwards.

"Rebels like you will get what you deserve! The Saint Angel is interested in you, so consider yourself fortunate that your life is being spared for now," the Apostle said, waving his hand.

From afar, Judith's scream echoed as she was slashed by the sword.

"Adrian!" I cried desperately. I was hoping he could defeat those three Apostles and save me. But...

Adrian instead took out his bow and arrow, aiming directly at me!

"Hey, I'm on your side!" I protested. Did he think there was a rope pulling me? But his eyes clearly saw the magical effect. Unable to move, the only thing I could do was keep calling out to try to stop him.

Yet Adrian ignored my call and firmly released the arrow.

I felt a sharp pain, and...


I watched as my body was blown to pieces, head and limbs separated... Is this... the end for me?