Chapter 83 - Astonishing Similarities in History

According to Judith's description, she suspects Adrian has the ability to foresee the future. This is not just idle chatter - I've witnessed it with my own eyes. Although one could try to explain this prescience through the application of spiritual energy, it would be a bit of a stretch.

If there is indeed a time reset along with preserved memories, then everything can be explained!

I didn't understand before why he suddenly turned against me and shot an arrow when I was captured, but now I think I get it - perhaps Adrian knew about the reset, so that's why he did it. After all, everything can be redone, which is far better than the uncertain fate that awaited me.

The key is, why didn't he say anything earlier?

I feel a bit troubled. Even though I understand his actions, I'm still apprehensive. It's too risky - what if I hadn't been reset, and just straight-up died?

But it's precisely Adrian's suspicious behavior that made me realize I must be caught in a time loop.

Of course, since this is the first time it's happening, I can't fully confirm it, but it's most likely the case. Such themes are quite common on Earth too, just like the movie "Edge of Tomorrow" - it's basically the same kind of setup as ours.

Too bad, I still can't figure out why this is happening. Traveling 10,000 years into the past, and also a time loop? What a coincidence!

Unfortunately, I don't have much time to dwell on this, as the issue with Vivianne hasn't been fully resolved yet!

"Time reset? Nonsense, do you take me for a fool?" 

Since I didn't engage in combat with Mike this time, Vivianne's trust in me has taken a big hit. She insists I'm deliberately deceiving her, as it's simply unthinkable for an angel to be involved with the Star Glory Knights, an order directly under the Pope.

After all, I haven't actually flown in front of her yet, and she seems to doubt whether I'm even a real angel, let alone Feliciana.

"Is she really our rescue target? She doesn't seem too bright," Ron said impatiently, spitting out the grass blade in his mouth and getting ready to act.

"What a hassle, let's just knock her out and bring her back! Cysper has been waiting for us for a long time!"

"No! Let me try one more time!"

I quickly stopped Ron's reckless actions, as there's no Cysper waiting for us - they don't know that going back is no longer an option.

Maybe I should try flying to convince her I'm the real angel?

But just then, a pivotal scene replayed.

Blinding light swarmed in from the distance, enveloping the entire sky in an instant. Several Angelic Apostles came to hover above the village, just as before.

"From now on, you all must submit to the glory of my Lord and accept His rule, or face merciless suppression!"


Vivianne glanced oddly at the two Star Glory Knights, then shifted her gaze to me.

Uh-oh, I thought with dread. Last time, Vivianne only expressed some suspicion towards me due to her relative trust, but this time it's different.

"So you're all up to something! I don't know why the angels has suddenly gotten mixed up with the True Church, but I won't let you succeed."

With that, Vivianne suddenly feinted an attack and ran away, right under our noses!

"Should we chase her?" 

Seeing her disappear around the corner, Ron looked at me bewilderedly, his face clearly conflicted. The Apostles' proclamation had made him very uncomfortable, as he saw it as a usurpation of Yawee's name.


My mind was in a mess. Wasn't the historical inertia supposed to hold? How did this unexpected event happen? I was torn between chasing or not.

"If I may ask, who is this 'Lord' you mentioned..."

Before I could decide, the ever-loyal Mike couldn't resist cutting in.

"Oh no, you're just handing yourself over!"

I almost forgot about him! Quickly, I covered his mouth to shut him up.

But it was too late - Mike's loud voice caught the attention of the Apostles, who turned towards us.

Seeing no other choice, I fled on my own, hiding in the shadows of the wall corner.

"What else do you not understand about my Lord's glory?" the four-winged Apostle asked, spotting the two Star Glory Knights still standing in the square.

"Huh? Why are you afraid? They're angels too, and only have four wings!"

Seeing my cowardly behavior, Ron was puzzled. He should be just as curious about the angels' declaration, but I, the six-winged angel, look even worse by directly running away.

"Don't expose me, just tell them you'll submit, that you understand everything, okay?" 

I really don't want to have my hands cut off again, it hurts terribly! Although I can't see from my hiding spot, I can clearly sense the Apostles slowly approaching.

But soon, the four-winged Apostle's voice came from above.

"I feel the presence of a comrade down there. And that human, I can sense a large amount of light element from you, but your physical state is different from normal humans - why is that?"

Clearly, she was referring to me. Her words made me suddenly realize - the Apostles can detect my presence through the light element, as fellow light-based beings. Even light mages can't escape their senses.

The stronger one's abilities, the keener their elemental perception. Elara's, with her ten wings, would be far superior to mine. And if it's the God of Light Beluto...

No wonder hiding in the small forest outside the village won't work. Unless I completely avoid their notice, there's no escaping the God of Light's surveillance in this world saturated with light element.

Thinking about this, why bother hiding? I might as well just come out.

"Who are you? I've never seen you before," the four-winged Apostle asked, puzzled by the six wings on my back.

"Could you also be an Apostle summoned by Saint Angel? But why do you have six pairs of wings like her?"

Giving an awkward smile, I had no choice but to shamelessly lie.

"I'm actually a newly created Apostle, but don't worry! I'm utterly loyal and will always support the Lord!"

"This 'Saint Angel' is..." 

Although finding my attitude strange, Mike picked up on some irregularities in the dialogue and quickly asked.

"Of course it's Lady Cyra! She is the Lord's designated consort, His sole representative on this world, forever loyal to Him. And we are servants assisting her in easing His burdens."

A rather formulaic response. But the four-winged Apostle kept glancing towards me, clearly suspicious of my identity.


The two Star Glory Knights were immediately excited, as this was not the Cyra who traveled with us, but the Saint Angel!

"May I ask the Lord's name? And when did you join the True Church?"

"Insolent! Have you not even heard of the great God of Light, Beluto? How dare you compare us to that heretical organization, the True Church!" 

Speechless, we ended up back where we started, still unable to avoid a confrontation.

Seeing the situation, I could only resign myself to reality.

After finding out their "Lord" was not Yawee, Mike inevitably clashed with the Apostles again, and I couldn't stop him.

And unsurprisingly, I'm about to become a traitor once more.

I'm starting to regret claiming to be a newly created Apostle. If I had said I'm Cyra's manifestation, would they have believed me? Or would they just drag me straight to Beluto's bed?

...Well, that's just my wild imagination.

But even accepting the inevitable battle, I absolutely won't let the "hand-cutting" scene happen again.

As Mike jumped into the air to engage the two-winged Apostles, I simultaneously drew my sword. I can't let that light beam attack be unleashed! Mike's powerful sixth-tier abilities will make evading the pursuit much easier with me.

"So you're one of them! You've betrayed the Lord!" 

Able to sense my charge, the four-winged Apostle stopped her prayer and opened her eyes, staring at me impassively.

"Can you dodge this again?"

I let out a loud shout and swung my sword down forcefully. She was unarmed, and even if she tried to pull a weapon, it would be too late. Besides, I don't think she has a storage ring, that's an invention of the future.

Unfortunately, I failed again...

"Cheating! Do you think you're the Terminator?"

Unbelievable! The four-winged Apostle's right hand transformed into a long sword, stabbing through my abdomen before I could react - I was impaled and the pain twisted my face.

"Hmph, trash!" 

With a casual flick of her arm, I was sent plummeting from the sky to the ground.

Damn it, the Apostles can freely transform their bodies? How are we supposed to fight them then?

Angels don't have such divine privileges - the God of Light is truly overpowered!

However, the comforting black shadow I had been anticipating appeared, shooting up from the building below just as I hit the ground and accurately piercing the four-winged Apostle's back.

History really does have astonishing similarities.